Set up ISIR to Create Inquiry

About ISIR (FAFSA) Inquiries

If an individual completes a Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA) and lists your institution, your institution will receive the individual's Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). If the ISIR is loaded into Campus Cafe, the system can be configured to automatically create an inquiry for that individual if the individual does not already have an inquiry or application.

Create a Inquiry Form

Create an inquiry form to receive the ISIR data.

Set Inquiry Form to Receive ISIR

  1. Navigate to Admin > Custom Control

  2. Locate ProgramId FA_ISIRAPP

  3. Next to FA_ISIRAPP Sequence 1, Parameter 1 click the pencil

  4. In the Parameter Value 1 box enter the exact name of the admissions portal form

  5. If your institution has a second OPEID, enter the name of the inquiry form to use for ISIRs associated with that campus in Parameter 2.  (The form may be the same as the one used in Parameter 1.)

  6. Click Save

  7. Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache