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Table of Contents


About attendance

You can use Campus Cafe includes an attendance feature that allows the input of hours/minutes attended for clock-hour schools. to record and track student attendance.

For credit-based schools institutions instructors or others can use the attendance roster may be utilized to mark students absent and/or confirm attendance was taken for the day.

For clock-hour institutions instructors or others can record the number of hours/minutes attended. In both cases, reports will

Campus Cafe also offers a way for students to record their own attendance.

In all cases, you can use reports to summarize hours attended and absences.


The below permissions relate to the attendance module.


728 hides the columns to show hours/minutes attended


756 setting to NA prevents the user from entering an Attendance Note on the course roster


765 setting to NA will hide the Attendance History Button on the Advisee Listing Page


766 controls whether to show the attendance history button on the course roster


767 setting to NA will hide the Attendance History Button on the Course Basket Page


950 controls access to the Create the Attendance Schedule (Course Dates Creation) function


990 controls access to the Attendance Date Exceptions function



Required permissions






Controls if the hours/minutes attended columns appear on the course roster. If instructors enter explicit hours/minutes attended allow this for permission group(s) that contain your instructors.



Controls if someone can enter an attendance note on the course roster



Controls if someone can uncheck the absent checkbox once attendance notes are entered




Controls if someone can change absent note to blank if the note exists




Controls if someone can enter attendance for a course or change attendance for a student/course for future or past dates. NA restricts attendance input or editing for future or past dates meaning the person can only record attendance for the current day.




Controls if someone can enter attendance for a date the class is not in session by overriding the Override Course Not in Session error message




Setting to NA prevents the validation that the course is in session on the day attendance is taken



Controls if the Attendance History button shows on advisee listing



Controls if the Attendance History button shows on the course roster



Controls if the Attendance History button shows on the course basket



Controls access to the Create the Attendance Schedule (Course Dates Creation) function




Controls access to the Attendance Date Exceptions function

Configure attendance 

Custom control ATTEND_VAL, in conjunction with permissions, allows institutions to determine how and when attendance is taken and shown.

  1. Navigate Go to Admin > Custom Control MaintenanceLocate ProgramId .

  2. In Search enter ATTEND_VAL.

  3. Click the pencil icon next to ATTEND_VALIn the Parameter Value boxes configure the following:
    Seq 1, Parm 1 - .

  4. Configure the Parameters:

    • Parameter Value 1: Enter Y to allow attendance

    • to be taken only on days the course is scheduled to meet

    Seq 1, Parm 2 -
    • . This is typical.

    • Parameter Value 2:  Not in use

    Seq 1, Parm 3 - should not
    • shouldn’t be taken for a student while the code applies. For example, a student may not have attendance recorded while on a leave of absence.

    Seq 1, Parm 4 -
    • Parameter Value 4: Enter Y to have

    the system
    • Campus Cafe assume attendance was taken only if all enrolled students have clock hours entered

    Seq 1, Parm 5 -
    • .

    • Parameter Value 5: Enter Y to have course rosters show the current date for attendance rather than the entire week

    Seq 1, Parm 6 -
    • .

    • Parameter Value 6: Enter Y to allow attendance to be taken multiple times on the same day. Note if N is entered, course exceptions may not be created with overlapping times.

    Seq 1, Parm 7 -
    • Parameter Value 7: Enter Y to

    view Course detail on the profile page; leave ‘blank’ or 'N'
    • course detail. Enter N to use the course roster last date attended field.

    Seq 1, Parm 8 -
    • Parameter Value 8: Enter Y to have

    the system
    • Campus Cafe calculate, for online courses only, the hours the student is expected to attend (scheduled hours) based on their enrollment data rather than the hours on the course screen.

  5. Click SaveWait overnight for the server cache to clear or run the Refresh Data Cache by navigating to .

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data.



attendance notes

Attendance notes are a defined lists of options presented to the instructor to complement an absence or tardiness. Notes could include explanations such as excused absence or uniform infraction. An instructor may select one note per student per meeting period.

