Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

About the Billing Statement Design

Campus Cafe provides institutions the ability to change the header and footer of the web billing statement and the printable billing statement.

The billing statement is formatted for windowed envelopes and may be set to fit to print location.  The billing statement also has semester separating lines, enlarged text and bolding to make the statement easy to read.

Change the Header or Footer

  1. Navigate to Admin > Adjustable Text Maintenance

  2. The following control the areas of the bill. The values support HTML/CSS and references to images.
    BILL_HEAD_NOT_PRINT is the header on the non-printable version of the billing statement
    BILL_FOOT_NOT_PRINT is the footer on the non-printable version of the billing statement
    BILLING_HEADER is the header on the printable version of the billing statement
    BILLING_FOOTER is the footer on the printable version of the billing statement
    Edit the value with the desired text HTML/CSS

  3. Click Save

  4. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache

Customize Statement Content and Totals

Additional items that can be optionally shown in the billing statement are unposted payments and unposted charges. Section labels can be customized. Pending and verified aid can be toggled on or off in the billing statement.

Include unposted payments and charges

To include unposted payments in the billing statement, set Custom Controls (Admin Menu -> Custom Controls) Program ID BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter 1 to Y.

To include unposted charges in the billing statement, set Custom Controls (Admin Menu -> Custom Controls) Program ID BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter 2 to Y.

After making changes to any of these parameters, refresh the data cache to see the adjustments (Admin Menu -> Refresh Data Cache).

Expand or Collapse sections of the billing statement upon load

The billing statement now has expandable/collapsible sections. These can be set to expanded or collapsed upon statement loading. All settings are in Custom Controls (Admin Menu -> Custom Controls). After making changes to any of these parameters, refresh the data cache to see the adjustments (Admin Menu -> Refresh Data Cache).

-BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter 3 sets semester totals to expanded upon page load

-BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter 4 sets payplan details to expanded upon page load

-BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter  5 sets sponsored billing details to expanded upon page load

-BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter  6 sets financial aid details to expanded upon page load

Customize aid included in total

The financial aid total can be adjusted to include or exclude pending and verified aid from the total financial aid balance. All settings are in Custom Controls (Admin Menu -> Custom Controls). After making changes to any of these parameters, refresh the data cache to see the adjustments (Admin Menu -> Refresh Data Cache).

-BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter 7 controls including pending aid in financial aid total

-BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter 8 controls including verified aid in financial aid total

-BILLSTMT Sequence 3, Parameter 2 controls including a pending aid total line item at the bottom of the statement

Customize Labels on the Billing Statement

The labels for each section on the billing statement can be customized to the institution's preferred text. All settings are in Custom Controls (Admin Menu -> Custom Controls). After making changes to any of these parameters, refresh the data cache to see the adjustments (Admin Menu -> Refresh Data Cache).

-BILLSTMT Sequence 1, Parameter 9 controls the text on the billing statement payment button. If set to NA, Payment Box will be hidden from the billing statement for all users, regardless of permissions.

-BILLSTMT Sequence 2, Parameter 1 controls the label for the Balance Forward section


Table of Contents

About the billing statement design

Students can see their bills within Campus Cafe. Campus Cafe provides you a number of ways to customize these bills to match your institution’s business processes.

  • Students can look at a page that shows their statement or click a button to view a statement formatted for printing. Regardless of which method the student selects, you can add information to provide context. For example, you may wish to include contact information for your bursar’s office or place your institution’s logo on the top of a printed statement.

  • You can tell Campus Cafe whether to show transactions you’ve recorded in Campus Cafe but haven’t yet posted to student accounts or your general ledger through cash batch or bill batch.

  • You can tell Campus Cafe whether to show by default all transactions or summarize them by section and just show the section total. For example rather than showing tuition, technology fee, and parking fee for the Fall 2023 semester, you can have Campus Cafe just show the total for the semester. You can still see the individual charges if you expand the section.

  • You can tell Campus Cafe which financial aid awards to include in the financial aid total and whether to show a pending financial aid total.

  • You can relabel items such as balance forward to align with your institution’s business processes and language.

  • When administrators or students view statements, Campus Cafe lets them narrow the transactions by an academic period range or date range. You can tell Campus Cafe which option to present by default.

  • You can add information during the payment process, such as showing text when the amount due is shown or setting the confirmation text.


  • If accepting online payments, configure a third-party payment processor ( or PayPal).

Required permissions




System Admin


Add information to student statement; add information during the payment process

System Admin


Show non-posted charges or payments; expand or collapse sections of the billing statement upon load; choose which aid to include in financial aid total; change labels; set statement selection default; change payment button settings

Add information to the top or bottom

You can put text or images at the to top (header) or bottom (footer) of the billing statement. This information can be different if the student is looking at the online statement or the statement formatted for printing.

