About Class Levels
A student's class level (e.g. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) is helpful in categorizing and advising students. Class levels may also be used to drive reporting. Class levels are based on earned credits.
A student's assumed class level represents the anticipated class level for the student provided he or she completes all in-progress courses for a given semester. For example, assume that a freshman is considered a student with 1 to 30 credits. A student has 29 earned credits and is enrolled in 3 credits for semester 202400 which a final grade has yet to be awarded. If the Class Level is run based upon semester 202400, Campus Cafe will consider the student's class level a freshman and assumed class level a sophomore. In another example, a student has earned exactly 30 credits and is not enrolled in any courses without a final grade for 202400. The system will consider the student's class level a freshman and assumed class level a freshman.
A course may limit registration to only students with a specific class level or assumed class level or above. The system will use the class level unless Custom Control WEBUSEASSU is set to Y, in which case the system will use the assumed class level.
Configure Class Level
Credit thresholds that define class levels are set on the Major Maintenance screen.
Class level names are set using the STParm SMLNCD.
Set Custom Control GPA_Line, sequence 1, parameter 1 to Y.
To have class levels include all earned credit regardless of semester, set GPA_Line, sequence 1, parameter 2 to 999999. Alternatively set to 0 for the system will calculate class level as of the semester set in Reg. Control (Registrar > Reg. Control)
Initiating Class Level Calculation
The system updates class level values nightly.
To update on demand, access the Campus Café Client and navigate to Registration > GPA Processor. Enter the Semester and check Update Line Code.
View Student Class Level
For an individual student
Navigate to the student
Navigate to the main menu > Person Selected > Student codes
The class level and assumed class level are displayed
For a group of students
Navigate to Filters > Students
Set the desired criteria and click Submit
After the results are shown, click Column Visibility
Class Level: The numerical code for the level (e.g. 1)
Class Level: Decoded: The text describing the level (e.g. Freshman)
Class Level: The numerical code for the level (e.g. 2)
Class Level Decoded: The text describing the level (e.g. Sophomore)