Log in to Campus Cafe.
Go to Admin > Custom Control.
In Search enter WEBPAYMENT.
Next to WEBPAYMENT Seq Num 2 Parm 1 click the pencil.
If all your tuition, course and application fees from all billing sites are recorded to the same transaction code complete this step and then go to step 10. Otherwise, leave this parameter blank. In Parameter Value 1 enter the transaction code associated with payments made by credit card. Then enter a comma followed by the transaction code associated payments made by ACH. For example, if payments made with a credit card go to tutitioncc and those made by ACH go to tuitionach, you’d enter tuitioncc,tutionach
Parameter Value 2 lets you associate application fees paid by credit card to a transaction code based on admissions site. For example, all your East Campus application fees can be associated with a different transaction code than your West Campus application fees.
Enter an admissions site code followed by a dash followed by the transaction code. Separate each site-transaction code pairing with a comma. For example, you have an East Campus (site 1) and West Campus (site 2). You want application fees associated with the East Campus to go to transaction code appfeeeast and application fees for the West Campus to go to appfeewest. You would enter 1-appfeeeast,2-appfeewestParameter Value 3 lets you associate application fees paid by ACH to a transaction code based on admissions site. For example, all your East Campus application fees can be associated with a different transaction code than your West Campus application fees.
Enter an admissions site code followed by a dash followed by the transaction code. Separate each site-transaction code pairing with a comma. For example, you have an East Campus (site 1) and West Campus (site 2). You want application fees associated with the East Campus to go to transaction code appfeeeastach and application fees for the West Campus to go to appfeewestach. You would enter 1-appfeeeastach,2-appfeewestachParameter Value 9 lets you associate tuition payments paid by credit card to a transaction code based on billing site. For example, all your East Campus tuition can be associated with a different transaction code than your West Campus tuition.
Enter a billing site code followed by a dash followed by the transaction code. Separate each site-transaction code pairing with a comma. For example, you have an East Campus (site 1) and West Campus (site 2). You want tuition and fees associated with the East Campus to go to transaction code tuitioneastcc and tuition and fees for the West Campus to go to tuitionwestcc. You would enter 1-tuitioneastcc ,2-tuitionwestccParameter Value 10 lets you associate tuition payments paid by ACH to a transaction code based on billing site. For example, all your East Campus tuition can be associated with a different transaction code than your West Campus tuition.
Enter a billing site code followed by a dash followed by the transaction code. Separate each site-transaction code pairing with a comma. For example, you have an East Campus (site 1) and West Campus (site 2). You want tuition and fees associated with the East Campus to go to transaction code tuitioneastach and tuition and fees for the West Campus to go to tuitionwestach. You would enter 1-tuitioneastach ,2-tuitionwestachClick Save & Back.
Next to WEBPAYMENT Seq Num 3 Parm 2 click the pencil.
In Parameter Value 2 if you plan to accept echecks enter Y. Otherwise enter N.
Click Save & Back.
Configure convenience fees in Campus Cafe
If you want to charge people using credit cards an additional fee to offset your swipe costs, you can tell Campus Cafe to add a fee that’s either a percentage of the total amount or a flat fee.
If you don’t want to charge a convenience fee, simply skip this section.
Go to Admin > Custom Control.
In Search enter PAYCONVFEE.
Next to PAYCONVFEE Seq Numb 1, Parm 1 click the pencil.
Decide whether you want to charge a percentage of the total or a flat fee for tuition payments.
For a percentage, in Parameter Value 1 enter the percentage as a number only. For example 3 would equal 3%. If you want a flat fee, leave this blank.
For a percentage, in Parameter Value 2 enter the flat fee as a number only. For example 5 would equal $5. If you want a percentage fee, leave this blank.
In Parameter Value 3 enter the transaction code associated with the convenience fee for tuition payments.
Decide whether you want to charge a percentage of the total or a flat fee for tuition admissions deposits.
For a percentage, in Parameter Value 4 enter the percentage as a number only. For example 3 would equal 3%. If you want a flat fee, leave this blank.