Change the top of the online statement


  1. Go to Admin > Adjustable Text.

  2. In Search enter BILL_HEAD_NOT_PRINT.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In the Value (large) box enter the information to appear at the top of the online statement. You can add HTML tags to format the text.

  5. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Change the bottom of the online statement


  1. Go to Admin > Adjustable Text.

  2. In Search enter BILL_FOOT_NOT_PRINT.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In the Value (large) box enter the information to appear at the top of the online statement. You can add HTML tags to format the text.

  5. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Change the top of the printable statement

Students who click printable version see this statement.

You can have the same header for all students, regardless of their billing site. Alternatively, you can set a different header for each billing site. You may wish to do this if you run multiple campuses and want to include the campus name in the header.


  1. Go to Admin > Adjustable Text.

  2. In Search if you want the same header for all students enter BILLING_HEADER. If you want a header specific for billing site 1, enter BILLING_HEADER_1. For site 2, enter BILLING_HEADER_2, for site 3 enter BILLING_HEADER_3 and so forth.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In the Value (large) box enter the information to appear at the top of the online statement. You can add HTML tags to format the text or reference a photo.

  5. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Change the bottom of the printable statement

Students who click printable version see this statement.


  1. Go to Admin > Adjustable Text.

  2. In Search enter BILLING_FOOTER.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In the Value (large) box enter the information to appear at the top of the online statement. You can add HTML tags to format the text.

  5. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Include non-posted charges and payments

You can tell Campus Cafe to let administrators or students see transactions you’ve recorded in Campus Cafe but haven’t yet posted to student accounts or your general ledger through cash batch or bill batch. These transactions will show only if Include unposted is selected and you click submit. Non-posted transactions don’t have a date and are labeled as unposted.


Show non-posted charges

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 2 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 2 enter Y.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Show non-posted payments

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 1 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter Y.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Statement sections expanded or collapsed


Expanding or collapsing sections by default is a future feature coming soon.

You may have multiple transactions within each section of a statement. For example you may have tuition listed separately from an equipment fee. You can tell Campus Cafe whether to show all individual lines by default or collapse them into totals by section. Collapsing sections can save space and make it easier to understand the total but scarifies detail at first glance.

Expanded statement

This bill shows the semesters expanded by default so we see all the individual transactions. In this case we see each semester comprises a tuition charge and an equipment fee charge.


Collapsed statement

This bill shows the semesters collapsed by default so we just see the totals for each semester. We can click the > to see the individual transactions that comprise those totals.


Expand/collapse academic periods (e.g. semesters)

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 3 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 3 enter Y to show academic periods expanded with individual transactions shown by default. Enter N to show academic periods collapsed by default.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Expand/collapse payment plans

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 4 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 4 enter Y to show payment plans expanded with individual transactions shown by default. Enter N to show payment plans collapsed by default.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Expand/collapse sponsor billing

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 5 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 5 enter Y to show sponsored billing expanded with individual transactions shown by default. Enter N to show sponsored billing collapsed by default.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Expand/collapse financial aid

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 6 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 6 enter Y to show financial aid expanded with individual transactions shown by default. Enter N to show financial aid collapsed by default.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Choose which aid to include in financial aid total

When you award financial aid, you may need to complete multiple steps prior to its disbursement. For example, perhaps a students has been selected for verification or you’re awaiting a FAFSA correction.

Financial aid awards can be set as pending or verified to accommodate your review process. You can tell Campus Cafe whether to include pending or verified awards in the financial aid total shown on the statement.

Include pending aid in total

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 7 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 7 enter Y.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Include verified aid in total

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 8 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 8 enter Y.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Show a pending aid total

You can have Campus Cafe sum pending aid and show it as a total at the bottom of the statement.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 3, Parm 2 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 2 enter Y.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Show Individual Financial Aid Disbursements if multiple disbursements exist in the same academic term

Campus Cafe can either aggregate multiple financial aid disbursements from the same term, of the same award code, or display them individually on the billing statement. This setting is controlled by Custom Control BILLSTMT 3,5. To edit:

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 3, Parm 5 click the pencil.

  4. To display each disbursement individually, in Parameter Value 5, enter Y. To display the aggregate total of the disbursements of each term’s financial aid awards, grouped by each award code, in Parameter value 5, enter any value other than Y.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Change labels

You can change the labels on the statement to align with your institution’s business practices and language. For example, you might want to change “Balance Forward” to read “Previous Balance.”

