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About Application Fee


Table of Contents

About application fee

If you use the Campus Cafe admissions application and require applicants to pay to apply, you can configure the collection of a fee collected when applicants apply. Because the fee is collected before the individual is a student, this fee isn’t applied to a student ledger or future tuition bill. Since the fee is not isn’t connected to a student account, it is not isn’t processed through cash batch. The fee should be reconciled through the platform that collected the payment.

If you need an accepted applicant to place an admissions/enrollment deposit to signal their intention to attend, set up an enrollment (tuition) deposit instead of an application fee.


To collect an application fee, you must contract with a third-party payment solution or PayPal and configure Campus Cafe.


Associate Deposits with Transaction Codes


Required permissions




Student Financials


Create transaction codes

System Admin


Associate transaction code with admissions site



Set application fee amount

System Admin


Configure applicant permission group to pay fee

System Admin


Configure text shown on application screen

Fee transaction code

A collected application fee must be associated with a Campus Cafe transaction code. Each admission site may have a different transaction code associated with its depositfee.

Transaction Code Configuration


Create transaction code

  1. Go to Financials > Transaction Codes.

  2. In the Code to Add box enter a brief name for the transaction code (e.g. APPFEE). For example, APPFEE.

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  3. Click Add.

  4. Complete Create the fields code in keeping with your institution's business practices. Refer to the transaction code
    documentation for information about each field.

    • Campus Cafe recommends for application fees setting a General Ledger (GL) account as well as a preset distribution. The Code CC-GL-FUND account will be used for the cash account associated with the application fee payment (regardless of the Override CC-GL as Cash Account Flag). The preset distribution is used to specify the revenue account associated with the application fee. If a preset distribution in not set up, the application fee will be applied to Accounts Receivable.

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  5. Click Save

Configure Transaction Code to Use For Each Application Fee

Each application fee can be associated with the same or different transaction codes. This allows the fees to roll up to the correct accounts for reconciliation purposes. 

  1. Navigate toe Admin > Custom Control

  2. Locate ProgramID WEBPAYMENT Sequence #2

  3. Click the pencil next to WEBPAYMENT Sequence #2  Parameter 1

  4. The Parameter Value 2 box .

Associate transaction code with admissions site

You must associate each admissions site with a transaction code, even if you only have one admissions site. This allows you to “roll up” fees from multiple admissions sites into one account, keep them distinct or some combination thereof.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter WEBPAYMENT.

  3. Next to WEBPAYMENT Seq Num 2 click the pencil.

  4. Parameter Value 2 stores the admissions site and transaction code for fees paid by credit card. The convention is Enter the admissions site number followed by a - dash followed by the transaction code. Separate multiple site/transaction codes with a comma.
    For example, if admissions site 1 uses the transaction code APPFEE and admissions site 2 uses the transaction code GRADAPP, enter the below:

  5. The parameter Parameter Value 3 box stores the admissions site and transaction code for fees paid by ACH or ECHECK. The convention is electronic check. Enter the admissions site number followed by a - dash followed by the transaction code. Separate multiple site/transaction codes with a comma.

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    For example, if admissions site 1 uses the transaction code APPFEE and admissions site 2 uses the transaction code GRADAPP, enter 1-APPFEE,2-GRADAPP

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  6. Click Save

Set Application Fee or Deposit Amount

  1. Navigate .

Set application fee amount

Each application can have a different fee. For example, you may charge one rate for undergraduate applications and a different rate for graduate applications.

  1. Go to Admissions > Portal Configuration.

  2. Next to the application for which to apply the fee or deposit click the pencil.

  3. Under the Amount Charged section enter the App (Application) Amount, the Deposit Amount and the Housing Deposit AmountAmount.

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  4. Click Save.



applicants to


pay the


application fee

The permission group associated with applicants (the applicant group by default) must have permission to permission number 874 in order to view the application fee payment function.


The " Pay App Fee " or the " Deposit " buttons will not won’t appear unless an amount is input set on the Portal Application Configuration page.

Configure Text on Application Fee Page


screen. See instructions in above section.

  1. Go to Admin > Permissions.

  2. In the leftmost column, click the permission group that you use for applicants. For example, Applicant.

  3. In the far right column, click Admissions.

  4. With the module still selected, click Edit Group Permissions.

  5. Ensure that permission 874 doesn’t appear in the rightmost box of restricted/forbidden permissions.

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Configure text shown on application fee screen

You may configure the text that appears on the application fee pagescreen. For example, an institution you may wish to provide directions for an alternative method of payment if the applicant does not wish to use a credit card.

  1. Navigate Go to Admin > Adjustable TextLocate the PAYMENTS.

  2. In Search enter PAYMENTS_APP_FEE_CLOB    .

  3. Click the pencil icon.

  4. In Value (the large larger box) enter the text to appear on the payment page.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Refresh the cache by navigating Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.