Third-Party Access
- 1 About Delegated Third-Party Access
- 2 Configure Third-Party Access Permission Group
- 3 Configure Relationship Types That Can Access the Delegated List
- 4 Configure Definition of Student
- 5 Turn on Third-Party Access
- 6 Establish Relationship Between Student and Third-Party
- 7 Create Account for Third-Party
- 8 Granting Third-Party Access
- 9 Definitions of Access Levels
- 10 Third-Party Perspective
About Delegated Third-Party Access
Third-party access allows administrators to designate a user in Campus Cafe to access the academic and/or financial records of specific student(s). Alternatively, the institution's authority to share information about the student can be recorded but no access to Campus Cafe granted to the third party.
Only an administrator can record third-party access, often known as a FERPA release.
Configure Third-Party Access Permission Group
Institutions may issue credentials to third parties to access Campus Cafe and view student(s) who have permitted them access. Campus Cafe recommends creating a dedicated permission group for third parties. Recommend permission settings for this permission group are attached to this Knowledge Base article. The permission group must have access to permission #711 to provide access to the list of the student(s) the user is authorized to view.
The specific info release code will take precedence over the permissions. For example, a parent must have access to the permission to view transcripts and have an info release code of Academic or Both Academic and Financial to see the transcript.
Configure Relationship Types That Can Access the Delegated List
People related to students with specified relationship types (e.g. parent, aunt, wife, etc.) will see these individuals listed on the Third-Party Delegated Access list in Campus Cafe. You may record an information release code for other relationship types but these individuals will not see the students appear on their delegated access list. These release codes would be informational only.
Set relationship types that appear on delegated access list
Navigate to Admin > Custom Control
Locate ProgramId SYUSPARCOD
Next to ProgramId SYUSPARCOD, Sequence 1, Parameter 1 and click the pencil next to it
In Parameter Value 1 box enter a single relationship type code (e.g. PAR)
Optionally, you may specify additional specific relationship types in Parameter Value 2-10 boxes. One relationship type per box.
Click Save
Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache
Configure Definition of Student
Individuals must have a specified admissions progress code(s) to be able to have information shared with third parties.
Navigate to Admin > Custom Control
Locate ProgramId CHLDPROGCD
Next to ProgramId CHLDPROGCD, Sequence 1, Parameter 1 and click the pencil next to it
In the Parameter Value 1 enter a single admissions progress code (e.g. P for deposited)
Optionally, you may specify additional specific admissions progress codes in Parameter Value 2-10 boxes. One admissions progress code per box.
Click Save
Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache
Turn on Third-Party Access
Navigate to Admin > Custom Control
Locate ProgramId FERPACHECK
Next to ProgramId FERPACHECK, Sequence 1, Parameter 1 and click the pencil next to it
In Parameter Value 1 enter Y
In Parameter Value 2 enter N
Click Save
Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache
Establish Relationship Between Student and Third-Party
A relationship between a student and a third-party may be created when an applicant submits an application for admission if the application contains the parent fields.
Alternatively, an administrator can create a relationship. The third-party must first exist in Campus Cafe as a standalone record. See documentation on creating records and establishing relationships.
Campus Cafe does not support the student creating the relationship.
Create Account for Third-Party
To access Campus Cafe, the third-party requires a username and password. If the Campus Cafe platform manages your institution's usernames and passwords then provision the third party an account and associate it with the third-party permission group. If using a third-party identity provider such as Google or Azure, the third-party's username will need be created in Campus Cafe and in your identity provider.
Granting Third-Party Access
Set by the institution
Navigate to the student
Click the Relationships tab
Next to the third-party to allow access, under Info Release choose Academic Only, Financial Only or Both Academic and Financial (see below for access granted)
The setting is automatically saves
Set by the student
A student may authorize or revoke the disclosure of information to a party related to the student. The related person must already exist in Campus Cafe and have a relationship with the student.
The student must belong to a permission group that includes access to permission #963 and #1218 to access this function.
Student logs in to Campus Cafe
Navigate to main menu > My Info > Contact Info
Click the Relationships tab
Next to the third-party to allow access, under Info Release choose Academic Only, Financial Only or Both Academic and Financial (see below for access granted)
The setting is automatically saves
Definitions of Access Levels
A student may grant the release of records related to academics, financials or both. The below access assumes the third-party permission group has been configured to permit access to these screens.
Academic Access
Student profile
Class schedule
Exam schedule
GPA history
Enrollment history
Degree audit
Status history
Session data
Grade Comment Reports
Financial Access
Student profile financial and financial aid tabs
Financial aid status
Financial aid transactions
Billing statement
Make a payment
Both Academic and Financial Access
All access listed under Academic Access and Financial Access
Info Release Spouse
The Info Release Spouse is informational only. It is designed to signal to the institution the spouse of the individual listed is authorized to also receive information. For example, student Keith's mother is listed as Janet. Keith's father John - the spouse of Janet - is not listed in Campus Cafe. Setting the Info Release Spouse code next to Janet to Academic would signal that the institution may share academic information about Keith with John.
Third-Party Perspective
When a user with delegated access enters Campus Cafe, they can view authorized information.
Navigate to Parent > Delegated Third-Party Access
Next to the student for which to view information click Student Information
Note: All individuals related to the student with the defined relationship codes will apply even those with info release codes set to none. However, the only information displayed for students with info release code set to none will be the individual's name and basic contact info and the opportunity to make a payment with a credit card if the institution has a third-party payment processor configured.Navigate to the main menu > Person Selected > The desired information