Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Report Name

Use Cases


1098T Detail

  • Verify that 1098-T box totals are correct.

Shows students with each billing transaction and the transaction’s details such as whether it’s a payment for 1098-T purposes.

1098T Review

  • Verify that 1098-T data is correct.

  • Export data to an outside system for 1098-T production.

Shows all students with the data for each box on a 1098-T including box totals.

Accounts Receivable Trial Balance

  • Identify students who owe money.

  • Identify students for whom you’ve written off their balance.

  • Validate balance due is correct.

Shows all people that owe you money including their balance and whether you’ve written off the debt. Optionally select detail to see all transactions comprising the balance.

Accounts Receivable Trial Balance - Summary

  • Identify students who owe money

  • Identify students for whom you’ve written off their balance.

Shows all people that owe you money including their balance and whether you’ve written off the debt.

AR Aging

  • Identify students who owe a balance and see how long the balance has been outstanding.

Shows students with their balances and number of days past due. You must run AR Aging prior to running this report.

AR Aging - Summary

  • Identify students who owe a balance.

Shows students with their total balance.

AR Revenue

  • Identify sources of revenue.

  • Reconcile payments.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe to your bank account.

Show revenue and group it by bill code, course, date, student, batch or major.

AR Transactions - Filter by Credits and Debits

  • Identify sources of revenue.

  • Reconcile payments.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe to your bank account.

Show all revenue transactions grouped by bill code, course, date, student, batch or major. Optionally filter to show only credits, debts, non-zero amounts or all transactions.

AR Transactions for Date Range

  • Identify sources of revenue by targeted source.

  • Reconcile payments.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe to your bank account.

Show all revenue transactions grouped by bill code, course, date, student, batch or major. Optionally filter to show only selected revenue codes, Title IV awards, student degree sites, majors, semesters, courses or accounts.

Batch Ledger Cards - Student Finder

  • Produce printable ledgers - lists of transactions by student - for a group of students you identify from the student finder whether through filters or by uploading a list of IDs. These are designed for internal use only, not for distribution to students.

Generate student ledgers for the students you select on Student Finder and then click Export IDs to Reports > All.

Batch Statements - Student Finder

  • Produce printable bills for a group of students you identify from the student finder whether through filters or by uploading a list of IDs. These are formatted for distribution to students.

Generate billing statements for the students you select on Student Finder and then click Export IDs to Reports > All.

Course Fee Report List Format

  • Validate that course fees are set up correctly.

  • Reconcile expected student charges against actual charges.

  • Count the number of course fees in total or by type.

  • Project revenue from course fees by multiplying each course fee by the projected number of students in the course.

Shows courses with associated fees with one line per course fee so the same course may appear multiple times if it has multiple fees. Includes only courses with fees. Optionally filter to a specific semester.

Course Fee Report Table Format

  • Validate that course fees are set up correctly.

  • Reconcile expected student charges against actual charges.

Shows courses with associated fees with all fees for one course grouped within the course. Includes only courses with fees. Optionally filter to a specific semester.

Course Fees with All Courses Table Format

  • Validate that course fees are set up correctly.

  • Determine what percentage of your courses carry fees.

Shows all courses and any associated fees. Optionally filter by semester.

ECSI 1098T

  • Produce 1098-Ts using third party vendor ECSI.

Shows tuition and payment data in a format you can send to ECSI.

Estimated Finances Worksheet

GL Export by Site

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe with bank accounts.

  • Import data into a third-party accounting software.

Shows general ledger entries along with their associated site.

GL Export Detail by Site

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe with bank accounts.

  • Calculate revenue or expenses.

  • Import data into a third-party accounting software.

Shows general ledger entries along with details including an associated name, cost center, PET code, sponsor or major.

Ninety Ten Summary

  • Comply with US Department of Education 90/10 rules governing how much federal revenue a for-profit institution may receive.

Sums how much revenue per student is attributable to federal sources vs non-federal sources.

Ninety-Ten Detail

  • Comply with US Department of Education 90/10 rules governing how much federal revenue a for-profit institution may receive.

  • Validate that transactions are appropriately categorized as federal or non-federal source.

Shows all transactions associated with students and whether they are from federal sources or non-federal sources.

Projected Funds

QuickBooks Export

  • Export financial transactions from Campus Cafe to Quickbooks.

Shows financial transactions formatted for import to Quickbooks.

QuickBooks Export Detail

  • Transfer financial information from Campus Cafe to Quickbooks.

Shows financial transactions along with detail such as batch number, invoice number, billing semester, PET code, sponsor and major.


  • Produce and print a receipt of for a payment received for a student balance

Shows a receipt of a payment for a student balance including the invoice number, student’s name, date, amount and campus. To find the invoice number, look at the posted payment’s A/R detail from the student’s ledger. The invoice number appears at the top.

Revenue Recognition - Future Billed

Revenue Recognition - Hourly

Revenue Recognition - Journal Entry Detail

Revenue Recognition - Journal Entry Export

Revenue Recognition - Scheduled Days

Shopping Sheet (Student Finder)

  • Produce financial aid shopping sheets for students. You may export them as a PDF and share with students.

Creates financial aid shopping sheets for students you select on Student Finder and then click Export IDs to Reports > All.

Sponsor Listing

  • Review third parties paying your students' bills.

Shows organizations and individuals set up as sponsors in Campus Cafe. These are entities that will pay the bill for students.

Sponsor Statements - Org

  • Create bills (statements) for third parties that owe you money on behalf of students.

Shows statements for entities that sponsor - who will pay - your student bills.

Sponsor Statements - Student

  • Create bills (statements) for students showing which entity will pay their bill. Students may need this statement to seek reimbursement from that entity.

Shows statements for students and includes the sponsor - who will pay - your student bills.

Sponsor Statements with Break On Student - Org

Sponsor Statements with Break on Student - Student

Sponsor Transactions Export Filter by Org

Sponsor Transactions Export Filter by Student

Sponsor Transactions Export Filter by Student - Extended

Student Refunds

Student Session Business Data

  • Identify students with specific tuition rule codes.

  • Identify students waived from health insurance.

  • Identify students with payment plans.

  • Validate student billing.

Shows information from students' session data including billing site, billing rule code, health insurance code and payment plan code.

Title IV Refund Report

Title IV Report

  • Identify students who have received federal financial aid and the total amounts awarded.

  • Calculate federal financial aid received by award.

Shows students who have received federal financial aid between inputted dates and sums the amount by award type (Pell, SEOG, subsidized loan, etc.). Includes refunds.