Section labels

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 2, Parm 1 click the pencil.

  4. Each Parameter Value represents a different label. In Parameter Value enter your label.

    • Parameter 1 is the label for the Balance Forward section.

    • Parameter 2 is the label for the Semester totals section(s).


    • Parameter 3


    • is the label for the Transactions total section.


    • Parameter 4


    • is the label for the Cash Balance section.


    • Parameter 5


    • is the label for the Cash Balance less Aid section.


    • Parameter 6


    • is the label for the Total Amount Due section.


    • Parameter 7


    • is the label for the Sponsored Billing section.


    • Parameter 8


    • is the label for the Unposted Payments section.


    • Parameter 9


    • is the label for the Unposted Charges section.


    • Parameter 10


    • is the label for the Financial Aid total section.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Payment button label

You can change the wording of the payment button shown on the billing statement.


If you set this value to NA, the payment button won’t show for anyone regardless of permissions.

-BILLSTMT Sequence 31, Parameter 3 9 controls the label for the Pending Aid total line section

Select by Date/Term Default Settings

By default, the system will set the “Select By Date/Term” dropdown to term (whatever the default academic term is defined; e.g. Semester/Quarter/Trimester, etc.). To set this to Date by default, set Custom Control BILLSTMT Sequence 3, Parameter 1 to N and refresh the data cache (Admin Menu → Refresh Data Cache). The default can always be changed; this will set the value when arriving at the Billing Statement.

Default End Term Filter Settings


Default End Term Filter Settings will be included in a future software release and is not yet live in the system.


By default, the system will set the Ending Term filter to the Billing Semester set in AR Control (Financials Menu → AR Control). This can be adjusted to dynamically filter to the selected student’s highest term with an enrollment, which may be a future term. To do so, set Custom Control (Admin Menu → Custom Control) BILLSTMT 3,4 to ENROLLEDSEM, and refresh the data cache (Admin Menu → Refresh Data Cache).

The End Term filter will automatically set to the maximum term for each student based on their active enrollments, however, if the student has no financial charges or credits for that term, it will not show in the billing statement.

This does not affect the functionality of BILLSTMT 3,1 - the system can still be set to view by date.

Payment Button Settings

The existing Adjustable Text parameters PAYMENT_ABOVE_AMOUNT_FIELD and PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_TEXT that control the payment page values will also control the same values on the Billing Statement. After making changes to any of these parameters, refresh the data cache to see the adjustments (Admin Menu -> Refresh Data Cache).

-PAYMENT_ABOVE_AMOUNT_FIELD controls additional text to display above the payment button.

-PAYMENT_ABOVE_AMOUNT_FIELD_STMT is a new field that allows a different message to be displayed in the payment box on the billing statement, reflecting that the payment box is smaller and has less space for a message than the payment box on the “Make a Payment” page. If this field is blank, the system will default to the value PAYMENT_ABOVE_AMOUNT_FIELD.

-PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_TEXT controls optional confirmation text to show the user before making a paymentthe text on the billing statement payment button. If set to NA, Payment Box will be hidden from the billing statement for all users, regardless of permissions.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 1, Parm 9 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 9 enter your label.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Select by date/academic period default setting


Selecting a date/academic period default setting is a future feature coming soon.

When an administrator or student views a statement in Campus Cafe they can select a semester or date range to narrow the statement to the selected time period. You can tell Campus Cafe whether the default option is to choose a semester range or a date range.

Semester range

Choosing this option lets you pick a range of semesters. The statement shows only transactions associated with that semester range.


  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 3, Parm 1 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter Y.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Default end semester

You can tell Campus Cafe what semester shows in end semester by default.


  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 3, Parm 4 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 4 enter BILLINGSEM to use the AR Control billing semester or enter ENROLLEDSEM to have Campus Cafe select the maximum (highest) semester for which the student has enrollment and charges or credits.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Date range

Choosing this option lets you pick a date range. The statement shows only transactions associated with that date range.


  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLSTMT.

  3. Next to Seq Num 3, Parm 1 click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter N.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Payment button settings

Pay button informational text

When a student looks at their online statement, a payment button shows if you’ve configured a third-party payment processor. You can put text above this button. We suggest you keep the text short as there’s limited space.

  1. Go to Admin > Adjustable Text.


  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In the Value (large) box enter the information to appear at the top of the online statement. You can add HTML tags to format the text.

  5. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Confirmation text

Before a student finalizes payment, you can display text. For example you may wish to tell them the payment may take a few days to appear on their statement.

  1. Go to Admin > Adjustable Text.


  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In the Value (large) box enter the information to appear at the top of the online statement. You can add HTML tags to format the text.

  5. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.