Base SSRS reports

About Campus Cafe base SSRS reports

Campus Cafe delivers SSRS reports. These reports, created by Campus Cafe, are designed to provide information in a flexible manual. Customers can optionally write their own reports tailored to their unique business needs.

While Campus Cafe strives to ensure reports return intended data, because every institution operates differently, we encourage you to thoroughly review the results before using the data.

Accounts payable

Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


1099 Listing by Date Range Using Expense Flag

  • Identify expenses associated with a 1099 indicator.

Shows vouchers for which you’ve selected a 1099 code when entering an expense.

1099 Listing by Date Range Using Vendor Code

  • Identify vendors that you may need to issue a 1099.

Shows vendors for which you’ve selected a 1099 Vendor code on the vendor’s profile. Optionally filter to only those paid $600 or more between a set date range.

Accounts Payable Aging

  • Identify upcoming and past due invoices.

Shows outstanding invoices grouped by vendor.

AP Check Listing by Date Range

  • Identify checks issued between specific dates

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe with bank account.

Shows checks written between selected dates with associated vendor, invoice number and amount.

Open Check Listing

  • Identify checks outstanding.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe with bank account.

Shows checks you’ve written that haven’t been cashed.

Vendor Listing

  • Identify entities that you do business with

  • Identify students you’ve potentially issued refunds to.

Shows all entities, including students, who you’ve created in Campus Cafe because you will or have paid them.

Accreditor and regulator reports

Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


ACCSC Reports

  • Comply with requests from the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges.

This group of reports shows graduation and student employment data for requests from the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges.

BPPE Reports

  • Comply with requests from the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education.

This group of reports shows student and income data for requests from the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education.

CSAC Reports

  • Comply with requests from the California Student Aid Commission.

The group of reports includes enrollment, graduation and Persistence data for the California Student Aid Commission.

IPEDS Reports

  • Comply with annual data requests from the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.

This group of reports shows admissions, enrollment, retention, graduation and financial aid information for requests from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.

Administrator reports

Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


Canvas Course SIS Import

  • Import course information to Canvas.

Shows course information by semester and includes elements required by Canvas.

Canvas Enrollment SIS Import

  • Import student information to Canvas.

Shows information about students enrolled by semester and includes elements required by Canvas.

Canvas Section SIS Import

  • Import course section information to Canvas.

Shows course section information by semester and includes elements required by Canvas.

Canvas User SIS Import

  • Import users to Canvas.

Shows user account information includes elements required by Canvas.

Moodle Course ID Number Report

  • Import course and section information to Moodle.

Shows course and section information by semester and includes elements required by Moodle.

Moodle Student ID Number Listing

  • Import students to Moodle.

Shows student information and includes elements required by Moodle.


Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


Admissions Inquiry Applicant Listing

  • Identify where prospects and applicants are in the admissions process and filter by date, major, progress code or site.

Shows prospects who entered Campus Cafe within the selected dates. Shows the number of prospects at each admissions stage along with each prospect’s academic program, admissions counselor and referral source.

Admissions Inquiry Applicant Listing - Extended

  • Identify where prospects and applicants are in the admissions process and filter by date, major, progress code or site.

Shows prospects who entered Campus Cafe within the selected dates. Shows the number of prospects at each admissions stage along with each prospect’s academic program, admissions counselor, biographical and referral source.

Admissions Inquiry Applicant Listing with Activities

  • Identify prospects or applicants with specific activities that may track the source of the inquiry or a required action item by the prospect or a follow up by your institution.

Shows prospects and applicants along with their associated activities. Optionally filter by inquiry dates, admissions progress code, semester or major.

All Applicants

  • Identify people who’ve applied and their admissions outcome. Filter by semester or admissions progress code.

Shows all individuals who’ve applied along with their applied and accepted majors and admissions decision.

Scores Listing

  • Identify test scores such as AP, ACT or SAT scores and their associated test takers. Export data to find low, high and average scores. For example, the average SAT score of an admitted student.

Shows all test scores recorded between the selected dates.

