Emergency Contact

About Emergency Contact

An emergency contact is an individual that a member of your institution has designated should be notified in the event of an unanticipated situation.

Applicants may specify and emergency contact on an application.

Campus Cafe does not provide a way for students or faculty/staff to set or update an emergency contact in the system. Emergency contacts must be entered by a user with access to create/edit relationships.

Emergency Contact Record Type

An emergency contact can have a standalone record in Campus Cafe or not. 

A standalone record allows the emergency contact to have his or her own relationships and be tied into other functions such as student academics or the faculty module. A standalone relationship is best if the emergency contact has a direct relationship with the institution such as serving as faculty or staff, is a fellow student or a donor. This type of record is also best if the emergency contact is related to multiple people in the system. For example, a parent with multiple children at the institution.

A non-standalone record couples the emergency contact only to the individual to which he or she is related and does not allow the emergency contact to interact with other functions. This option is best when the emergency contact has no other relationship with the institution other than serving as a single student's emergency contact.

Option 1: Create Standalone Emergency Contact

Add the Emergency Contact to Campus Cafe

This segment of the directions is only necessary if the individual does not already exist with his or her own record in Campus Cafe. Otherwise continue to Map Relationship. 

Permissions #1128 and #1129 are required to access this function.

  1. Navigate to All Users > Add Person/Org

  2. Next to Constituent check the box (If the emergency contact is a faculty or staff member, check Faculty/Staff instead)

  3. Enter the biographical information about the emergency contact

  4. Click Add

  5. Click Add New Person/Org

  6. Choose a Primary Constituent Code (If the emergency contact is a faculty or staff member this option will not appear)

  7. Click Submit


Map Relationship

Permission #963 is required to access this function.

  1. Navigate to the individual

  2. Navigate to main menu > Person Selected > Relations OR click the Relationships tab > Relationships

  3. At the top of the page click Lookup Person and locate the emergency contact

  4. Next to Add Reciprocal Relation? check the box

  5. In the Add Relation Type drop down choose the relationship type. Any relation type (not just Emergency Contact) may be designated as an emergency contact.

  6. Click Add Relationship

  7. In the Emergency Contact Priority box enter a number 1 or greater. The contact with a 1 will appear on the individual's summary contact tab as the emergency contact

  1. Click Save

Option 2: Create Non-standalone Emergency Contact

Permission #963 is required to access this function.

  1. Navigate to the individual

  2. Navigate to main menu > Person Selected > Relations OR click the Relationships tab > Relationships

  3. Next to Add Reciprocal Relation? check the box

  4. At the top of the screen in the Add Relation Type drop down choose the relationship type. Any relation type (not just Emergency Contact) may be designated as an emergency contact.

  5. Click Add Relationship

  6. Enter the biographical information about the emergency contact

  7. In the Emergency Contact Priority box enter a number 1 or greater. The contact with a 1 will appear on the individual's summary contact tab as the emergency contact

  1. Click Save

Option 3: Select an Existing Relationship as Emergency Contact

Permission #963 is required to access this function.

  1. Navigate to the individual

  2. Navigate to main menu > Person Selected > Relations OR click the Relationships tab > Relationships

  3. Next to the individual to designate as the emergency contact click the pencil icon

  4. In the Emergency Contact Priority box enter a number 1 or greater. The contact with a 1 will appear on the individual's summary contact tab as the emergency contact

  1. Click Save

Capture Emergency Contact on Application

An applicant can specify an emergency contact on an admissions application. Refer to the admissions documentation for directions.

Search for Emergency Contacts

To generate a list of emergency contacts for a group of prospects, students, faculty/staff or alumni, use a people finder accessed from the filters button at the top of the screen.

  1. Navigate to the people finder that correspondences to the population (prospects, student, faculty/staff, alumni)

  2. Click Expand Filters

  3. Locate the Relationship Emerg Priority filter and change Is One Of to >= (single)
    Tip: If you do not see this filter, in the upper right click Hide/Show Fields and check Relationship Emerg Priority

  4. For the filter enter 0

  1. If needed, adjust the maximum number of results in the # of Results box

  2. Click Submit

  3. Click Column Visibility and ensure at a minimum the column Relationship Person is shown. This will show the name of the emergency contact.

  4. To export the list with each emergency contact on its own line, click Download > Relationships for All