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Find all people who have expressed interest in attending your institution but not yet applied. You may wish to gauge interest in certain academic programs or sites, or understand where your prospects are coming from.


  • Do you want to see all inquirers or filter on

    • Admissions site

    • Academic program

  • Do you have full Permissions access to all inquirers?

Delivered finder saved filter

Use this as a starting point. You can add fields to further narrow inquirers returned.


  1. Go to Filters > Prospects.

  2. In All Users select ZCC Inquirers Last Month.

  3. Click Filters.

  4. By default, the filter shows inquiries submitted within the last month. You may adjust the Inq Date range.

  5. By default, the filter shows inquiries with the progress codes of inquired (I) and lead (L). Depending on your business need, you may need to include other codes. Next to Progress Code click the three horizontal lines, select the codes and click Apply.

  6. Next to Adm Ent Sem click the three horizontal lines, select the semester the applicants applied to and click Apply.

  7. Click Submit.

Other filter fields to consider

You can further narrow your results by selecting Add Fields and selecting a field. Consider adding these fields if you need to further constrain your results.

  • Adm Ent Sem to narrow the results to only those inquirers inserted in attending a specific semester.

  • Admissions Site to narrow the results to only those inquirers interested in a specific site. Your sites may be physical such as different campuses or program-based such as a day program and a night program.

  • Counselor Code to narrow the results to only those inquirers assigned to a specific admissions counselor(s).

Columns to consider

You can show additional information alongside the results. Click Column Visibility to select additional fields.

  • Inq Date shows the date the person inquired.

  • Inq Majors shows the academic programs to which the person expressed interest.

  • Adm Ent Sem to narrow the results to only those inquirers inserted in attending a specific semester.

  • Progress Code shows where they are in the admission process. Inquired, applied, accepted, rejected, deposited, etc.

Base reports

Summary by stage/program

While the filter will display a list of results and associated information like the inquirer’s demographics, this delivered base report will provide this information as well as a summary of the number of inquirers by admissions stage and academic program.

  1. Faculty/Staff > Base Reports > Admissions > Admissions Inquiry Applicant Listing.

Inquiries with activities

You can use a base report to find inquiries and all their associated activities. For example, you may automatically assign an activity to remind the admissions counselor to call the prospect. This report shows the prospect along with the phone call reminder activity.


  1. Faculty/Staff > Base Reports > Admissions > Admissions Inquiry Applicant Listing with Activities.

Inquiries with leadUrl Field (UTM)

If you gather inquires from outside sources and use the Campus Cafe OpenAPI to bring them into Campus Cafe, you can use a base report to see the leadUrl Field (UTM). This will help you understand what websites your inquiries are engaging with.
