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About the Holding Table

The admissions holding table is used to prevent duplicate records for the same individual. Upon submission of an admissions portal form (inquiry or application), the system checks several match criteria to see if the person is already in the system. The person may be in the database from another module such as Faculty or Alumni and not just from the admissions module itself.


Merging an ISIR inquiry with an application will override the applicant's admission status and set the individual back to inquiry status. Instead, use the "Link ISIR and SSN" action to connect and ISIR to a previously created inquiry/applicant without updating admissions data.  "Insert" action functionality on an ISIR inquiry duplicate record still functions to create a new inquiry.


The rules defining a match can be adjusted using custom control DUPERULES, Sequence 1, Parameters 1-3.

Default Duplicate Match (new record added to the holding table for manual review)

Records match on:

SSN matches OR
First And Last Name matches OR
First Name And First 14 positions of Home Street 1 Matches OR
Last Name And First 14 positions of Home Street 1 Matches OR
First Name And DOB Matches OR
Last Name And DOB Matches OR
Cell Phone Matches OR
Email matches

Default Super Match (new record automatically merged)

Records match on

First name, last name and email OR
First name, last name & DOB OR
First name, last name & Cell Phone

Applicant Super Match

If a super match is found and the person matched from the database and there is not already an applicant record in the database, then the application will check if the individual already has an application with the same application type. If so, the system will reject the application and the applicant will receive an error message that they have already applied. The text of this message can be customized in Web Adjustable Text Maintenance under APP_DUPE_MSG.

If the application type is different, a new application will be created and any existing applications archived as read only under Adm. History.

Working Duplicates

When a potential duplicate is held for review, a user can decide whether to merge the record with an existing record or create a new record.

Widget Connector

Access the Holding Table

  1. Navigate to Admissions > Holding Table
    Or click the Duplicate Checks tile on Admissions Dashboard

  2. A list of potential duplicates appears. The top row of each duplicate cohort shows the new, incoming record information. Below shows existing record(s) in the system with similar information.

  3. Click Show Details (not Show Details and Merge) to show the form that contains a potential duplicate record


The process for merging duplicates differs depending on if the incoming record is an inquiry or an applicant.


Merge a New Inquiry with Existing Individual, Archive Existing Inquiry and Create New Inquiry

A merger using this method archives the existing inquiry and creates a new inquiry. In general, Campus Cafe will preserve any original biographical information (name, birth date, gender etc.) and prior school data (high school, high school graduation year, high school GPA, etc.) unless it is explicitly entered in the most recent inquiry. At that point, institutions can decide whether to retain the original information or overwrite it with some or all of the new information.

  1. Next to the individual to merge, click Show Details 

  2. The form as completed will display. You may wish to compare this data with the profile of the potential duplicate record to confirm the records belong to the same individual.

  3. Return to the Holding Table

  4. Click Show Details and Merge
    Note: If the form contains a field(s) left blank by the inquirer, the data from the suspected duplicate record already in the system will show in that field(s)

  5. At the end of the form, click Submit
    Note: The individual's admissions progress status will change to I - Inquiry and the previous inquiry will be archived (Person Selected > Inq History)

Merge a New Inquiry with Existing Individual and Preserve Existing Inquiry and Biographical Information

A merger using this method discards the new inquiry. Only activities triggered from the new inquiry will be merged into the existing record. These activities are configured on the admissions portal.

  1. Next to the individual to merge, click Create Tracking. Clicking "Create Tracking" will also delete the new Application.

Insert a New Inquiry as a New Individual

  1. Next to the individual to merge, click  either Insert with Parent or Insert without Parent
    If the inquirer has parents that match existing information in the system, and Insert with Parent is chosen, a new record for the individual identified as the parent will be created. Choosing Insert Without Parent will not create a new record for the parent.

Delete an Inquiry

  1. If the inquiry is unnecessary, it can be deleted by clicking Delete

Merge a New Application with Existing Individual

  1. Next to the individual to merge, check the box under the Merge column
    If the applicant has parents that match existing information in the system, Campus Cafe will prompt whether to Insert with Parent thereby creating a new record for the individual identified as the parent or insert without parent, which will not create a new record for parent

  2. Click Submit
    Note: Any previous application will be archived (Person Selected > Adm. History)

Insert a New Application as a New Individual

  1. Next to the individual to insert as a new record, check the box under the Insert column
    If the applicant has parents that match existing information in the system, Campus Cafe will prompt whether to Insert with Parent thereby creating a new record for the individual identified as the parent. Alternatively, choose Insert Without Parent, which will not create a new record for parent

  2. Click Submit

Insert a New Application as a New Individual and Create Parent/Emergency Relationship with Existing Individual

If an incoming new application for a new individual lands in the holding table because it finds a matching individual in the parent/emergency fields from the application; to insert the application as new individual
and link the existing parent/emergency contact to the new student you would select "insert" on both the student application and "insert" on the contact row before clicking submit.


Delete an Application 

  1. If the application is unnecessary, it can be deleted by clicking Delete