  1. Navigate Go to Admin > STParm Maintenance.

  2. In the Parameter Code box enter ATINFR.

  3. In the Parameter Value box enter a code to correspond for the note. For example, for Excused you may enter E.

    image-20241025-002247.pngImage Added

  4. Click Add.

  5. In the description box, Description enter the note the instructor will see. For example, Excused.

  6. Click SaveWait overnight for the server cache to clear or run the Refresh Data Cache by navigating .

  7. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data.




date exceptions

Your institution's academic calendar may include days a course will not meet, such as a holiday. Recording these dates will allow is important so Campus Cafe can generate an accurate list of meeting times and accurate reports.

Permission #990 is required to access this function.


Navigate to Registrar > Attendance Date Exceptions


To reduce data entry, Campus Cafe offers multiple ways you can schedule these exceptions depending on if the exception applies to all your courses or just some.

Date exception for all classes

If attendance isn’t required for certain dates, such as during spring break, you can tell Campus Cafe not to collect attendance during these periods or consider these dates when calculating percent attended.


To record an exception for all classes for an entire day (e.g. a snow day), you must select Add An Exception for 1 Or More Dates.

  1. Go to Registrar > Attendance Date Exceptions.

  2. Click Add an Exception for 1 or More Dates.

  3. In Date enter the start date of the attendance exception.

  4. In End Date enter the last day of the exception. If this is the same as the start date, leave this box empty.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. Click All Classes.

  7. Enter an Exception Description. For example, Spring Break.

  8. If you select (check) Exception Adds To Accumulated Time, the time for the exception will be added to students' earned clock hours in courses scheduled during the exception. If you don’t select this - which is the typical setting - the time marked as an exception won’t add to students' earned (accrued) clock hours and a make-up day can be scheduled. The makeup day's time will instead be added.

  9. Click Add Exception Records.

Date exception for some classes

If attendance isn’t required for certain dates for certain classes, you can tell Campus Cafe not to collect attendance during these periods or consider these dates


Follow the prompts

Add a Scheduled Break (Occurs Daily)

To when calculating percent attended. You might encounter this scenario if, for example, you have multiple academic programs and they have different vacations.

  1. Go to Registrar > Attendance Date Exceptions.

  2. Click Add an Exception for 1 or More Dates.

  3. In Date enter the start date of the attendance exception.

  4. In End Date enter the last day of the exception. If this is the same as the start date, leave this box empty.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. Click Select Specific Classes.

  7. Use the filters to narrow your results to only the classes that have the attendance exception and click View Classes. Note, you’ll only see classes scheduled to meet on the days you selected as an exception.

  8. Select the classes to apply the exception.

  9. Click Continue.

  10. Enter an Exception Description. For example, Thanksgiving Break.

  11. If you select (check) Exception Adds To Accumulated Time, the time for the exception will be added to students' earned clock hours in courses scheduled during the exception. If you don’t select this - which is the typical setting - the time marked as an exception won’t add to students' earned (accrued) clock hours and a make-up day can be scheduled. The makeup day's time will instead be added.

  12. In Exception Start Time enter when the exception begins each day.

  13. In Exception End Time enter when the exception begins each day.

  14. Click Add Exception Records.

Exception for all meeting dates of a class

You may have some classes where attendance isn’t required. You can tell Campus Cafe to ignore these courses for attendance.

  1. Go to Registrar > Attendance Date Exceptions.

  2. Click Add an Exception for 1 or More Classes.

  3. Use the filters to narrow your results to only the classes that have the attendance exception and click View Classes. Note, you’ll only see classes scheduled to meet on the days you selected as an exception.

  4. Select the classes to apply the exception.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. At the top of the screen click All Dates.

  7. Enter an Exception Description.

  8. If you select (check) Exception Adds To Accumulated Time, the time for the exception will be added to students' earned clock hours in courses scheduled during the exception. If you don’t select this - which is the typical setting - the time marked as an exception won’t add to students' earned (accrued) clock hours and a make-up day can be scheduled. The makeup day's time will instead be added.

