
About organizations

Organizations in Campus Cafe are entities such as companies, nonprofits or government agencies that donate to your institution, pay students' bills, sponsor internships, hire your alumni, etc. You can link donations to an organization, place an alumnus at an organization or tell Campus Cafe that an organization has the responsibility for a student’s bill.

Campus Cafe lets you define an organization as a Constituent or a Sponsor.

  • Constituents are generally organizations that have a donor-like relationship. For example, an organization that donates to your endowment or an organization that often hires your graduates.

  • Sponsors are generally organizations that have a direct financial relationship to individual students. For example, a company that pays for their employees to take your classes. In Campus Cafe, the accounts receivable will apply to the company - the sponsor - and not the student.

While organizations may also be vendors, entities that you pay must be created explicitly as vendors although they may also have an organization profile.


  • None.

Required permissions







System Admin


Create constituent codes



Add an organization as a consistent



Add an organization as a sponsor

Establish primary constituent codes

Constituent codes help you further categorize your organizations. For example, you might have codes for corporations, nonprofits, internship partners and government.

Create code

  1. Go to Admin > STParm.

  2. In Parameter Code enter MMCONS.

  3. In Parameter Value enter two characters to describe the category code. For example, NP for nonprofit.

  4. Click Add.

  5. In Description enter text about the code. For example, Nonprofit.

  6. In Long Description enter more detailed text about the code. For example, Nonprofit Organization.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Create constituent organization

  1. Go to All Users > Add Non-Student/Org.

  2. Click Change to Organization.

  3. Select Constituent.

  4. If the organization is also a sponsor, select Sponsor.

  5. Enter the Organization Name.

  6. Optionally enter additional information about the organization such as its phone number, EIN and address.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Select a Primary Constituent Code to categorize the organization.

  9. Click Submit.

Create sponsor organization

  1. Go to All Users > Add Non-Student/Org.

  2. Click Change to Organization.

  3. Select Sponsor.

  4. Enter the Organization Name.

  5. Optionally enter additional information about the organization such as its phone number, EIN and address.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Select a Primary Constituent Code to categorize the organization.

  8. Click Submit.