MessageMedia (Text Messaging)
- 1 About
- 2 Federal law
- 3 Permissions Required
- 4 Considerations
- 5 Option 1: Configuration When Using One Message Media Account
- 6 Option 2: Configuration When Using Multiple Message Media Accounts
- 7 Texting Logic Control
- 8 Configure Sender of Email
- 9 Reply-to Roles
- 10 Establishing Workflows and Templates
- 11 Default Activity Tracking Template for Texting
- 12 Record Explicit Consent to Receive Text
- 13 Send Text Message
- 14 Replies
- 15 Conversation View
Campus Café offers an API with Message Media, a third-party vendor that facilitates text messaging otherwise known as short message service (SMS). Once the API is enabled, Campus Café will accommodate bidirectional text messaging. Campus Café clients are responsible for opening an account with Message Media.
Federal law
Under the U.S. Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), customers must give businesses “express written consent” to send them texts. The law specifically precludes business from running an “opt-out” campaign. Campus Café clients are responsible for obtaining consent, which may be recorded in Campus Café.
Permissions Required
User completing technical setup must have access to permission 293 under the System Admin (SY) module.
1092 under the global module is required to send a message
User must have access to the activity tracking member that facilitates the text
The directions differ if your institution will send texts from a singe Message Media account (Option 1) or if your institution will send texts from many different Message Media accounts (Option 2).
The integration supports sending only to US phone numbers capable of receiving text messages
The integration does not support the sending or receiving of images or emojis, which will appear as ?? if received
Delivery of messages may be restricted to specific hours as set in the Message Media's Socially Aware setting
Option 1: Configuration When Using One Message Media Account
This is the most common setup if your institution plans to send text messages from a single phone number.
Log in to Message Media at
On the left-hand side, expand the Configuration menu option
Click on API Settings
Click “Create new key” in the Basic Authentication section
Enter a label as desired (e.g. Campus Café)
Click Create key
Message Media will generate a both an api_key and an api_secret. Copy these as once you close the window you will no longer have access to these values
Log in to Campus Café
Navigate to the Main Menu > Admin > Web App
In the search box, enter SMS.
Double click in the Value box of MESSAGE_MEDIA_SMS_API_KEY and paste the api_key
Double click in the Value box of MESSAGE_MEDIA_SMS_API_PASSWORD and paste the api_secret
Double click in the Value box of MESSAGE_MEDIA_SMS_ID_FOR_PAST_DUE_FROM_VAL and enter the Campus Café ID number of the default user to send scheduled text messages when a sender is not specified in the workflow
Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache
In the URL of your browser, go to https://<your-school-code>
On this page you will see an Id Number field and a Submit button. Enter 0 in the Id Number field. Click the submit button and the webhook should be automatically created. A message will appear below to show if the process succeeded or failed. (In Message Media you may go to to check the webhook. You should see 1 record with a url ending with /cafeweb/public/messageMediaWebHookListener
Option 2: Configuration When Using Multiple Message Media Accounts
In Message Media each account or subaccount has its own API key and password. A key/password pair links to a specific phone number from which a text message is sent. A phone number can be associated with more than one key/password pair thereby allowing multiple individuals to utilize the same phone number. For example, an admissions team could all utilize a phone number associated with the Admissions Department while employees of the Registrar Office utilize a phone number associated with that office.
Initial Setup
Log in to Message Media at
In the upper left switch to the Message Media account that will be the Message Media account used if a Campus Cafe user sending a text does not have a Message Media key explicitly assigned to him. As such, the phone number associated with this account will be used when a Campus Cafe user without a dedicated Message Media key sends a text.
In the left-hand menu click Configuration
Click on API Settings
Click “Create new key” in the Basic Authentication section
Enter a label as desired (e.g. Campus Café)
Click Create key
Message Media will generate a both an api_key and an api_secret. Copy these as once you close the window you will no longer have access to these values
Log in to Campus Cafe
Navigate to Admin > Web App
Locate the Parameter MESSAGE_MEDIA_SMS_API_KEY and enter the API key for the Message Media account
Locate the Parameter MESSAGE_MEDIA_SMS_API_PASSWORD and enter the API password for the Message Media account
Locate the parameter MESSAGE_MEDIA_SMS_ID_FOR_PAST_DUE_FROM_VAL and enter the Campus Cafe ID number of the Campus Cafe user that will be labeled as the user who sent scheduled texts not explicitly assigned to a Campus Cafe user when set up. Institutions may wish to create a generic Campus Cafe user for this purpose or could enter the Campus Cafe ID number of a system administrator.
Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data
In the URL of your browser, go to https://<your-school-code>
In the Id Number box enter 0.
Click Submit
Add Additional Users
Repeat the below steps for each Campus Cafe user that has a dedicated Message Media phone number.
Log in to Message Media at
In the upper left part of the screen switch to the Message Media account
In the left-hand menu click Configuration
Click on API Settings
Click “Create new key” in the Basic Authentication section
Enter a label as desired (e.g. Campus Café)
Click Create key
Message Media will generate a both an api_key and an api_secret. Copy these as once you close the window you will no longer have access to these values
Log in to Campus Cafe
Navigate to Admin > Users
Look up the Campus Cafe user to which to assign the phone number
Next to the user to assign the API key/password click the magnifying glass
In the SMS API Key box enter the Message Media API key
In the SMS API Password box enter the Message Media API password
Click Save
In the URL of your browser, go to https://<your-school-code>
In the Id Number box enter the ID number of the Campus Cafe user you are configuring
Click Submit
Now when a text is sent, Campus Café will determine which Message Media account the text should come from. First, the program checks to see if the user has his or her own API information. If it does, it connects to Message Media using that information and sends the text using that Message Media user. This makes it look like the text is coming from the phone number listed in that person’s Message Media user. If the user does not have his or her own API information, it uses the values in Web App Config and sends the text after connecting to Message Media using those values.
Texting Logic Control
By default, the system will text any individual with a mobile phone number regardless of whether the Text Allowed box is checked on the Bios page.
To set the system to respect the checkbox, complete the following:
Navigate to Admin > Custom Control
In the Prog ID box enter “TEXTOPTIN”
In the Seq# box enter “1”
Click Submit. The parameter TEXTOPTIN should appear as the only result.
Click the pencil icon
In the Parameter Value 1 box enter “Y”
Click Save and Back
The setting will take effect the next time the cache is cleared for the parameter values. You can force this by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache
Configure Sender of Email
When a user sends a text, the system will email the user if the recipient replies. Campus Cafe must be configured to set the email address used to send this address.
Campus Cafe must have access to send from this email.
This email address is also used as the sender of other system messages.
Navigate to Admin > Web App
Locate the parameter SUPPORT_EMAIL
Update the value for SUPPORT_EMAIL to the email address
Reply-to Roles
On the workflow configuration screen, a text-reply-to-role can be set:
If that value is set, the Admissions Counselor for the user at the time of the reply will be the one to receive the text message response notification FROM the sender value in SUPPORT_EMAIL (it will send to the Admissions Counselor’s preferred email).
If that value is not set, the next place the logic looks is in the quick text screen, at the Assign to ID value:
If that value is set, it will send responses to the preferred email of the Override: Assign to ID value.
If neither of the above options are set, the default reply-to role is the person who sent the text/attached the activity with the text message workflow on it.
Conflicting Text Reply to Roles
If both the Text Reply To Role on the workflow AND the Override: Assign to ID value are BOTH set, the Text Reply To Role value on the workflow takes precedence.
Establishing Workflows and Templates
A workflow and activity tracking template must be created to initiate and track a message.
Campus Café supports two options; one or both may be employed.
A generic workflow/template combination for ad hoc messages where the content may vary or be pre-filled
A workflow/template combination with a pre-filled message scheduled to send based on a non-completed activity
Workflow Type and Category
Although not required, Campus Café recommends creating a workflow type and category to distinguish text messages from other activities.
A type (e.g. “text”) can be added via STParm SYWFTY
A category (e.g. “text”) can be added via STParm AFREAD
After adding STParms, refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache
Create Workflow and Activity
Each text must be associated with an activity tracking template.
The template can be generic, e.g. “text,” to hold any ad hoc message or the template can be created to hold a boilerplate message. Users may select the template with the boilerplate message and the message will be pre-filled though users may edit the message before sending. Or the boilerplate message can be used as part of a workflow process such as a marketing drip campaign.
Ad hoc Workflow and Activity
Create Workflow
Navigate to All Users > Workflow Definitions
In the Member box, choose a member to associate the text with
In the Definition name box, enter a name of the workflow
Click Add
In the Type box, choose a desired type
In the Category box, choose the desired category
In the Description box, enter a description
In the Mode choose Text Message Sent on Add
Under Options, leave all checkboxes unchecked
Under Actions, optionally choose whether to assign the user who initiates the text as the person assigned to the task.
