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Activity tracker allows the assignment of activities to a person in Campus Café. For example, activities might include a basic note to a complex workflow that triggers emails and reminders.



When attached to an individual in Campus Cafe, an activity and its workflow(s) can hold notes or an attachment, or trigger an email or text message. Workflows can also be connected to a DocuSign envelope to collect an electronic signature.

Once you create an activity and its workflows, you can associate them with a student, faculty or staff, individually, as a group or automatically based on an event.

Required permissions




Activity Tracking Template Access


The permission group of the individual assigning the activity or viewing the activity must have access to the activity tracking member template



Assign activity to individual



Assign activity to group of people

System Admin


Assign activity to based on event

Add activity to a person’s record

There are multiple ways to attach an activity to a person’s record. This includes manually adding an activity, triggering an activity through the admissions portal, triggering with a database trigger, and adding a batch of activities. The method employed will depend on the use case and personal preference. This document will outline manual addition of an activity and batching activities onto multiple records. Triggered activities require additional configuration covered in a separate document.

Manually add activity to individual record using quick comment




Search for activities and see all people who have them


  • Create activity tracking temple and associated workflows.

  • Provide people uploading and reviewing documents with access to the activity tracking member.

  • To assign an activity via Quick Comment, the activity tracking template must have Quick Comment selected.

  • To collect electronic signatures, have a third-party subscription with DocuSign and a DocuSign template created.

  • Set the attachment maximum file size by using custom control MAX_BLOB. The maximum supported size is 25mb.

  • Set up in STParm using Parameter Code XXSCNO a workflow source.

  • Set up in STParm using Parameter Code ADPURP the purpose of the activity for activities related to donations/gifts. For example, the purpose may be to fund a new basketball arena.

  • Set up in STParm using Parameter Code ADREAS the reason for the activity.

  • Set up in STParm using Parameter Code ADINTR the interest for the activity. For example, you want to indicate how interested a student is in joining the basketball team.

  • Set up in STParm using Parameter Code ADLOCA locations for the activity. For example, you want to indicate the activity is associated with your satellite campus.

Add activity to one individual

To add an activity to one individual, you’ll follow one of two paths, depending on whether the activity is configured as a quick comment.

Add activity configured as quick comment

To assign an activity via Quick Comment, the activity tracking template must have Quick Comment selected.


Activities that contain text message workflows may not be assigned through this method. Instead, navigate to the student's profile and click the smart phone icon.

  1. Navigate Go to the person’s record profile.

  2. Navigate Go to Person Selected > Activity Tracking.

  3. In the Quick Comment drop down choose select the desired templateactivity.

    NewActivity.pngImage Removedimage-20240526-192228.pngImage Added

  4. Click Quick Comment.

  5. The activity will open. Update the activity with opens. Optionally add notes, an attachment or additional information.

  6. Click Save.


Add activity not configured as quick comment


Activities that contain text message workflows may not be assigned through this method. Instead, navigate to the student's profile and click the smart phone icon.

  1. Go the person’s profile.

  2. Go to Person Selected > Activity Tracking.

  3. To the right of Tracking Group Templates click the magnifying glass.


  4. Next to the document required click Select.
     Tip: Use the search box in the upper right to find the desired template.

  5. Click Add New.


Add activity to


group of people


Only A maximum of 5,000 activities can be added to students at one time using the finder.


Activities that contain text message workflows should not be initiated though this button. While the activity will be associated with the individuals, the text message will not send. To send texts, use the Text action button.

  1. Navigate to the Activity Tracking (All Users > Activity Tracking) or the requisite People Finder, for example Student Finder

  2. Use a pre-defined filter or set desired criteria to return the population for which to apply the activity

  3. Check the selected box next to all people to apply the activity

  4. Click Add Activity

  5. Choose for Page or For All

  6. A new screen appears. To the right of the Template Name box, click the magnifying glass

  7. Click Select next to the template to addGo to Filters and select the filter containing the people who need the activity. For example, to assign an activity related to Commencement for your seniors, you would choose Students.

  8. Set filters to return only the people you want and click Submit.

  9. Click +Add Activity > For All.

    Untitled-20240526-193035.pngImage Added

  10. Next to Member: Template Name click the magnifying glass.

    Untitled-20240526-193047.pngImage Added

  11. Next to the document required click Select.
     Tip: Use the search box in the upper right to find the desired template

  12. You can optionally tie the activity to a specific semester.

  13. In the .

  14. Optionally in Semester select the academic period associated with the activity. For example, if the Commencement activity is associated with Spring 2024, select that semester.