Alumni development

Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


Giving by Date Range



Giving by Date Range Extended Version



Giving by Date Range Extended Version - People Finder



Giving by Date Range with Soft Credits - Exportable



Giving History



Open Pledges



Attendance reports

Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


Attendance by Cohort and Site

  • Identify students with absences from class.

Shows the number of absences per student. Filter by student site, semester or course.

Attendance by Semester and Date Range

  • Identify the number of hours each student has attended each of their classes.

Shows students along with the number of hours they have attended each class and number of absences. Filter by student site, date, degree status, major or course.

Attendance by Student and Course

  • Identify student attendance for each day a class meets.

Shows student attendance for each individual class meeting.

Faculty Attendance Review

  • Determine if faculty are taking attendance.

Shows courses grouped by instructor with each class meeting time and whether attendance was taken for the meeting.

Student Attendance Analysis

  • Identify students with low attendance.

Shows students and their total attended vs scheduled hours along with a percentage attended. Filter by attended threshold.

Student Attendance Analysis (Student Finder)

  • Identify students you returned in the student finder with low attendance.

Shows students and their total attended vs scheduled hours along with a percentage attended based on students you returned in the student finder. Filter by attended threshold.

Billing and accounts receivable

Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


1098T Detail

  • Verify that 1098-T box totals are correct.

Shows students with each billing transaction and the transaction’s details such as whether it’s a payment for 1098-T purposes.

1098T Review

  • Verify that 1098-T data is correct.

  • Export data to an outside system for 1098-T production.

Shows all students with the data for each box on a 1098-T including box totals.

Accounts Receivable Trial Balance

  • Identify students who owe money.

  • Identify students for whom you’ve written off their balance.

  • Validate balance due is correct.

Shows all people that owe you money including their balance and whether you’ve written off the debt. Optionally select detail to see all transactions comprising the balance.

Accounts Receivable Trial Balance - Summary

  • Identify students who owe money

  • Identify students for whom you’ve written off their balance.

Shows all people that owe you money including their balance and whether you’ve written off the debt.

AR Aging

  • Identify students who owe a balance and see how long the balance has been outstanding.

Shows students with their balances and number of days past due. You must run AR Aging prior to running this report.

AR Aging - Summary

  • Identify students who owe a balance.

Shows students with their total balance.

AR Revenue

  • Identify sources of revenue.

  • Reconcile payments.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe to your bank account.

Show revenue and group it by bill code, course, date, student, batch or major.

AR Transactions - Filter by Credits and Debits

  • Identify sources of revenue.

  • Reconcile payments.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe to your bank account.

Show all revenue transactions grouped by bill code, course, date, student, batch or major. Optionally filter to show only credits, debts, non-zero amounts or all transactions.

AR Transactions for Date Range

  • Identify sources of revenue by targeted source.

  • Reconcile payments.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe to your bank account.

Show all revenue transactions grouped by bill code, course, date, student, batch or major. Optionally filter to show only selected revenue codes, Title IV awards, student degree sites, majors, semesters, courses or accounts.

Batch Ledger Cards - Student Finder

  • Produce printable ledgers - lists of transactions by student - for a group of students you identify from the student finder whether through filters or by uploading a list of IDs. These are designed for internal use only, not for distribution to students.

Generate student ledgers for the students you select on Student Finder and then click Export IDs to Reports > All.

Batch Statements - Student Finder

  • Produce printable bills for a group of students you identify from the student finder whether through filters or by uploading a list of IDs. These are formatted for distribution to students.

Generate billing statements for the students you select on Student Finder and then click Export IDs to Reports > All.

Course Fee Report List Format

  • Validate that course fees are set up correctly.

  • Reconcile expected student charges against actual charges.

  • Count the number of course fees in total or by type.

  • Project revenue from course fees by multiplying each course fee by the projected number of students in the course.

Shows courses with associated fees with one line per course fee so the same course may appear multiple times if it has multiple fees. Includes only courses with fees. Optionally filter to a specific semester.

