Business area
Alumni & Development
Business need
You want to find a list of everyone who has donated to your institution.
Questions to consider
Do you want to find all donors or just donors who attended your institution?
Does it matter when the individual made the gift?
Delivered finder saved filter
Use this as a starting point. You can add fields to further narrow students returned.
If you don’t see this filter your institution may have renamed or modified it. You can build it from the example below or open a Campus Cafe support ticket and request it.
Go to Filters > Alumni.
In All Users select ZCC All Donors.
Click Filters.
By default, the filter shows all individuals with total giving greater than zero.
Click Submit.
Other filter fields to consider
You can further narrow your results by selecting Add Fields and selecting a field. Consider adding these fields if you need to further constrain your results.
Deceased to exclude donors who have passed away.
Alum Class Year to narrow your results to only those individuals who identify with a specific class or graduation year.
Degree Majors to narrow the results to only those individuals who completed certain academic programs.
Current Year Giving to narrow the results to only those individuals who have donated in the current year. To do this, set this to > 0 or an amount of your choice.
Columns to consider
You can show additional information alongside the results. Click Column Visibility to select additional fields.
Constit Codes show how the individual is connected to your institution.
Total Giving shows how much the individual has donated.
Current Year Giving shows how much the individual has donated this year.
Open Pledges shows how much the individual has promised to give.
Actions to consider
You can take action with the results.
Click +Send Selected to Gift Finder to send the ID numbers of the donors to the gift finder, where you can further narrow the results by type of gift and see additional gift details.
Base reports
The alumni finder provides an overview of donors and their giving. Base reports provide more detailed information.
Detailed gift information
You can use this report to find all gifts and detailed information including their appeal code and fund. Options on the report let you narrow gifts by fund, appeal code, constituent type, gift purpose, campaign, project expense code and more.
Faculty/Staff > Base Reports > Registrar’s Reports > Giving by Date Range.