  15. Optionally enter a comment that will appear in activity tracking results as First Comment.

  16. If the activity you selected has a workflow configured with the action Assign User selected, when you add this activity, you’ll be assigned as responsible for its completion. To select a different person, choose that person in Override Assign To ID.

  17. In Add Only for These People box you can choose select whether to add the activity to everyone selected, only those that do not have the activity or only those that do not have the activity for the set semester.

  18. Optionally add a comment that will appear in activity tracking results as First Comment

  19. Optionally assign a user

  20. In the box type the message

  21. Click submit

Edit activity

  1. Navigate to the person’s record

  2. Navigate . This helps you prevent the same student from receiving the same activity multiple times.

  3. In Editor Format select simple for a long comment that doesn’t include text formatting like bod or italics. Choose Rich to enter a long comment with text formatting.

  4. Optionally, in Long Comment enter notes.

  5. Click Submit.

Add activity automatically

Activities can be automatically assigned when an event occurs. For example, if an applicant's admissions progress code changes to P - Deposited you may trigger the assignment of an immunization requirement activity to the student's workflow. To automatically assign the activity, use a database trigger. Refer to database trigger documentation on setting up a database trigger.

Update assigned activity


When updating an activity, any unsaved changes will disable the ability to add an attachment or update school code and name to prevent loss of data during the save routines those processes trigger. Once the changes are saved, the attachment link and school code and name links will return.

Once you add an activity to an individual, you can go back and change it. For example, you may have received the document the activity requested and wish to upload it. Or perhaps the student attended the required academic standing meeting and you wish to mark the associated activity complete.

  1. Go to the person’s profile.

  2. Go to Person Selected > Activity Tracking.

  3. Under the actions column, Next to the activity to update click the pencil.

    image-20240526-195450.pngImage Added

  4. Click the + button to reveal additional fields, including attachment, reminders and more



  1. information.

Texts - Notes
Use this space to add general comments. For example, met with student on 10/9/23 to discuss academic standing meeting.


You may upload a maximum of one attachment per activity.


  • Reminder Date: This date is used for the automatic email reminder feature.  If If a workflow is set up as a reminder >either (either the assigned to box is checked selected or additional email addresses are specified), then this date will automatically be set to the same date as the due date. This date can be changed at any time.

  • Reminder Sent: This field will automatically check Campus Cafe automatically selects this box when the email reminder is sent. A user You may uncheck deselect the box and reset the reminder date to get receive a new reminder at any time.



Provides additional fields, including but not limited to:

  • Degree Level: Associate the workflow with a specific student degree level.

  • Semester: This field is used for activities where a term or semester an academic period is relevant. For example, this would include admissions tracking items and financial aid verification documents. The default semester is the entering semester of the individual unless the activity is associated with activity tracking member F, in which case the default semester is the semester specified as the Current Packaging Semester on the F/A Control screen. When associating an activity with a batch of individuals, you can choose whether to prevent applying the activity to those with the activity already for a specified semester.

  • Invalid For Past Due Job: A value appears in this box if the workflow was part of a scheduled job but the system Campus Cafe encountered an issue processing the workflow. For example, if the workflow initiates a text message but the user associated with the workflow has no mobile phone number this box will display the error.

  • Assigned To: The Campus Cafe user who is responsible for the activity. The user must be categorized as a faculty/staff member.

  • Assigned By: The Campus Cafe user who delegated the responsibility responsible for the activity. The user must be categorized as a faculty/staff member.

  • Due Date: Indicates the date the activity is expected to be completed. For scheduled activities, the date the action (e.g. email sent) will occur. Can be configured in the workflow setup to automatically compute based on the initial date assigned.

  • Due Time: Indicates the time the activity is expected to be completed.

  • Submitted Date: Indicates the date materials associated with the activity were received by the institution. Will automatically populate if activity is a required missing document in the applicant or document portal and the applicant or student uploads a document. 

  • Submitted Time: Indicates the time materials associated with the activity were received by the institution.

  • Completed Date: Indicates the date the activity was completed. Can be manually set or configured in the workflow setup to populate when a certain action occurs.

  • Purpose: The purpose related to the activity in relation to a donation or gift. Options set using STParm ADPURP.