  9. In Exception Start Time enter when the exception begins each day.

  10. In Exception End Time enter when the exception begins each day.

  11. Click Add Exception Records.

Exception for a daily scheduled break

You can record an exception for a break that will occur every day, such as lunch break, for classes follow the steps below.

Permission #990 is required to access this function.

  1. Navigate to Go to Registrar > Attendance Date Exceptions.

  2. Select Click Add an Exception for 1 or More Classes.

  3. Use the filters to narrow your results to only the classes that have the attendance exception and click View Classes. Note, you’ll only see classes scheduled to meet on the days you selected as an exception.

  4. Select the courses you wish classes to add apply the exception forEnter the exception dates - if it and click Continue.

  5. In Date enter the start date of the attendance exception and in End Date enter the last day of the exception. If this is the same as the start date, leave this box empty. If the exception is for the entire semester, enter the start date of the semester for the start date and the last day of the semester for the end date.

  6. Click Select Days in Date Range.

  7. Enter an Exception Description. For example, lunch break.

  8. If you select (check) Exception Adds To Accumulated Time, the time for the exception will be added to students' earned clock hours in courses scheduled during the exception. If you don’t select this - which is the typical setting - the exception times (for time marked as an exception won’t add to students' earned (accrued) clock hours and a make-up day can be scheduled. The makeup day's time will instead be added.

  9. Enter the Exception Start Time and End Time. For example, 12:00pm - 12:30pm)

  10. Follow the prompts

  11. Save.

  12. Click Add Exception Records.

Understand the


impact of semester status history

If your institution allows a student students to take a leave leaves of absence during a portion of a semester in which the student is enrolled in classes. The period of time when the student is on leave may be excluded from the when they are enrolled in class, you may want to exclude this time on leave from the the time the student is expected to attend class.

For example, if student Geordi La Forge Caroline D’Amico takes a two-week leave in the middle of the semester but otherwise has perfect attendance, the institution would consider his attendance rate 100%.

The attendance reports will exclude dates during which a student was on leave as noted by a semester status history applied to the student and configured as a leave of absence.

Create the


Permission #950 is required to access this function.

Once the class schedule is complete, run the attendance schedule process to populate meeting dates for individual classes.

  1. Navigate to Registrar > Course Dates Creation

  2. In the Semester drop down choose the semester

  3. Click Submit


attendance schedule (course dates creation)

Each night Campus Cafe evaluates your courses and creates attendance patterns for them based on their meeting dates and times. Campus Cafe runs this process nightly for the semester set in Reg. Control as well as any semesters with numerical codes +/- 100 from the semester set in Reg. Control.

You can manually trigger this process at any time.

  1. Go to Registrar > Course Dates Creation.

  2. In Semester select an academic period.

  3. Click Submit.



without scheduled days

If the course location tab does not doesn’t have any days of the week selected and the course dates creation process is run, the course will still have dates scheduled. Campus Cafe will first determine the day of the week corresponding to the course start date. Campus Cafe will then schedule a course date for the start date and one for the same day of the week for every week until the course end date. These records are ignored in the clock hour reports.



date attendance (clock hour only)

Your academic programs have expected time frames for completion. For example, students may be expected to complete a certificate in a year. However, students may fall behind, especially if they take an approved leave of absence.

To accommodate this, Campus Cafe has two settings, one to adjust a course's end dates to 150% of the expected program length for attendance purposes and the other to adjust the degree's 150% Date Override when a degree row is created.

If MSPARM Custom Control ATTEND_150 is set to Y:  

  1. When a course is created, either through the course copy function or add a course (if MSPARM Custom Control CRSDATECPY is set to Y), then the end date of the course will be the program length 150% from the semester dates table.

  2. The Course Roster will look at the degree's 150% Date Override (not the original end date) when determining if attendance may be taken for that student on that date. [Please note, no No attendance may be taken after the degree has ended.]

  3. All Clock Hour Reports will use the degree's 150% Date Override as the end date if 150% override date is filled out. If the 150% override is blank it will still use the degree's end date.  This means the default end date on the Clock Hour Report, as well as batch reports, will use that date. 

If MSPARM Custom Control DEGREE_OVR = Y and ATTEND_150 = Y:  