Course Fee Report Table Format

  • Validate that course fees are set up correctly.

  • Reconcile expected student charges against actual charges.

Shows courses with associated fees with all fees for one course grouped within the course. Includes only courses with fees. Optionally filter to a specific semester.

Course Fees with All Courses Table Format

  • Validate that course fees are set up correctly.

  • Determine what percentage of your courses carry fees.

Shows all courses and any associated fees. Optionally filter by semester.

ECSI 1098T

  • Produce 1098-Ts using third party vendor ECSI.

Shows tuition and payment data in a format you can send to ECSI.

Estimated Finances Worksheet



GL Export by Site

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe with bank accounts.

  • Import data into a third-party accounting software.

Shows general ledger entries along with their associated site.

GL Export Detail by Site

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe with bank accounts.

  • Calculate revenue or expenses.

  • Import data into a third-party accounting software.

Shows general ledger entries along with details including an associated name, cost center, PET code, sponsor or major.

Ninety Ten Summary

  • Comply with US Department of Education 90/10 rules governing how much federal revenue a for-profit institution may receive.

Sums how much revenue per student is attributable to federal sources vs non-federal sources.

Ninety-Ten Detail

  • Comply with US Department of Education 90/10 rules governing how much federal revenue a for-profit institution may receive.

  • Validate that transactions are appropriately categorized as federal or non-federal source.

Shows all transactions associated with students and whether they are from federal sources or non-federal sources.

Projected Funds



QuickBooks Export

  • Export financial transactions from Campus Cafe to Quickbooks.

Shows financial transactions formatted for import to Quickbooks.

QuickBooks Export Detail

  • Transfer financial information from Campus Cafe to Quickbooks.

Shows financial transactions along with detail such as batch number, invoice number, billing semester, PET code, sponsor and major.


  • Produce and print a receipt of for a payment received for a student balance

Shows a receipt of a payment for a student balance including the invoice number, student’s name, date, amount and campus. To find the invoice number, look at the posted payment’s A/R detail from the student’s ledger. The invoice number appears at the top.

Revenue Recognition - Future Billed



Revenue Recognition - Hourly



Revenue Recognition - Journal Entry Detail



Revenue Recognition - Journal Entry Export



Revenue Recognition - Scheduled Days



Shopping Sheet (Student Finder)

  • Produce financial aid shopping sheets for students. You may export them as a PDF and share with students.

Creates financial aid shopping sheets for students you select on Student Finder and then click Export IDs to Reports > All.

Sponsor Listing

  • Review third parties paying your students' bills.

Shows organizations and individuals set up as sponsors in Campus Cafe. These are entities that will pay the bill for students.

Sponsor Statements - Org

  • Create bills (statements) for third parties that owe you money on behalf of students.

Shows statements for entities that sponsor - who will pay - your student bills.

Sponsor Statements - Student

  • Create bills (statements) for students showing which entity will pay their bill. Students may need this statement to seek reimbursement from that entity.

Shows statements for students and includes the sponsor - who will pay - your student bills.

Sponsor Statements with Break On Student - Org



Sponsor Statements with Break on Student - Student



Sponsor Transactions Export Filter by Org



Sponsor Transactions Export Filter by Student



Sponsor Transactions Export Filter by Student - Extended



Student Refunds



Student Session Business Data

  • Identify students with specific tuition rule codes.

  • Identify students waived from health insurance.

  • Identify students with payment plans.

  • Validate student billing.

Shows information from students' session data including billing site, billing rule code, health insurance code and payment plan code.

Title IV Refund Report



Title IV Report

  • Identify students who have received federal financial aid and the total amounts awarded.

  • Calculate federal financial aid received by award.

Shows students who have received federal financial aid between inputted dates and sums the amount by award type (Pell, SEOG, subsidized loan, etc.). Includes refunds.

Business office

Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


Balance Sheet by Fund

  • Understand your institution’s financial position.

Shows your financial statement with your assets and liabilities by general ledger fund.

Balance Sheet Consolidated

  • Understand your institution’s financial position.

