Student Holds

About holds

You can use holds in Campus Cafe to draw attention to an action the student needs to complete. The hold can be informational or you can configure a hold to to prevent enrollment, swapping classes, dropping classes, viewing the class schedule or viewing the unofficial transcript. A hold can also be set to block a student from being packaged for financial aid or blocked from awards being exported to the US Department of Education’s Common Origination and Disbursement (COD).

Through permissions, you can allow administrators to bypass these holds. For example, allowing the registrar’s office to override a hold that blocks enrollment.

A student’s active holds will appear below the hold container (Academic/Financial/Student/Housing/Health) in the student hold screen. If a student has no active holds for that container, “No holds” will display.


Required permissions

Permissions for each user group must be configured for holds to be respected. See setting up holds for additional information. The below permissions are for seeing holds.







My Info


Allow a student to view their holds



Allow a third-party (e.g. parent) to view their student’s holds



Allow an administrator to view a student’s holds



Apply or remove holds to many students through the student finder

Apply hold to an individual student

  1. Go to the student’s profile.

  2. Go to Person Selected > Holds Codes.

  3. The delivered hold categories appear. Under the category in Add New select the hold.


  4. Click Add.

Remove hold from individual student

  1. Go to the student’s profile.

  2. Go to Person Selected > Holds Codes.

  3. The delivered hold categories appear. Under the category select the hold to remove.


  4. Click Remove Selected.

Apply hold to many students

You may want to apply a hold to a group of students. For example, you may wish to apply a balance due hold to every student who owes over a certain amount. Or perhaps you have a list of IDs from the library and want to apply a hold to every student with library fines. You can use the student finder to select a group of students based on criteria or upload a list of student ID numbers gathered through an outside source.

  1. Go to Filters > Students.

  2. Use filters to select the students or upload a list of ID numbers.

  3. Select the students to apply the hold.

  4. Under Actions, click +Holds > For All.

  5. A new screen appears. In Code Array select the hold category.

  6. In Code select the hold.

  7. Select Add Hold.

  8. Click Submit and wait for the process to finish. The process will automatically skip applying the hold to students who already have the hold.

Remove hold from many students

Like placing a hold on many students, you can also use the student finder to remove a hold from a group of students.

  1. Go to Filters > Students.

  2. Use filters to select the students or upload a list of ID numbers.

  3. Select the students to apply the hold.

  4. Under Actions, click +Holds > For All.

  5. A new screen appears. In Code Array select the hold category.

  6. In Code select the hold.

  7. Select Remove Code.

  8. Click Submit.

Remove multiple holds from many students

You may wish to remove multiple holds from a group of students. Using the student finder, Campus Cafe lets you remove all holds within one category in one action. For example, if your library and academic advising holds were both under the academic category, you could remove both these holds at once.

This process removes all holds within the selected category (array) for a student.

  1. Go to Filters > Students.

  2. Use filters to select the students or upload a list of ID numbers.

  3. Select the students to apply the hold.

  4. Under Actions, click +Holds > For All.

  5. A new screen appears. In Code Array select the hold category.

  6. In Code select any hold. Regardless of the hold you select all holds within this category (array) will be removed from the selected students.

  7. Select Remove All.

  8. Click Submit.