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Dashboards allow quick access to high-level data and common screens based on functional role.

For a user to see or change among dashboards, he or she must belong to a permission group that has a default dashboard set.

Dashboards show data only for applicants or students for which the user logged in is assigned to as an admissions or academic counselor.

Associate Admissions Counselor with User

To associate an admissions counselor with a specific user, follow the below directions.

  1. Navigate to Admin > STParm

  2. Locate the parameter code SBCLOR. Any previously defined counselors will show in the list. To edit one, click the pencil. Otherwise, enter SBCLOR in the Parameter Code box and a numerical value (e.g. 01) in the Parameter Value Box and click Add.

  3. In the Description box enter the counselor’s name

  4. In the Common App Code box enter the Campus Café ID number of the counselor

  5. In the Long Description box enter the counselor’s name

  6. Click Save

Set Default Dashboard

To set a default dashboard for a group of users, follow the below. This will be the dashboard the user sees upon logging in. A default dashboard is required for the permission group to view any dashboard. For students, we recommend no default dashboard be chosen so the Entry Page text set in Web Adjustable Text is used.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Permissions

  2. Click the permission group to update

  3. Click Edit Group

  4. In the Default Dashboard drop down, select the dashboard

  5. Click Save

  6. Refresh the server cache by running the Refresh Data Cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache

Control Access to Dashboards

Access to dashboards is governed by permissions.

In each module, remove the N/A to show the dashboard as an option.


Permission Module








Faculty (Rosters)



Student Services


1231, 1234

Student Financials

Student Financials


Financial Aid

Student Financials





If no default dashboard is set for a permission group, the Entry Page text set in Web Adjustable Text is used.

Configure Dashboard Design and Behavior

Tiles Shown

The tiles shown on dashboards are adjusted in Custom Control Maintenance (Admin > Custom Control) using ProgramId Dashboard, Sequence 1, Parameters 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Each dashboard is represented by a different parameter (see below). 





Student Services




Student Financials


Financial Aid




Each tile represents a workflow activity category (categories are set using STParm AFREAD). For example, a workflow category that holds required documents has a value of D and a description of Documents. A D entered into the Dashboard parameter value would indicate that documents should be a tile. Add additional categories by separating each workflow category value with a comma. A maximum of five categories may be entered. In the example below, the admissions dashboard is configured to show five titles corresponding with five workflow categories: A, D, E, M and S.


As delivered, Campus Cafe includes the following workflow categories; institutions may adjust these or add new ones.)


Category Description










Missing Documents





Changes take affect the next time the server’s cache is refreshed. Cache is refreshed nightly or run the Refresh Data Cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache)

Items Shown Within a Tile

Each tile shows the number of activities within the tile. Assigning an activity itself to the logged in user does not make the activity appear on a dashboard tile; the applicant or student must be mapped to the logged in user as an admissions counselor or advisor.

Tiles on the admissions and financial aid dashboards show activities where completed date is blank. If activities should be removed upon Submission Date enter a workflow category into custom control APPSTATCAT, Sequence 1, Parameter 2.

Entering a workflow category in Parameter Value 2 will mean activities associated with that category will not appear on a tile if the submitted date on the activity is filled in.

Otherwise, the tile will look at the activity's completed date and show only activities where the completed date is blank.

Changes take affect the next time the server’s cache is refreshed. Cache is refreshed nightly or run the Refresh Data Cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache

Applicants shown

Based on Progress Code

The prospects (inquires and applicants) shown on the admission dashboard are adjusted in Custom Control Maintenance using ProgramId ADMDASHPRG, Sequence 1, Parameter 1. In this control, set the applicant progress codes to exclude from the dashboard. Most institutions choose to exclude the progress codes AW,CW,IW,LW,PW,YR,YW that represent inquiries and applicants who have withdrawn or been rejected. (Admission progress codes are viewable by looking at STParm SBPRCC.)

Based on Timeframe

Custom Control Dashboard, Sequence 1, Parameter 1 controls the prospects that show on the prospect tile or admissions funnel who inquired, applied, accepted or deposited within the previous number of days specified in this parameter.

