Business area
Business need
Find all currently enrolled students.
Questions to consider
Does “current” mean as of today or a future semester?
Does “enrolled” mean in a class or just active?
Permissions to consider
Do you have access to all students?
Delivered finder saved filter
Use this as a starting point. You can add fields to further narrow students returned. Display columns to show additional information like student’s address, gender, GPA or balance due.
Filters > Students.
In All Users select Enrolled Students.
Click Filters.
Next to Single Semester click the three horizontal lines, select a semester and click Apply.
In Single Semester Credits Taken enter the minimum number the student needs to have attempted.
Click Submit.
Other fields to consider
Degree major to narrow the results to students enrolled in certain major(s).
Class level to narrow the results to students only at a certain class standing such as freshman or sophomore.
Base reports
Use this base report to show all enrolled students along with their individual class enrollments and demographic data. Unlike a filter, you can’t add additional information to this report. However, this shows all classes each student is in, unlike the saved filter.
Faculty/Staff > Base Reports > Registrar’s Reports > Enrollments by Semester.