Refund Rules


Refundable Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees can be refunded based upon a refund schedule in the course, in the semester dates, or both.

Drops are always given 100% refund, unless the charge is specified as not reversible. Drops are courses with a withdrawal date and no final grade. Refund schedules are only applied to Withdrawn Courses or Withdrawn students (flat fees). Withdrawn Courses are indicated by having a withdrawal date and a withdrawal grade in the course. Withdrawn students are those whose current degree status is 'W' and the status date is the withdrawal date.

The Not Reversible Field in the Billing Rules is used to apply a refund rule to each individual charge. Only charges with a B, C or S will have a refund processed for withdrawals.


Not Reversible

B indicates the refund will be processed based upon the schedule from the Billing/Refund page in the Course Finder if one exists, otherwise the refund will be based upon the refund schedule defined in semester dates

C indicates the refund will be processed based upon the schedule from the Billing/Refund page in the Course Finder. If a refund schedule does not exist in the course, no refund will be processed

S indicates the refund will be processed based upon the refund schedule defined in semester dates for the semester. When determining the semester date record to use, it will first look to the one related to the students site if it exists, otherwise it will look for the 0 site record for the semester.

Y indicates a charge that is never reversible. This charge will never refund based upon a refund schedule. This also is the only way to prevent a 100% refund of a dropped course.

Days vs. Dates

Refunds can be based upon days or dates.

DATES - If dates are chosen, up until the Refund 1 Date, the Refund 1 Percentage will be refunded. If the withdrawal date is after the Refund 1 Date, it will find the percentage by determining the earliest refund date that is higher than the withdrawal date and the corresponding percentage will be refunded.

DAYS - If Days are selected, up until the Refund 1 number of days is reached, group billing will refund the percentage in Refund 1 Percent. If the number of Days is greater than the Refund 1 Days, the process will find the lowest number of days which is higher than the number of days, and apply that rate.

The number of days is determined by using the begin date of the course (per credit/per course fees), or the begin date of the semester from semester dates (flat fees) less the withdrawal date for the course (per credit/per course) or the status date of the current degree with a status of W for flat fees.

The number of days does not include the first day of the course. For example, a course with a start date of the first of the month, if the refund 1 days were 5, the refund 1 percentage would be applied until the 6th of the month.
