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Business area


Business need

Find all currently enrolled students and return information such as student demographics, credits and GPA.

Questions to consider

  • Does “current” mean as of today or a future semester?

  • Does “enrolled” mean registered in a class or just active?

Permissions to consider

  • Do you have access to all students?

Delivered finder saved filter


This filter updates overnight or when you launch the GPA processor.


  1. Go to Filters > Students.

  2. In All Users select ZCC Enrolled Students.

  3. Click Filters.

  4. Next to Single Semester click the three horizontal lines, select a semester and click Apply.

  5. In the first Single Semester Credits Taken enter the minimum number of credits a student must be enrolled in. Entering 0 means students in only zero-credit courses will be returned.

  6. In the second Single Semester Credits Taken enter the maximum number of credits a student can be enrolled in. If you want all students, you can enter a high number like 9999.


  7. Click Submit.

Other filter fields to consider

You can further narrow your results by selecting Add Fields and selecting a field. Consider adding these fields if you need to further constrain your results.

  • Degree majors to narrow the results to students enrolled in certain major(s).

  • Class level to narrow the results to students only at a certain class standing such as freshman or sophomore.

Columns to consider

You can show additional information alongside the results. Click Column Visibility to select additional fields.

  • Single Sem Credits Taken shows the total number of credits the student attempted this semester.

  • Single Sem Credits Earned shows the total number of credits the student passed this semester.

  • Single Sem GPA shows the student’s semester GPA.

  • Degree Major shows the student’s first major.

  • Gender, Home State, Racial Background Decoded to show demographic information.

Base reports

While the filter will show enrolled students, it shows their current / most recent major. If you need enrolled students and their major at a specific time, use this base report.