For a percentage, in Parameter Value 5 enter the flat fee as a number only. For example 5 would equal $5. If you want a percentage fee, leave this blank.
In Parameter Value 6 enter the transaction code associated with the convenience fee for admission deposits.
Click Save.
Configure Stripe
In Stripe, you need to create keys that allow Stripe to securely communicate with Campus Cafe.
Log in to Stripe at www.stripe.com.
In the lower left-hand corner click Developers > API Keys.
Create a Publishable key and a Secret key. Copy these keys now or later as you’ll need them when you configure Campus Cafe.
In Stripe, go to Developers > Webhooks.
Click + Add Destination.
In Events from select “Your Account” and search for the events payment_intent.succeeded and payment_intent.payment_failed and add them.
Use the checkbox to the left of the event to select it so it appears on the left, under Selected Events.
Click Continue, and select for Destination Type select Webhook Endpoint.
Click Continue.
In Endpoint URL enter https://<your school code>-web.scansoftware.com/cafeweb/tl/webhook/stripereplacing <your school code> with the 3-character code in the URL for your Campus Cafe environment.
Click Create Destination.
Once created, copy the webhook signing secret key. You’ll need this when you configure Campus Cafe. If you later need to This screen can be reached at any time by clicking the Up chevron in the lower right hand part of the screen, then clicking the Webhooks link along the bar of the “workbench” drawer:
In the upper right click the gear > Settings. On the screen that appears click Payments.
In Payments settings click Payment Methods.
In Payment Methods select the types of payment you’ll accept. Changing the active status for each payment method saves the page, no additional save click is needed.
Info |
Note: ACH/banking and credit cards are the only tested methods for payment acceptance, but depending on your settings you may be able to accept other payment methods. |
Configure Campus Cafe
Now you’ll take the keys you generated in Stripe and put them in Campus Cafe.
Go to Admin > Adjustable Text.
In Search enter STRIPE_PAYMENT_FORM to change the form or STRIPE_RECEIPT to change the receipt.
In Value (the large box) enter any text or images to appear.
Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.
Info |
Note: STRIPE_PAYMENT_FORM configurations shows up on the Advancement Gift/Donation payment page. |
Automatic recurring payments/payment plans
Campus Cafe’s integration with Stripe includes a recurring payment function to automatically process recurring payments. All Stripe payment functionality works with this feature.
Currently Credit Card and ACH/Bank Transfer payments are the only tested and confirmed payment methods for the Campus Cafe / Stripe Integration.
Configure Stripe
Before your students can use Stripe to collect payment plan payments, you must enable this feature.
Log in to Stripe.
In the lower left click Developers.
Click the Webhooks tab.
Click Edit Destination.
In Events select the following:
Click Save destination.
Configure Campus Cafe
Log in to Campus Cafe.
Go to Admin > Web App.
In the Search box enter Stripe.
Select STRIPE_PRODUCT_NAMEand click Edit Selected.
In Value enter what you want students to see on the receipt for a recurring payment. The default is “Recurring Installment Payments”
Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.
Student bank account verification
When a student manually enters a bank account, Stripe conducts a test to verify the account. This test puts a micro-deposit of $0.01 into the student’s bank account. Next to the deposit, Stripe puts a code the student must enter in Stripe to verify the bank account.
Students can enter this code in one of two ways.
After verifying the code, the student’s payment will process in Stripe, and payment sent to Campus Cafe and added to the Cash Batch.
Option 1: Enter code using payment receipt link
On the Almost There pop-up displayed after entering bank account information, click Back To. Then click Verify Payment. The student is brought to a Stripe screen where they’ll need to enter enter the six-digit code after SM shown on their bank statement.
Option 2: Enter code using make a payment link
Alternatively, if the deposit doesn’t appear immediately in the student’s bank account, the student can go in Campus Cafe to Make a Payment to verify payment and click Verify Payment. The student can then enter the code from their bank account.