  • Method of Delivery: Free form text to describe how the task was transmitted to the person

  • Source: Indicates the origin of the activity. For example, the overall activity name may be "admissions referral source." This field designates a specific admissions source such as radio ad, college fair, etc. For workflows with a category of S, the source field may be searched on the Prospect Finder (Filters > Prospects) using the Tracking Source filter. Options set using STParm XXSCNO.

  • Unit Grade: Informational field.

  • Purpose: The purpose related to the activity in relation to a donation or gift. Options set using STParm ADPURP.

  • Reason: The rationale for the activity used as part of donation tracking. Options set using STParm ADREAS.

  • Interest: The level of enthusiasm or specific area of curiosity associated with the activity. Options set using STParm ADINTR.

  • Location: The location associated with the activity. Options set using STParm ADLOCA.

  • Original Amount, Amount Paid, Amount Due: To track associated costs with activity. For example, the costs to attend an event. The pledge reminder system uses these field to track the amount of the original pledge, the amount currently paid, and the remaining amount due.

  • Customizable Fields: These fields can be used generically to track money fields or other text associated with a tracking record. They are not searchable.

  • Response Value: This field will contain the response from a web form question. For example, on the forms menu, there is a form that asks a person if they wish to participate in an event. The value of yes/no would be stored in this field for that question.

  • URL: This field is used to store a URL associated with the tracking record.

  • School Code and Name: This field is used to track the number or name of a school in a missing transcript tracking record.

Copy activity (Add to



On an individual's activity tracking page, an existing activity template can be replicated. The template will duplicate but notes, data and attachments within it will not.

  1. Navigate Go to the person’s record profile.

  2. Navigate Go to Person Selected > Activity Tracking.

  3. Next to the activity to copy, click the icon of two pieces of paper.



View someone’s activities

View by individual person


Follow these directions if you’re looking to see if a specific individual has an activity.

  1. Go to the person’s record profile.

  2. Navigate Go to Person Selected > Activity Tracking

  3. The results shown depend on the filter criteria

To adjust the criteria and activities shown

  1. Click Expand Filters

  2. Set desired criteria

  3. Click Expand Filters to adjust the activities shown. This can help you find activities faster, especially for individuals with many activities. For example, you may wish to limit the activities shown to only ones in a certain member (category).
    Tip: Setting the Date Completed to <= 0 will show non-completed activities,
    setting this to >=0 will show both non-completed and completed tasks.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Basic data will appear information appears in the results grid. Use the column visibility button to show or hide additional columns. Click a column to sort by that column. Click and hold a column to drag it to reorder the columns.

  6. Under the Actions column, click the pencil to edit, the X to delete

View from People Finder


Follow these directions if you’re looking to see if a group of people has an activity or activities. For example, you may want to see all the activities associated with students from Rhode Island because they are eligible for a special scholarship and you want to ensure they’ve all been assigned the activity that requests their scholarship application.

  1. Go to Filters and select a finder.

  2. Use a pre-defined filter or set desired criteria to return the population.

  3. Check Select the selected check box next to all people to view.

  4. Click the +Activities buttonSelect For Page or For All > For All.

    image-20240526-200442.pngImage Added

  5. A new screen will openopens. The ID numbers of the previously selected population will automatically carry.

  6. Select what activities should be shown
    Note Filters to adjust the activities shown. This can help you find activities faster, especially for individuals with many activities. For example, you may wish to limit the activities shown to only ones in a certain member (category).
    Tip: Setting the Date Completed to <= 0 will show non-completed activities,
    setting this to >=0 will show both non-completed and completed tasks.

  7. Click Submit.

View from Activity Tracking


Follow these directions if you’re looking to see everyone who has been assigned a specific activity. For example, perhaps you want to see everyone with an activity requiring the student meet with the academic standing committee.

  1. Go to All Users > Activity TrackingSet desired criteria

  2. Select Filters to adjust the activities shown. This can help you find activities faster, especially for individuals with many activities. For example, you may wish to limit the activities shown to only ones in a certain member (category).
    Tip: Setting the Date Completed to <= 0 will show non-completed activities,
    setting this to >=0 will show both non-completed and completed tasks.

  3. Click SubmitBasic data will appear in the results grid. Use the column visibility button to show or hide additional columns. Click a column to sort by that column. Click and hold a column to drag it to reorder the columns.Under the Actions column, click the pencil to edit, the X to delete or the person to launch the person’s individual record