Database Schema
About database schema
Campus Cafe is built on a relational structured query language (SQL) database.
Core tables and views
The below represents core tables in Campus Cafe and is designed to assist customers in writing custom SSRS reports. The list is not all inclusive.
Table | Data Elements |
ADMAST | Admissions current application data |
ADHIST | Admissions historical application data |
ADINQS | Prospect inquiry data |
ARMAST | Student financial ledger transaction data |
ATSENT | Student attendance data |
FAWCOD | Financial Aid Award Code Maintenance data |
FAWARD | Student financial aid award data |
FA_SCHEDULED_DISBURSEMENT | Student financial aid individual disbursement data |
FA_PACKAGING | Student financial aid packaging record data |
FASCDT | Semester Schedule Date Maintenance |
HOHIST | Student semester session data including housing assignment and billing rule code |
RGENRL | All student enrollment data, including transfer/test credit |
RGCRSE | All course data |
RGDEGR | All student degree (major) data |
RGDEGR05 | Student Current Flagged Degree (Major) data (Database "View") |
RGSSUM | Student credit/GPA data |
REG_CURRENT_GPA | Current student credit/GPA data (Database "View") |
RGSTAT | Student semester status data |
REG_ENROLLED_STUDENTS | Student Enrollment Data (Database "View") |
REG_ENROLLED_COURSES | Student Enrollment Course Data (Database "View") |
SBETNC | Student Ethnicity data |
STBIOS | All people's (students/alumni/staff) names and basic biographical information data; most recent admissions progress code |
STMAJR | Program/Major Maintenance data |
STMAIL | Email Address Data |
STPARM | Dropdown Menu Data |
STPARM_SEMESTERS | Decoded Semester Data (Database "View") |
TRK_ACTIVITY_TRACKING | Activities assigned to users |
TRK_TEMPLATE_HEADER | Activity tracking template data |
TRK_TEMPLATE_DETAIL | Activity tracking template data |