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student financial aid transactions

Student financial aid transactions page displays financial aid awards associated with an individual student. To apply an award manually refer to the Manually Award Individual Award documentation.

Financial Aid Transaction Awards are the umbrella that individual disbursements of aid are held in. One award can have one or many disbursements for one or multiple terms.



Access Student Financial Aid Transactions 


Navigate to a student


Required permissions




System Admin


Configure Campus Cafe to show awards only associated with the current aid year by default



View or change financial aid transactions

Set current year

You can tell Campus Cafe the default financial aid transactions to show. You can either have Campus Cafe show all transactions or show only transactions associated with the current year set on Financial Aid Control. This setting applies to all users.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter FA_FINAID.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 3 to show all transactions by default enter Y. To show only transactions associated with the current year enter N.

  5. Click Save.

See student financial aid transactions 

  1. Go to a student’s profile.

  2. Go to Menu > Person Selected > F/A Filter on Transactions.

  3. Optionally select a financial aid year in Award Year

    Using MSPARM FA_FINAID 1-3 = “N” You can default the filter to the “Current Year” set under the Financial Aid ControlFinancial Aid Control


  4. You can adjust individual awards.

    • Edit: 


    • Brings you to the award’s detail where you can change the award status, change the packaged CPS/ISIR revision number,


    • add a short comment,


    • or adjust award period or academic year dates. See manual awards for additional information.

    • Delete:


    • Remove the award and all linked disbursements.

    • Disbursements:


    • Brings you to the disbursement


    • detail for the award including individual disbursement dates and amounts.

  1. You can review information about individual awards.

    • Award Year: The financial aid year associated with the award.

    • Semester: The semester associated with the award. (Sometimes the full year semester is used if


    • you’ve is configured in that manner e.g. "202100 - 20-21 Year.")

    • Award Code: The short code associated with the award (see award codes).

    • ISIR/CPS Trans Used:


    • The ISIR/CPS revision used when the award was packaged or originated, applies only if the student has an updated ISIR downloaded to Campus


    • Cafe.

    • Status: Indicates the status of the award. The status impacts how the award appears on a student bill


    • .


    • Comment: A note related to the award

    • Award Amount:


    •  The total amount of all scheduled disbursements within the award


    • regardless if they have been disbursed


    • . Adjustments to Federal Award total amounts created through



    • should be made to the disbursements directly through the scheduled disbursements page.

    • Gross Disbursed Amount: The amount that has been received for an award inclusive of all loan fees.  When receiving an award in full, the gross disbursed amount will default to the full amount of the award. 

    • Net Disbursed Amount: The amount of the award less loan origination or other fees; this is the amount that is applied to a student's ledger.