Shows your financial statement with your assets and liabilities at a high level.

Budget Upload Extraction



Budgetary Report of Operations by Cost Center



Budgetary Report of Operations by Function Number



Budgetary Report of Operations by Fund



Budgetary Report of Operations Consolidated



Budgetary Report of Operations Summary - Expenses and Revenues



Chart of Accounts by Cost Center

  • Understand sources of revenue and expense.

  • Comply with accounting audit requests.

Shows your general ledger accounts grouped by cost center along with the balance in each line.

Chart of Accounts by GL Account

  • Understand sources of revenue and expense.

  • Comply with accounting audit requests.

Shows your general ledger accounts grouped by account along with the balance in each line.

Comparative Budgetary Report of Operations by Cost Center



Comparative Budgetary Report of Operations Consolidated



GL Inquiry by Cost Center and GL Account



GL Inquiry by GL Account



GL Review by Date and Batch



Journal Entry Listing by System Batch Number

  • Identify journal entries that belong to specific Campus Cafe batches.

  • Reconcile entries in Campus Cafe to an outside accounting system.

Shows journal entries for the selected fiscal year and system batches along with each entry’s general ledger account, fund, amount and description.

Listing of GLBALF Table



Listing of GLLINE Table



Month Close Trial Balance



Month Close Trial Balance by GL Account



PET Expense Report

  • Identify project expense codes.

  • Review projects and their associated balances to see if they are on budget.

Shows project expense tracking codes and expense transactions associated with them, including the date, amount and vendor.

Project Code Listing

  • Identify projects at a high level including their overall budget or goal.

Shows projects and their requested budgets.

Financial aid

Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


AR Transactions for Date Range with FA

  • Identify all students with specific transactions such as a cash payment or scholarship.

  • Reconcile payments received with student accounts.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe with an outside accounting system.

Shows student ledger transactions such as payments, scholarships and federal financial aid. Optionally may filter by semester, transaction code, courses, student sites and Title IV award type.

DOE Program Participation Monthly Roster



Enrolled Students ISIR by Term


Shows students and sums attempted credits by semester excluding transfer credits, waitlisted classes and enrollments with a withdrawal date and gives Active Default ISIR Revision information.

FinAid Disbursements by Award

  • Identify all students with scheduled financial aid.

  • Identify all students with disbursed financial aid.

  • Calculate total aid scheduled and total aid disbursed.

  • Calculate the number of students received each type of aid and analyze by award.

Shows students and, for each student sums: total amount scheduled for each award, total amount disbursed for each award and displays net disbursed by award. Optionally filter by award type, disbursement semester, degree site and for enrolled students only.

FinAid Disbursements by Award by Disb Date



FinAid Disbursements by Award Merge Excel Export



FinAid Disbursements by Award with Enrollment and FISAP Info



FinAid Disbursements by Disb Date



FinAid Disbursements by Term



FinAid ECounseling Report

  • Identify students who need to complete entrance counseling prior to disbursement of federal student loans.

Shows students and divides them into two groups: those with ISIRs and completed entrance counseling, and those with ISIRs but haven’t completed entrance counseling. For students with who have completed entrance counseling shows the date completed.

FinAid MPN Report

  • Identify students who need to complete master promissory notes prior to disbursement of federal student loans.

Shows students and divides them into two groups: those with ISIRs and signed master promissory notes, and those with ISIRs but no master promissory notes. For students with MPNs, shows the MPN number and expiration date.

FinAid Out of Balance Check

  • Identify students with awards that don’t match what you disbursed.

Shows students with disparities between their financial aid scheduled award amounts and disbursed amounts.

FinAid OverAward Report



FinAid OverAward Report SAI



FinAid Packaging Report



FinAid Upload Add Awards



FinAid Upload Disburse Awards



FinAid Verification Complete Report

  • Identify students selected for verification that must be completed prior to the disbursement of federal financial aid.

  • Identify students whose verification has been completed and federal financial aid may be disbursed.

