Admissions: Find Recent Applicants

Admissions: Find Recent Applicants

Find all applicants who have applied within a certain time and/or for a specific semester.


  • Do you want to see all applicants or just those in a certain admissions stage such as applied, accepted, rejected or deposited?

  • Do you want to see all applicants or just those limited to a specific admissions site or academic program?

  • Do you have access to all applicants?

Start with a pre-built filter

Use this as a starting point. You can add fields to further narrow applicants returned.

If you don’t see this filter your institution may have renamed or modified it. You can build it from the example below or open a Campus Cafe support ticket and request it.

  1. Go to Filters > Prospects.

  2. In All Users select ZCC Apps Last Month.


  3. Click Filters.


  4. By default, the filter shows applications submitted within the last month. You may adjust the App Date range. For example, you can show all applications with a date greater than > a specific date. Below would return all applications submitted after 10/2/2024.

    Or you can show all applications between two dates. Notice the first App Date is greater than > and the second App Date is less than <. Below would show all applications submitted after 10/9/2024 and before 11/9/2024.

  5. By default, the filter shows applications with the progress code of applied (Y). You can include other codes such as applied rejected, accepted or deposited. Next to Progress Code click the three horizontal lines, select the codes and click Apply.

  6. Next to Adm Ent Sem click the three horizontal lines, select the semester the applicants applied to and click Apply.

  7. Click Submit.

Add criteria

You can further narrow your results by selecting Add Fields, searching for the field name and selecting it.

  • Admissions Site to narrow the results to only those applicants applying to a specific site. Your sites may be physical such as different campuses or program-based such as a day program and a night program.

  • Counselor Code to narrow the results to only those applicants assigned to a specific admissions counselor(s).

  • Accept Major to narrow results to only those applicants accepted into a specific major.

Build results

You can show additional information alongside the results by selecting Column Visibility, searching for the field name and selecting it.

  • App Date shows the date the person applied.

  • App Major shows the academic program to which the person applied.

  • Adm Ent Sem shows the semester to which the person applied.

  • Progress Code shows where they are in the admission process. Applied, accepted, rejected, deposited, etc.

Save the result format

Once you show the columns you need - and optionally rearrange their order by clicking and dragging them - you can save the column arrangement. Click the disk then give your result layout a name then click Save.

Next time you run the report, you can quickly show the same result columns by selecting your configuration from the drop down menu.

SSRS base report for additional data

Use this base report to identify people who’ve applied and their admissions outcome. Filter by semester or admissions progress code.

The base report includes basic information about applicants, whereas the filter allows you to bring in additional details about the applicants and further constrain the results.

  1. Go to Faculty/Staff > Base Reports > Admissions > All Applicants.

  2. Select the Semester in which applicants applied.

  3. Select the Progress Codes that correspond with individuals who applied. This is usually applied and applied rejected but you may wish to include other codes such as accepted or deposited because if the individual was accepted or placed an admissions deposit, that means they applied.

  4. Click View Report.

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