Campus Cafe provides a FISAP report to assist institutions with reporting Federal Work Study and FSEOG programming to the Government. Currently this report is setup to support Credit Hour programs as far as enrollment numbers are concerned, but Clock Hour instructions still may find the report helpful with the other report fields that are needed to complete the report.
This report can be found by navigating to the base analytic SSRS reports → Financial Aid Folder → FISAP From Student Finder List
This report gives the user summary data that can be used with the annual FISAP Reporting process.
Step 1. Use student finder to query a list of students needing to be reporting on the FISAP,
Please review the video on the Student Finder documentation page if needing instructions on how to pull a list of enrolled students.
the student finders query should include all enrolled students in a degree seeking program for the July 1st to June 30th of the reporting period reporting period.
Student lists can be pulled in a number of ways; some example filters to use separately or in conjunction with each other could be:
Single Semester (A user can select multiple single semesters to evaluate at the same time, e.g. Select
Excluding the Summary level 99 with “blank”
Single semester Degree Levels to Include/exclude
Single Semester Credits taken to make sure you’re only including enrollments with at least 1 credit hour.
Other Fields that may be helpful to pull in a list of eligible students.
Enrolled in Sem
Degree Major
Degree Level
Session Row Range is within the time period being evaluated
Enrollment Date Range filters
Step 2. Once the user has verified the list in the student finder are eligible to be included in the FISAP report then click the "Export ID's To Reports" from the Actions list. Documentation Link: Export IDs to Reports
Step 3. Use the parameters at the top of the page input your Data Base Code, Your personal User ID, so your specific student finder list is pulled into this report.
Step 4. Select the ISIR Award Year (2024 for the 23-24 Year), Billing Semester lower and upper range for the associated Tuition and Fees for calculation.
Step 5. Click View Report and review report.
Step 6. Check for Uncredentialed Program students issues to see if a student should be counted as a degree seeking student.
Navigate to the 2nd or 3rd page to see the raw student data to verify if all students listed as “Uncredentialed” are in-fact a non-degree seeking student.
Students will be reported as uncredentialed if the student is enrolled in a program that is:
Not marked with “Degree Seeking” in the major maintenance
Missing a degree start date
Missing a major
or you are incorrectly pulling in students that should not be included in the report.
Per FISAP instructions, if these students are taking at least one undergraduate or graduate course that is not deemed an “audit” or “highschool concurrent”, they are to be included in both the Enrollment Numbers and the billed tuition/fees section.
You will need to review each student that is marked with an uncredentialed program and manually include them in the Undergraduate or Graduate Enrollment headcounts.
These students are not reported in the enrollment number sections
Assumptions and Notes:
The report assumes that associated Tuition and Fees are properly marked with the "T-Tuition" 1098-T Report Code flag for tax reporting under the Billing Transaction Codes Maintenance.
Tuition and Fee transactions codes that are not marked with the 1098-T tuition flag will not be calculated.