Based on Entering Semester

The Admissions Control screen provides the ability to set a semester. Inquiries and applicants with an expected entering semester equal to or greater than the one selected here will be shown on the admissions dashboard. These inquiries and applicants will appear even if their inquired date is older than the number of days specified in custom control Dashboard, Sequence 1, Parameter 1. Inquiries and applicants with an admissions progress code set in custom control ADMDASHPRG, Sequence 1, Parameter 1 will not appear on the dashboard. Set semester to 999999 for the semester forward feature not to apply.

Students/Advisees Shown

For students/advisees to be shown on a dashboard, the logged in user must be mapped as the student's advisor. In addition, the user logged in must belong to a permission group where permission #1234 is explicitly set to NA.

By default, students/advisees shown on non-admissions dashboards represent individuals whose degree status is blank, enrolled (E), active-not enrolled (A) or leave of absence (L). You can add or remove additional statuses in Custom Control Maintenance using ProgramId DASHDEGSTA, Sequence 1, Parameter Value 1.


Short Description 

Long Description



The degree row has been auto created from admissions and the student has not been enrolled in any classes yet.


Active-Not Enrolled

The student is active but not currently enrolled in a class. An active student represents one whose academic degree remains open. The student is not enrolled and has not been explicitly withdrawn from the degree or graduated.



The student has completed the program, but has not yet officially graduated (been conferred).



The student is enrolled in at least one class without a final grade.



The student changes academic programs within the same degree level. The former row is marked inactive rather than withdrawn because the student did not technically withdraw from the institution.


Leave of Absence

The student is on an approved leave of absence.


No Start

The individual never began the degree, but a record is desired to be kept.



The student has withdrawn from the degree and the institution.


Degree Conferred

The student has officially graduated and been conferred the degree.

Tracking Members (Folders) shown on Dashboard

Tracking Activity Members (folders) to be shown on a particular dashboard can be set using Custom Control DASHBOARD, sequence 2, Parameter value 2 through 7.  If left blank, then all tracking activity members will be shown in the tiles.  To constrain the members, edit and input the members you wish to be shown as a comma separated list.  (Example to show admissions, registration, and student services would look like:   A,REGISTRAR,STUSERV)


Tracking Workflow Type shown on Dashboard

Tracking Workflow Type can be used to determine what type of workflow activity needs to be shown on a particular dashboard using Custom Control DASHBOARD, sequence 3, Parameter value 2 through 7.  To constrain the work flow types, edit and input the members you wish to be shown as a comma separated list.  (Example to show Admission Rep Action Needed, Email, and Phone Calls would look like:   ADM REP,EMAIL,PHONE)


Default Semester for Dashboard

The default semester is controlled by the permission group to which the user belongs. 

  1. On the permission maintenance screen (Admin > Permissions) click the permission group

  2. Click Edit Group

  3. In the Default Dashboard drop down choose the semester

Placement Dashboard Specific Custom Controls

For the Placement/Gainful Employment Dashboard two controls are available to customize what students are shown.

DASHPLACEM-1-1 : Use a Comma separated list of Valid degree statuses to show on dashboard. When set only people with these statuses on their Degree record will be shown.
DASHPLACEM-1-2 : Set minimum program end date in the format of YYYYMMDD. This control will show all persons with this program end date and going forward into the future. Leaving this control as Blank will show 6 months prior and everyone going forward on the dashboard.

Student Dashboard For Advisor type

Advisors may be any of the 4 advisor types. By default, the hard-coded location for an advisee’s dashboard filtered data is as follows:

Advisor 1: Student Services Dashboard

Advisor 2: Financial Aid Dashboard

Advisor 3: Student Finances Dashboard

Advisor 4: Placement Dashboard

This means that an administrative user who has been named in the Advisor 3 position for a student will see the activities associated with that student on the Student Finances dashboard, filtered by the parameters set up in the Custom Control DASHBOARD (If the DASHBOARD Activity Tracking Member filter is for F:Student Finances, any A:Admissions activities would not show on the Student Finances Dashboard, as an example).

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