Shows students for the selected financial aid year selected for verification as indicated on their ISIR with a “V-flag” and their current status, such as verified by school. In Campus Cafe, you can see this on the Financial Aid Packaging/ISIR page.

Payment Plan Roster Report

  • Identify students with payment plans.

  • Calculate the balance remaining on payment plans.

Shows students on payment plans with their total amount due, amount paid to date and remaining balance.


Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


Housing and Meal Plan Assignments

  • Identify students who live in specific dorms during a specific semester.

  • Identify students with specific meal plans during a specific semester.

  • Reconcile housing charges.

Shows students along with their housing assignments and meal plans recorded on their session data.

Room Availability Listing

  • Identify rooms with available beds for housing assignment.

  • Identify students who live in specific dorms.

  • Calculate occupancy of dorm rooms or buildings.

Shows all dorm rooms for the selected semester and capacity and number of occupied beds in each room.


Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases


ACCSC Student Placement Detail Report

  • Comply with requests from the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges for post-graduation employment information.

Shows conferred students with their placement information. Placement information must be recorded using specific relationship types and have a placement begin date equal to or after the degree end date. See related documentation.

Employer Survey (Student Finder)

  • Collect information from who that employ your students about their aptitude.

For the students you select on the student finder, shows a survey you can print and distribute to student supervisors to inquire about the students' skills and performance.

Gainful Employment Listing



Graduate Survey (Student Finder)



Graduation and Employment Chart



Student Employment Verification



Student Employment Verification - Diligent







Report Name

Use Cases


Report Name

Use Cases



  • Comply with Pennsylvania Department of Education reporting requirements.

Contains a set of reports for use in submitting information through the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS).

Printable Student Forms



Attempted Credit Totals by Student Less Withdrawn Enrollments

  • Identify students and their credit totals by semester not factoring in classes they’ve withdrawn from.

  • Calculate credit load frequencies, means or medians without factoring in withdrawn courses.

Shows students with their credit totals less any enrollments where the a withdrawal date exists even if there is no withdrawal grade.

Class Rosters Optimized

  • Identify students enrolled by class.

Shows students enrolled grouped by course section. Includes information about when the class meets and the instructor.

Clearing House Degree Verify

  • Export graduates in the DegreeVerify format for the National Student Clearinghouse.

Shows graduates for submission to the National Student Clearinghouse.

Clearing House Submission Review

  • Review and validate enrollment information before transmitting to the National Student Clearinghouse.

Shows information included on the enrollment file for the National Student Clearinghouse. You must run the Clearinghouse process prior to generating this report.

Course Listing

  • Identity all courses running in a specific semester.

  • Identify courses without instructors.

  • Analyze the number of courses offered and canceled.

Shows all courses along with title, instructor, CIP code and semester. Optionally show canceled courses.

Course Listing with Gradebook



Course Rosters Extended

  • Review all students enrolled in all classes.

  • Calculate demographic data of students enrolled in courses.

  • Calculate demographic data of instructors.

  • Identify contact information for all students in a selection of courses.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe enrollments to those in a third-party system.

Shows students registered for courses along with details about the student such as their name, email, phone, ethnicity and amount billed. Also includes instructor names and genders. May show students or just classes and their instructors.

Cross List Root

  • Identify cross-listed courses

Shows courses that have a course listed in Cross List Root for the selected semester.

Degree History Listing

  • Identify all students who are in or were in a specific major.

  • Calculate the number of students by major.

  • Calculate the number of students who have graduated, are on leave, withdrawn or other degree status.

Shows all students and all their degree rows, past, present and future.

Enrollments by Semester

  • Review all students enrolled in all classes.

  • Calculate demographic data of students enrolled in courses.

  • Calculate demographic data of instructors.

  • Identify contact information for all students in a selection of courses.

  • Reconcile Campus Cafe enrollments to those in a third-party system.

Shows all students enrolled in the selected semester along with their major, birthday, race, gender, email, address and the course(s) they’re registered for. Also includes instructor names.

Enrollments with Final Grade Filter

  • Identify all students with a specific grade such as a failing grade.

