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About the Prospect Finder

The Prospect Finder provides a way to search for populations of inquiries or applicants that meet certain criteria. It is one of the People Finders.

Using Prospect Finder

Prospect Finder is available by navigating to Admissions > Inquiry/Applicant Finder or by clicking Filters > Prospects

Filters (Criteria)

Clicking Expand Filters opens a set of boxes that serve as criteria. Additional boxes may be shown by clicking Hide/Show Fields in the upper right. Boxes may also be hidden using this link. The boxes shown will save upon next login. The boxes shown are user specific; a user showing or hiding boxes does not impact other users.

Each filter offers a drop down with a boolean indicator. Criteria may be set in one or more boxes. Boxes with a three-bar menu to the right indicate there are defined options. Clicking the three-bar menu will review the options and allow the user to select them.

  • For text filters the options are starts with, equal to, not equal to, ends with or contains. For example, to return all prospects with names containing "smi" set Last Name to Contains and enter smi in the criteria box.

  • For numerical filters the options are equals (=), does not equal (<>), greater than  (>), greater than or equal to (>=), less than (<) or less than or equal to (=<). For example, to return prospects with a high school GPA of less than 2.0, set the HS GPA operator to < and in the enter 2.0 in the criteria box.

  • Some filters support ranges. For example, to return all applicants withdrawn between two specified dates in the first App Withdrawn Date box choose >= and enter the starting date. In the second GPA box choose <= and enter the ending date.

  • Some filters are dependent on others. For example, to use the Single Semester columns (such as single semester GPA or credits taken), you must input a semester in the Single Semester box.

  • Filters may be layered or combined. For example, to show all enrolled prospects with a high school GPA of greater than 2.0 and who live in Rhode Island, set the HS GPA box to >= 2.0 and the state box to RI.

Result Maximum

Under the filters are two boxes: # of Results and # Per Page. By default the system will return the first 100 results, all on one page. If the expected result set is greater than 100, increase the nmber in # of results to a larger value, up to 5,000. The number of results per page will limit how many results appear on the screen before needing to click the next arrow to see the next batch of results. 

If a result set larger than 5,000 is desired, refer to base reports.

Saved Filters

Criteria may be saved and the finder rerun in the future with the same criteria. A saved filter does not save the resulting population itself, it saves the criteria. The results will be dynamic.

To save the criteria, in the box to the right of the Save Filter As button, enter a name for the saved filter. To allow all users to use the saved filter, check Available For All Users? Click Save Filter As.


To run a saved filter, on the finder page, under All User's Filters or Your Filters choose the saved filter.


Columns (Results) Displayed 

Results of the criteria appear as a grid like table. 

Show additional data elements by clicking the Column Visibility button.

Rearrange columns by clicking and dragging the column to its new location.

Sort by column by clicking the column header.

Save Column Arrangement

The results grid, including the visible columns and the column order, may be saved. 

  1. With the results loaded and the columns visible and arranged as desired, click the disk icon

  2. In the Name of Table Configuration box enter a name for the column arrangement
    Tip: To make this the default arrangement, save it as *MY DEFAULT

  3. Optionally check the box  Make Available For All Users to make arrangement visible to all users

  4. Click Save

To launch this column arrangement in the future, after loading results, select it from the drop down


Actions, such as applying activities or statuses, can be applied in bulk using the action buttons. Permissions control access to some buttons.


Permission #955

Click to display photos of the selected prospects.


Send Email

Permissions #951 & 952


A user may email the selected results on the People Finder either by feeding the emails into a local email software client (e.g. Outlook) or by using the Campus Café email client. The client relies on the customer configuring an email relay. In both cases, the system will return and email the email set as preferred.

Email vendors often set governor limits (caps) on the number of recipients per email or the total number of emails sent within 24 hours. Campus Café relies on the customer’s email provider so questions should be directed to the email provider.

Emailing using local client (software on your computer)

  1. Select by checking the Selected checkbox the results you wish to email

  2. Click the Email button

  3. Click For Page Default or For All Default

  4. Your locally installed email client will open and the emails will appear in the BCC line.

  5. Compose and send the email as normal

Emailing using Campus Café 

Ensure pop ups are allowed for Campus Café.

