Person Record Information
About person records
Campus Cafe creates a person record for all individuals in the system, including students, faculty, staff and donors. The platform is designed so every individual has only one person record and an individual may fall into multiple categories. For example, a student could also be a donor. In another example, an inquirer record will convert to an applicant if the inquirer applies.
Required permissions
Module | Number | Description |
Global | 983 | View and change biographical information |
Video tutorial
Create person record
Inquirer records are created when someone submits an inquiry form. These are individuals who’ve expressed interest in attending your institution but haven’t yet submitted an application.
Applicant and student records are generally created through the admissions application process. When someone submits an admissions application, Campus Cafe automatically generates the necessary data to indicate the individual is an applicant. Once the applicant is admitted or deposits (depending on your configuration) the platform automatically updates the record as a student.
Parent (mother, father, aunt, uncle, etc. of a student) records are created in one of two ways. 1. Someone submits an admissions application that includes the Parent 1 or Parent 2 field. 2. You create the parent manually in Campus Cafe by adding them as a constituent by going to All Users > Add Non-Student/Org and selecting the Constituent module. Permission #1129 is required to access this function.
Faculty and staff records are created by adding the individual as a constituent or labeling an existing individual already in the system, such as a student, as a faculty or staff member. Permission #1128 is required to access this function.
Donor records are created when you add them manually in Campus Cafe by adding them as a constituent by going to All Users > Add Non-Student/Org and selecting the Constituent module or by a donation portal. Permission #1129 is required to access this function.
View/edit person record and biographical information
Most biographical information about a person appears on the Bios screen. Some fields on this screen require additional permissions because of their sensitive nature.
For some fields like Gender, Campus Cafe presents options like female or male. For some fields, you can set these options using STParms. In others, Campus Cafe doesn’t let you change the options as they drive processes in the system or align with regulatory requirements.
Go to the person’s profile.
Go to Person Selected > Bios or click the individual’s ID number.
Name fields
Field | Description | Options Configurable? | STParm to Set Options | Additional Permission Required |
Salutation | Greeting such as Mr., Mrs., Dr. | Yes | XXXXSU |
First Name | Personal name such as Sarah. Typically legal name. | N/A |
Middle Name | Name between first and last names such as Rose. Typically legal name. | N/A |
Last Name | Family or surname such as Pease-Kerr. Typically legal name. | N/A |
Suffix | Text appended to the last name such as Jr., III., | Yes | XXXXSF |
Nick Name | Preferred first and/or last name | N/A |
Maiden Name | Name prior to marriage | N/A |
Former Name | Prior name such as before a name change | N/A |
Marital Status | Relationship status such as married | Yes | SBMACD |
Gender Code | Sex. Options align with IPEDS that recognizes only male and female. Use Gender Identity for other options. | No |
Alumni Class Of | The class year the individual identifies with (e.g. 2020 if the individual identifies with the class of 2020). You can search by this on the Constituent Finder. | N/A |
Birth Date | When the person was born. | N/A |
Death Date | When the person died. | N/A |
Deceased Code | Set to D to indicate the individual has died. | No |
Spouse fields
If the individual is in a relationship you may want to record that information. You may need it when communicating with a student’s family or donors.
Adding a spouse here doesn’t create a standalone record for the spouse in Campus Cafe. This means you can’t record additional data on the spouse beyond what’s here and can’t search for them in the search box. You also can’t attach a donation (gift) to them or provide them access to Campus Cafe. If the spouse needs their own record, create them as a constituent and then create a relationship to their spouse.
Field | Description | Options Configurable? | STParm to Set Options | Additional Permission Required |
Spouse Salutation | Greeting such as Mr., Mrs., Dr. | Yes | XXXXSU |
Spouse First Name | Personal name such as Becca. Typically legal name. | N/A |
Spouse Middle Name | Name between first and last names such as Christine. Typically legal name. | N/A |
Spouse Last Name | Family or surname such as Smith. Typically legal name. | N/A |
Spouse Suffix | Text appended to the last name such as Jr., III., | Yes | XXXXSF |
Spouse Nick Name | Preferred first and/or last name | N/A |
Spouse Maiden Name | Name prior to marriage | N/A |
Spouse Former Name | Prior name such as before a name change | N/A |
Spouse Marital Status | Relationship status such as married | Yes | SBMACD |
Spouse Gender Code | Sex. Options align with IPEDS that recognizes only male and female. | No |
Spouse Birth Date | When the person was born. | N/A |
Spouse Death Date | When the person died. | N/A |
Spouse Deceased Code | Set to D to indicate the individual has died. | No |
Other fields
Field | Description | Options Configurable? | STParm to Set Options | Additional Permission Required |
Privacy Code | A Y means the student wishes to restrict the release of information your institution deems directory information. If set to Y will indicate on the National Student Clearinghouse report the student has a FERPA block. | No |
Text Allowed | Means the individual consented to receiving text messages. Must be checked to allow texting if Custom Control TEXTOPTIN is set to Y. | N/A |
SSN | Social Security Number. Campus Cafe populates the person’s Campus Cafe ID number if no SSN. | N/A |
| 443 |
Alternate ID | A different ID number than the Campus Cafe ID number such as the individual’s ID card number. | N/A |
Student Mode | A custom field you can use to meet your business processes. Field is searchable from the Student Finder and may be used by the Campus Cafe OpenAPI. | Yes | SBMODE |
Citizen Status | Legal status in the United States. Options can’t be changed as they are used by delivered processes. | No |
Citizen Country | The individual's country of citizenship. | Yes | XXX2CN |
International Code | Y indicates an international student. | No |
Visa Type | The individual's legal immigration status such as F-1, J-1. | Yes | SBGDCD |
Language Code: | parlance written or spoken by the individual such as English, French or Spanish. | Yes | SBLGCD |
Region Code | Geographic area associated with the individual such as Northeast, Southwest. | Yes | SBREGN |
Disability Code | Type of disability such as ACHD, deaf/hard of hearing. | Yes | SBHNCD |
County Code: | A legally recognized geographic area associated with the individual. | Yes | SBCOUN |
Religious Preference | The individual’s spiritual denomination such as Christian, Muslim, etc. | Yes | Custom Control LABEL_RELIGIOUS_PREF |
Veterans Code | The individual’s association with the military such as veteran, Chapter 33, Chapter 35, etc. | Yes | SBVTCD |
Preferred Address Code | Where the individual wants to receive mail. | No |
Gender Identity | The sexual orientation preferred by the individual. | Yes | GENDID | 1255 |
Pronoun | The third person preferred by the individual | Yes | PRNOUN | 1259 |
Racial background
Field | Description | Options Configurable? | STParm to Set Options | Additional Permission Required |
Ethnic Code | The culture associated with the individual. Delivered reports such as IPEDS do not use this field. | Yes | SBETCD |
Hispanic (Federal) | Indicate if the individual considers themselves Hispanic. Options may not be changed and are used by delivered processes such as the IPEDS report, which recognizes only yes or no for Hispanic. | No |
Race (Federal) | Indicate one or more races. Options may not be changed and are used by delivered processes such as the IPEDS report, which recognizes only American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or White. | No |
Merge duplicate records
If two person records are created for the same individual you can combine them. Refer to documentation on deleting and merging user accounts.