Set up Course Fees

About course fee billing

Some courses at your institution may carry additional fees. For example, a fee to cover the cost of chemicals used in a chemistry lab or novels provided by your institution during an English class.

Or your institution may bill by course with different courses carrying different tuition rates. A student's overall tuition bill will depend on the number and which courses they take.

You may also offer different course tuition rates for the same course depending on when the student entered your institution or registered. For example, you may promise all students who entered your institution in a specific year that the tuition for each course will remain the same for the next four years. However, students coming in the next year are charged a different rate. Alternatively, you offer a discount for students who register early.

Courses can carry one or more fees. Depending on how you create them, they may apply to all or just some students.


Required permissions







System Admin


Choose how Campus Cafe determines student start date



Attach fee to course

Choose how Campus Cafe determines student start date

You can tell Campus Cafe to charge different course fees for the same course depending on when the student entered your institution. For example, you may charge students who entered in 2023 one rate, but those who entered in 2024 a different rate.

You can tell Campus Cafe to determine the student’s start date based on the date of the admission’s deposit, their current degree Degree Billing Start Date or their current degree Start Date.

You only need to set this once, and it will apply to all course fees.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter BILLDEPST.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. To tell Campus Cafe to use a student’s admission deposit date as the start date in Parameter Value 1 enter Y. To tell Campus Cafe to use the student’s date on their current degree enter N.

  5. Click Save.

Create course fee

  1. Go to Filters > Courses.

  2. Use filters to find the course in the semester to bill.

  3. Click the magnifying glass.

  4. Click the Fee Panel tab.

  5. Choose the fee Type. Values are delivered with Campus Cafe and can’t be changed.

    • C - Course represents a course fee. For example, you charge by course and this course costs $500. To use this selection, you must have a billing rule with Process Type C or T.

    • B - Book represents a fee to cover the textbooks or other required reading of the course. To use this selection, you must have a billing rule with Process Type C or T.

    • L - Lab represents a fee for consumable materials. For example, disposable gloves for a chemistry class or paint for an art class. To use this selection, you must have a billing rule with Process Type L.

  6. Select the Bill Code (transaction code) for which the fee will appear on the student bill.

  7. Optionally select a Billing Site so only students associated with this site are billed the fee. For example, if only students at your main campus are charged this fee because students at your satellite campus don’t use the same chemistry lab facilities.

  8. Optionally select a Rule Code so only students assigned this rule code will receive the fee. For example, if the fee only applies to your visiting exchange students because your domestic students already pay the fee as part of their overall tuition.

  9. Optionally select Default Rule Code Testable. If selected and you don’t select a rule code, only students without a billing rule will receive the fee. If Default Rule Code Testable isn’t selected and a student has a billing rule code, but there is no fee specified with the rule, the student will be charged this blank rule default charge.

  10. Optionally select Bill to Student Instead of Sponsor Override. This optional flag can be used if sponsored billing is set up to bill to an assigned sponsor of a student, but a specific fee or charge needs to be billed to the student’s A/R Ledger directly instead of the sponsor.

  11. Optionally enter an Effective Date if the fee depends on when the student registered. Otherwise, leave blank. Campus Cafe compares the date you entered to the below dates, in order, to determine whether the fee should be assessed. If the fee is later than this date, it won’t be charged.

    1. The enrollment sale date on the student’s enrollment listing.

    2. The enrollment start date on the student’s enrollment listing.

    3. The course’s begin date.

  12. Optionally enter Begin and End Start Dates to allow for different fees based upon the start date of the student. For example, you may charge students who started their career at your institution in 2023 a different rate than those who started at your institution in 2024. To find the student’s start date, Campus Cafe first checks if you’ve told it to use the student’s admission deposit date. If not, Campus Cafe then checks the student’s current degree and its Degree Billing Start Date. If there’s no date, Campus Cafe looks at the Degree Start Date. Both dates are found by going to the student’s profile > Person Selected > Degrees/Majors.

  13. Enter the Amount of the fee.

  14. Click Save Fee.