eRezLife (Residence Management)

About eRezLife Integration

Campus Café offers an import/export connection to the Residence Management software eRezLife. Customers must establish a separate contract with eRezLife.

Prerequisite setup

To enable access to the import and export screen, Permission 1266 needs to be enabled (not set to NA or RO) for the appropriate user permission group. Permission 1266 is located in the Registrar permission container.

Export data from Campus Cafe to eRezLife

The eRezLife data export from Campus Cafe is located in the Registrar Menu. The data contained in the eRezLife export from Campus Cafe contains the following column headings:

  • Session (housing session)

  • Term (degree term)

  • external_auth_id

  • Student ID (Campus Cafe)

  • First Name

  • Middle Name/Initial

  • Last Name

  • PreferredName

  • Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY format)

  • email (Campus Cafe Preferred)

  • Mobile Phone

  • MajorName

  • ExpectedGradTerm

  • CumGPA

  • PrevTermGPA

  • ProfCumGPA

  • BillingAddress1 (from the Billing Address field in Campus Cafe)

  • BillingCity (from the Billing Address field in Campus Cafe) 

  • BillingState (from the Billing Address field in Campus Cafe) 

  • BillingZipCode (from the Billing Address field in Campus Cafe) 

  • BillingCountry (from the Billing Address field in Campus Cafe) 

  • CollegeLevel (Class Rank)

  • Campus

  • MailBoxAssigned

Only data that exists in the system will populate. Otherwise, the cell on the .csv file is left blank. 

To prepare a spreadsheet to transfer to E Rez Life:

  • Select a semester from the dropdown menu. The system will find all people who meet one or both of these criteria:

    • are enrolled in the selected semester, or any subsequent semester 

    • have an Admissions Progress Code of "P", and have an Admissions Entering Semester greater than or equal to the selected semester.

  • Confirm want to continue with these people.

  • The system will create a .csv spreadsheet with one row per enrolled semester that has active session data.

Import data to Campus Cafe from eRezLife 

The upload portal is located in the same menu item as the Campus Cafe export generation. When uploading the file, the system will identify the number of valid entries and ask for confirmation to continue with the import process.  The process will create or update Session entries for students provided that:

  • The Student ID number is valid

  • The session term is valid (STPARM Parameter Code SMDESC)

  • The Dorm Building/Room Number have been created for the session.

  • The meal plan (if defined on the eRezLife exported spreadsheet) must be 6 or fewer characters and exist in STPARM Parameter Code BIGRTP

After the process runs, the system will display each ID number's session row results, with any error definitions.

Housing Restrictions/Holds

Campus Cafe does not have a housing hold that prevents session rows from being created. If a student has a housing restriction hold that is meant to notify administrative staff that a student should not be given a housing assignment, the eRezLife upload process will not obey that notification.