  1. Select by checking the Selected checkbox the results you wish to email

  2. Click the Email button

  3. Click For Page Client or For All Client

  4. A pop up will appear

  5. Compose the email

  6. Click send

Send Text Message

Permission #1092


This feature requires the customer to procure a third-party contract with Message Media. Once enabled and configured a user with appropriate security may send a text message from the finder. Refer to the separate text messaging documentation for setup and detailed directions. It is recommended that the text include the name of the institution and/or sender to help the recipient identify the source of the text.

  1. Click Text

  2. User will be brought to the texting screen

  3. In the Member: Template Name, select an activity tracking template

  4. Optionally set additional criteria

  5. In the message box, compose the text message

  6. Click Submit

  7. Wait until the system completes sending the message. Only users with valid mobile (MBL) phone numbers can receive a text message.

Download Results

Permission #954


The download option allows downloading the results with additional data elements not shown in the results grid.

  1. Click the Download icon

  2. Check the data elements to download

  3. Click Apply

  4. Click the Download button

  5. Choose For All to download all results or For Page to download the results on the shown page

Please note the file will download as a .tab file. This type of file may be opened in Excel:

  1. Open Excel

  2. Navigate to File > Open

  3. Click Browse

  4. To the right of the File name box, select All Files (*.*) from the drop down

  5. Select your file

  6. Under Original data type, select Delimited

  7. Click Next

  8. Under Delimiters, check only Tab

  9. Click Next

  10. Click Finish

Add Activity tracking (sending personalized emails/letters)

Permission #953


Activities that contain text message workflows should not be initiated though this button. While the activity will be associated with the individuals, the text message will not send. To send texts, use the Text action button.

This function allows the user to add a batch of items to the activity tracking system based on the people selected in the grid. For example, the user may wish to add a phone reminder to call the 10 people on list in 10 days.

This process relies on an administrator configuring activity items. For example, a school may pre-configure a form called PHONE10 that will contain a phone reminder that will be due in 10 days.

Leverage pre-existing activity or workflow

Follow these directions if the activity does not involve sending an email or if the activity is pre-configured with an associated workflow that sends an email.

  1. Select by checking the Selected checkbox the results you wish to add activity to

  2. Click Add Activity

  3. Choose Add for All or Add for Page

  4. In the Member: Template Name, select an activity tracking template

  5. Optionally tie the activity to a specific semester. This might be useful if the activity relates to a specific class in a specific semester or financial aid for a specific semester.

  6. In the Add Only For These People box you can choose whether to send the message to everyone selected, only those that do not have the activity tracking item or only those that do not have the item for the set semester.

  7. Optionally add a comment

  8. Optionally assign a user

  9. Optionally add a long comment

  10. Click Submit

To Federal Packaging

Transfer the selected IDs to the financial aid packaging module.


Permission #956


Clicking this will move the selected IDs to the Activity Tracking page and open that screen. This will allow you to search for activities associated with any of these prospects. For example, you may wish to search for all transcripts or application materials.

Billing Rule

Permission #2018

Clicking this button will allow the user to associate a student-specific billing rule code with a group of prospects. See related documentation


Click to see a chart of the population by admissions progress code.

Tracking Sources

When the criteria Tracking Source or Tracking Source Work Flow Name is filled in, the resulting sources appear in the grid alongside the prospects. Prospects may have multiple sources, all of which appear in the prospect's single row. To "flatten" the results for export, click Tracking Sources which opens a new screen where each source will appear once per line.

For an activity tracking template to appear in the Tracking Source Workflow box as an option, its underlying workflow must have a category of S.

The Tracking Source box searches only activity tracking templates where the underlying workflow has a category of S.

Update Counselor

Permission #1239


Click to change the admissions counselor associated with the selected people.

The maximum number of prospects that can be assigned at one time is set using custom control COUNSASSIG

Update Counselor

Permission #1261


Click to change the selected prospects' Admissions Progress Codes in batch.

Progress Code updates made via the Prospect Finder will trigger Permission Group changes as set by Custom Control SYUSCHGGRP, and will deploy any Database Triggers associated with those changes. Prospects may not be updated to Y, A, or P in bulk. Prospects may not be updated AW or PW without a valid acceptance date or deposit date, respectively.

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