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Understanding and


interpreting the SAS


reconciliation review output

  1. The output from the SAS review will provide student information and identify the following fields: COD Award ID, Award Code, Award Year, Disbursement Sequence number, Disbursement Number, Campus Cafe Amount, COD Amount, and an Error Message as applicable.

    1. Rows that match will remain white with black text. There is also a ‘Match' column that will have a green check box if the information in the SAS matches what is in Campus Cafe so that you can easily identify matched/mismatched information when printed or exported.

    2. Rows that are mismatched will be yellow with red text on the screen and will not have the ‘Match’ column populated with a check box. These are the items that will need further review to meet Department of Education SAS Reconciliation guidelines.

  2. If there is a mismatch between what is in the report and what is on the SAS, you will also see one of the error messages outlined below.

Error Message on SAS Report

Additional Explanation of Error

Campus Cafe Amount differs from COD Amount

Disbursement amount in SAS file is different from the amount in the Campus Cafe database.

Unable to find disb history with matching COD Disb Seq#

Found matching award, but unable to find a matching disbursement sequence number for award.

No matching student found for SSN

Based on the SSN in the SAS file, we could not find a matching student in Campus Cafe.

No matching award found

Based on the information in the file (either the COD Award ID or the PELL SSN/award year/etc), no matching awards could be found.

Multiple matching awards found

Based on the information in the file (either the COD Award ID or the PELL SSN/award year/etc), multiple matching awards could be found.

No disbursement found for COD Disb# Disb#

Matching award found, but unable to find a disbursement with a matching COD Disbursement #.

Matching disbursement has no COD Disb Seq#Seq#

Matching award and disbursement found, but the disbursement has no COD Disb Seq Sequence # specified.

  1. Once the issues are identified through the Reconciliation tool in Campus Cafe, you can research mismatched items to determine where the discrepancy lies and adjust either COD information or Campus Cafe data so that information matches in both locations, if needed.
