Go to Filters > Students.
Select filters and click Submit.
After the results are shown, click Column Visibility.
Class Level: The numerical code for the level (e.g. 1)
Class Level Decoded: The text describing the level (e.g. Freshman)
Assumed Class Level: The numerical code for the level (e.g. 2)
Assumed Class Level Decoded: The text describing the level (e.g. Sophomore)
Update Class Levels Manually in a Batch from Student Finder
Permission #1281
Clicking this will allow you to update class levels and assumed class levels for selected records in the student finder results:
Results of the process will be displayed below the Submit button. Session row must exist for class level to be updated. This process will not create a session row. Session Semester Class Level and Session Semester Assumed Class Level values must be paired with Student Codes Class Level and Student Codes Assumed Class Level, respectively, to function.