Alumni Placements and Organizations

About alumni placements and organizations

You can use Campus Cafe to track student placements in internships or jobs. You can tie these placements to an organization such as a company. You can then use this information to track the impact of a student’s education on their job or internships.

For example, you can calculate what percentage of your graduates found a job after graduation. And, by recording details of that job, determine how long it took students to find a job and if it relates to their academic program.

In another case, you could track all students who have or have held an internship at a specific place or with a specific person.


  • Set up in STParm using Parameter Code MMCONS to define constituent codes, which broadly describe an organization or individual. For example, you may create codes of corporation, nonprofit, government, etc.

Required permissions







System Admin


Create relationship types



Create relationship reciprocals



Create an organization



Search for organizations


963, 1218

Add and view student placements

Create relationship types

Relationship types define how a student connects with another individual or organization. For example, you might have a relationship type of hiring site that you use when you connect graduates to companies that hire them.

While you can create any relationship type to meet your business needs, Campus Cafe recommends creating five specific types so delivered reports work. These types should have the descriptions Hiring Site, Internship Supervisor and Hiring Manager. For the inverse relationships, create Employee and Intern.

  1. Go to Admin > STParm.

  2. In Parameter Code enter MRRLCC.

  3. In Parameter Value enter a maximum of three characters to briefly describe the relationship. For example, for Hiring Site, you might enter HS.

  4. Click Add.

  5. In Description and Long Description enter text to characterize the relationship type. For example, Hiring Site.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Create relationship reciprocals

If you want students you place at an organization to show when you look at the organization's record in Campus Cafe, you must create relationship reciprocals.

Reciprocals let you show the relationship between the two parties. For example, to a graduate, the RI Office of Attorney General is the hiring site. To the Attorney General, the student is the employee.

Only relationships (placements) created after relationship reciprocals are configured will show on organization profiles. As such, Campus Cafe recommends you create these reciprocals prior to recording any placements.

  1. Go to Registrar > Relationship Reciprocals.

  2. In Primary Relation select the relationship type of the organization from the student’s perspective. For example, hiring site.

  3. In Reciprocal Relation select the relationship type of the student from the organization’s perspective. For example, employee.

  4. Select Add Reverse Too.

    In this example, we tell Campus Cafe that when we record a placement with a relationship type of hiring site it means the organization is the hiring site from the student’s perspective. From the organization’s perspective, the student is the employee.

  5. Click Submit.

Create organization

You should create Campus Cafe organizations for companies and other entities where students work or intern. By tying multiple students or graduates to the same Campus Cafe organization, you can reduce data entry and quickly tell if your students or graduates often intern or work for the same companies.

You shouldn’t create organizations if you’re placing a student with an individual. For example, perhaps you want to record that a student has an internship with Professor Allison Shaw. Rather than create Professor Shaw as an organization, create her as an individual. If she teaches at your institution, you’d create her as a faculty member.

  1. Go to All Users > Add Non-Student/Org.

  2. Click Change to Organization.

  3. Enter the organization's Name and, optionally, Phone, EIN, Email and Address.

  4. Click Add; a new screen appears.

  5. In Primary Constituent Code select an organization type.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. You may wish to document the primary contact of the organization. You can see this contact while reviewing the organization or when using the organization finder. To record the name, while on the organization’s profile, click the organization’s ID number.

  8. Enter the primary contact’s First Name and Last Name.

  9. Click Save.

Update an organization

After you create an organization, you may need to change it if, for example, the organization moves, updates its phone number or your contact there changes. 

  1. Go to Filters > Organizations.

  2. Click Filters and enter criteria to return the organization. For example, in Employer Name enter the organization’s name.

  3. Next to the organization to change, click Launch Org.

  4. Go to Person Selected >
    Bios to update the contact individual's name.
    Address/Phones to update the organization's name, address or phone.
    Email Address to update the email.

Record a placement

When a student secures an internship or is hired, you can record details of the placement in Campus Cafe. A single student can have multiple placements at one with one or more individuals or organizations. The more detail you record about the placement, the richer reports you can produce.

  1. Go to the individual’s profile.

  2. Go to Person Selected > Relationships.

  3. Decide whether to associate the placement with an individual or an organization.

    • To associate the placement with an individual - such as a professor for which the student is completing an internship - click Lookup Person and select the individual.

    • To associate the placement with an organization - such as a corporation or government agency - click Lookup Org and select the organization.

  4. In Relationship Type select the way the student and this placement relate. Campus Cafe recommends using relationship types with descriptions of Hiring Site, Internship Supervisor and Hiring Manager so delivered reports work.

  5. Select Mark Reciprocal Relation to ensure that the individual or organization is also associated with the student. This way when you look at the organization, you’ll see all students placed there.

    In this example, we record that a student has a relationship with the RI Office of the Attorney General. We’ve set the Relationship Type to Hiring Site to indicate this is a job placement and we’ve selected Mark Reciprocal Relation so when we look up the RI Office of the Attorney General, all the students who work there will be listed.

  6. Click Add Relationship; a new screen appears.

  7. For purposes of internship or job placement, the following fields are recommended to be completed:

    • Placement date: The date the student secured the placement. This date must be recorded for certain Campus Cafe delivered reports to work. Additionally, some reports require this date is equal to or after the student’s degree end date.

    • Hours Per Week: The number of hours the student is working

    • Hourly Rate: The student's hourly pay rate

    • Salary: The student's salary

    • Verification Source: How the institution knows about the placement

    • Job Duties: A description of the student's responsibilities

    • Related Field: Indicates whether the placement is related the student's education

  8. Click Save.

View placements

You can view student placements in different ways depending on your business needs.

View placements by organization

Use this option if you want to see all students placed at one entity. For example, you want to see all students who intern or have been hired at the RI Office of the Attorney General.

  1. Go to Filters > Organizations.

  2. Click Filters and enter criteria to return the organization. For example, in Employer Name enter the organization’s name.

  3. Next to the organization click Launch Org.

  4. Go to Person Selected > Relationship.

View placements using Student Finder

Use this option if you want to see placements of a group of students or alumni. For example, perhaps you want to see all the placements for your students from Rhode Island.

  1. Go to Filters > Students or Filters > Alumni.

  2. Click Filters.

  3. In Relationship Type select the connection between the students and the placement. For example, you may select hiring site to see students with a placement you categorized as a job.
    Tip: If this box isn’t shown, select Add Filters then select Relationship Type and click Apply.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Above the results, click Column Visibility and click Relationship Person to show the column containing the student's employer.

View placements using base reports

These delivered SSRS reports summarize placement information.

  1. Go to Faculty/Staff > Base Reports.

  2. Click Placement Reports.

  3. Click the report. Note that some reports require that you first return the desired population in student finder and then transfer the IDs to the report system by clicking +Reports.