  • Identify all grades with a specific comment code, such as grades recorded as forgiven.

  • Calculate final grade frequencies.

Shows all students enrolled in a semester along with their courses, course hours and final grade. May filter by final course grade, student site or grade comment code.

Enrollments with Mid-Term Grade Filter

  • Identify all students with a specific midterm grade such as a failing grade.

  • Identify advisors who have advisees with concerning midterm grades.

  • Calculate midterm grade frequencies.

Shows all students enrolled in a semester along with their courses, course hours, advisor and midterm grade. May filter by midterm grade or student site.

Export for Missing Prereq Process



Extended Transcript (Student Finder)



GPA by Date Range



Gradebook by Semester

  • Identify students who earned specific grades on assignments.

  • Calculate frequency, mean and median grades for assignments.

Shows students enrolled in the selected semester(s) and all their Campus Cafe gradebook assignments and grades.

Gradebook Group Assignment Listing



Listing of Missing Prereq Table



Missing Assignments

  • Identify students who haven’t completed required academic work.

Shows students who haven’t completed assignments in a courses gradebook. Grouped by student. Click the + to show missing assignments.

Pre-requisite Course Listing by Semester



Program Enrollment Summary



Repeated Courses by Semester

  • Identify students who have taken the same class multiple times.

  • Identify students who may qualify for grade forgiveness.

Shows students enrolled in a course which they’ve previously taken, including transfer/test credit.

Reverse Degree Audit

  • Project the number of class seats you will need based on students' remaining graduation requirements.

Shows remaining graduation requirements for the group of students you’ve selected in the Student Finder by clicking Export IDs to Reports > All. You must run the reverse degree audit process prior to running this report.

Reverse Degree Audit Grouped by Student



Reverse Degree Audit with Pre-Req Logic



Room Used Listing

  • Identify classrooms available for classes.

  • Communicate with students in classes in specific rooms. For example, to provide a notice the class is moved because of emergency maintenance.

Shows courses and their room assignments grouped by room.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Identify students meeting and not meeting academic standards required to receive federal financial aid.

Shows students along with academic information that lets you understand if students have made Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to be eligible for federal financial aid.

Scores Listing

  • Identify test scores such as AP, ACT or SAT scores and their associated test takers.

Shows all test scores for student enrolled in the selected semester(s). Optionally filter by specific test.

Start Day Rosters



Student Progress Report (Student Finder)



Student Scores Report

  • Review student class assignment scores.

  • Calculate average class assignment score.

Shows gradebook assignment grades grouped by student.

Student Status History Report

  • Identify students with a specific status such as leave of absence, academic probation, dean’s list, etc.

Shows students and their status codes for the selected semester(s). Optionally filter by specific status or date range when status was awarded.

Students Enrolled on a Given Date



Term Based Satisfactory Academic Progress



Term to Term Persistence

  • Identify students your institution has retained or lost from semester to semester.

  • Comply with reporting requirements for year-over-year retention data.

Shows all students active in one selected semester and their credits along with their credits in another selected semester.

Time in Program

  • Calculate the mean or median time to degree completion.

  • Identify students who have exceeded or might exceed the expected time it takes to complete their major.

Shows students in selected degree status and how long they’ve been in their current academic program. Then calculates the difference between their actual time in the program based on their degree start date vs the program length defined in the major’s configuration.

Transfer Credit Posted

  • Identify students with transfer credit.

  • Understand where you’ve accepted transfer credit from and what you’ve counted it as. Use this to develop transfer rules for accepting credit in the future.

  • Calculate frequencies of transfer credit from external institution, accepted course or equivalent course.

Shows all students with all posted transfer/test credit including your institution’s equivalent course.

Transfer Equivalency



Unused Enrollment Listing



Waitlist Roster

  • Identify students desiring to take a class that’s full.

  • Project additional class seats needed to meet demand as expressed by waitlsited students.

  • Identify students who may need academic advising to select alternative classes because seats aren’t expected to become available for waitlisted classes.

Shows waitlisted students grouped by course.