Under Actions, optionally choose whether to mark the text as a completed item upon send.
Since the email and text processes are mutually exclusive, under Actions checking email tracked person or email advisor is not supported. If an email is to be sent simultaneously, create a separate workflow. The text workflow and email workflow may be combined under one activity template.
In the Text box, enter the text to automatically appear when the template is selected. To have no text appear, leave this box blank. Merge fields are not supported in pre-filled texts.
Click Save
Create Activity
Navigate to All Users > Activity Tracking Templates
In the Member box, choose the member associated with the workflow previously created
In the Template Name box enter a name for the template
Click Add
In the Description box, describe the template
Uncheck Auto-create WorkFlow
In the Work Flow Name box, select the workflow previously created
Click Save
Scheduled Workflow and Activity
Navigate to All Users > Workflow Definitions
In the Member box, choose a member to associate the text with
In the Definition name box, enter a name of the workflow
Click Add
In the Type box, choose a desired type
In the Category box, choose the desired category
In the Description box, enter a description
In the Mode choose Scheduled Text Message
Under Options, leave all checkboxes unchecked
Under Actions, optionally choose whether to assign the user who initiates the text as the person assigned to the task.
Since the email and text processes are mutually exclusive, under Actions checking email tracked person or email advisor is not supported. If an email is to be sent simultaneously, create a separate workflow. The text workflow and email workflow may be combined under one activity template.
Under Actions, do not check Mark Completed. The system will only search for non-completed workflows to send at the next job time and, once the message is initiated, will mark the workflow as complete automatically.
Text Will be Sent from Person: User which will send the message and receive an email with any replies. If the user has no Message Media API associated with account, the sender will default to the sender in the Web App Config settings. The first, far left, box holds the sender Campus Café ID number. The second box displays the name. Use the Lookup by Name link to quickly locate a Campus Café user.
Time to Send: Enter the time (Eastern Standard Time) the message will be sent. Sending at 12:00AM Eastern Time exactly is not supported. The message will be sent the first time that scheduled time arrives after the scheduled job runs. If the time is blank, the message will send the next time the job is run.
Note: Configuration in Message Media can be set to hold messages sent between certain hours. The messages will go out when those hours end.
Text Message: The content of the text message. Optionally, use the double arrows to insert a merge tag such as the recipient’s first name.
Valid Progress Codes For Past-Due Jobs & MS Word Merges
Selecting one progress code will limit the recipients to only those with that admission progress code.
Selecting multiple progress codes will send the message to individuals with any of the admission progress codes specified.
Leaving all progress codes blank will send the message to all individuals with the activity regardless of progress code.
Create Activity
Navigate to All Users > Activity Tracking Templates
In the Member box, choose the member associated with the workflow previously created
In the Template Name box enter a name for the template
Click Add
In the Description box, describe the template
In the Work Flow Name box, select the workflow previously created
Click Save
Assign Activity
Campus Café will send the text messaged defined in the workflow to any individual assigned the activity where the activity completed date is null. The activity may be assigned to individuals individually through activity tracking, through a finder or through an admissions application.
Scheduled Job Launch
At the customer’s request, Campus Café will set up a regularly scheduled job to evaluate all non-completed text message workflows and cue them for sending at their scheduled times provided the due date is not in the future. The next scheduled job time may be viewed by navigating to Main Menu > Admin > Job Management. Locate Past Due Email & Text Templates Job.
The job may be launched manually by clicking Click Here to Send Past Due Email Templates Manually.
Default Activity Tracking Template for Texting
Configuring a default activity tracking template for use when texting eliminates the need for users to select a template every time they initiate a new text message. Default activity tracking templates are set by permission group and apply to all users within that group.
Navigate to Admin > Permission Maintenance
Click the permission group for which to set the default activity tracking template
Click Edit Group
Next to Default Texting Member:Template click the magnifying glass
Next to the desired default activity tracking template click Select
Important: The permission group must have tracking permissions to access the member under which the activity tracking template is housed.Click Save
Record Explicit Consent to Receive Text
Under the U.S. Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), customers must give businesses “express written consent” to send them texts. Campus Café may be utilized to record this consent and, if configured as such, will only send to individuals with consent recorded.
Navigate to the Person
Navigate to Main Menu > Person Selected > Bios
Next to Text Allowed, check the box
Click Save
To gather this consent early in the contact process, this box may also be added to an inquiry or application. The field is called Text Opt In.
If a recipient replies STOP or END to a message, Message Media will block future messages to that phone number. The Opt In box in Campus Cafe will also be unchecked and Campus Cafe. A recipient will need to reply with “START” to reactivate sending from Message Media; however, it will not re-check the Opt In box.
Send Text Message
Sender Permissions Required
1092 under the global module
User must have access to the activity tracking member
The person receiving the text message must have a mobile (MBL) phone set up on the address/phones page.
If Custom Control has been set to respect the text allowed box on the person Bios page, the box must be checked. The Text Allowed checkbox is found on the Bios page (Person Selected → Bios) and also on the Summary Contact Edit page (Profile page → Summary Contact tab → Edit Contact Info icon).
Message Length and Character Counter
Message Media limits text message length to 160 characters. Any texts longer than 160 characters will be sent as multi-part messages. Campus Cafe includes a character counter in the lower right hand corner of the pages where a text message is sent: the Workflow definition page (when Scheduled Text or Text Sent On Add are the delivery mode), the Text Message composition window when clicking the Cell Phone icon from the student profile page, and the Activity Detail Page, when sending a response text out of an existing text message workflow. The counter will update up to 160 characters. Any message content over 160 characters will display the message “multi-part message” in place of an active counter.
Send a Text to One Student Using the Profile
Navigate to the student
the smartphone icon (note this icon will not appear if the Text Allowed
button is not checked on the individual's Bios page)If a default activity tracking template has been configured for the permission group of the logged in user, it will be pre-populated in the Member:Template Name*: box. If no activity tracking template is populated or to select another one, to the right of the Member:Template Name*: box, click the magnifying glass and in the lookup list, click Select to the left of the activity with the desired Template Name. Tip: Use the text box in the upper right and search for your template name
You can optionally tie the message to a specific semester. This might be useful if you are asking about a specific class in a specific semester or financial aid for a specific semester.
Optionally add a comment that will not be part of the text message
Optionally assign a user responsible for this activity (text)
If the activity has boilerplate text associate with it, the text will appear in the message box. You can modify this message. If there is no boilerplate associated with the activity, type the message in the box. Note: Emojis and images are not supported.
Click submit
Confirm the desire to text
Send a Text to a Group of Students Using Student Finder
Navigate to any People Finder (student, faculty, etc.) or Course Roster
If using a finder, set filters to return the desired population to text
Select, using the checkboxes, the people to text
Click the Text button and choose text all to text all selected or text page to text just those on the specific page of results
To the right of the Member:Template Name*: box, click the magnifying glass
In the lookup list, click Select to the left of the activity with the desired Template Name
Tip: Use the text box in the upper right and search for your template nameYou can optionally tie the message to a specific semester. This might be useful if you are asking about a specific class in a specific semester or financial aid for a specific semester.
Optionally add a comment that will not be part of the text message
Optionally assign a user responsible for this activity (text)
In the Add Only For These People box choose whether to send the message to everyone selected, only those that do not have the activity tracking item or only those that do not have the item for the set semester.
If the activity has boilerplate text associate with it, the text will appear in the message box. You can modify this message. If there is no boilerplate associated with the activity, type the message in the box. Note: Emojis and images are not supported.
Click submit
Confirm the desire to text
The process goes through each person individually
It ensures the person has the correct permissions to add the selected tracking record.
If Custom Control has been set to respect the text allowed box on the person Bios page, the process ensures texting is allowed.
The process ensures the person has a mobile phone number.
The process checks to see if the person has that tracking item already (if set on the drop down).
Finally, if that all succeeds, it adds the tracking record and the text message is sent added as the long comment. Otherwise, errors appear below, or the user is emailed.
The process uses the data from the tracking record as metadata so Message Media can keep track of any responses.
When a person replies, the reply is appended to the long comment of the activity tracking item initially used to send the text. An email containing the reply is sent to the user who sent the text. Note: Emojis and images are not supported. Emojis will be returned as ??. Images will not appear.
Conversation View
Once a text message is sent, another screen offers the ability for a near real-time view of bidirectional messages between the sender and recipient.
Send the initial text message by following directions under Send Text Message
Navigate to the individual's profile
Click Activities then Activities again OR navigate to main menu > Person Selected > Activity Tracking
Next to the initial text message sent click the pencil
The initial message sent is displayed. Replies from the recipient will be displayed in the box in near real time.
To add to the conversation, click Reply
In the Reply box enter your reply. Note: Emojis and images are not supported. Emojis sent by the receipt will be returned as ??
Click Send Text