Student Session Data
- 1 About student session data
- 2 Prerequisites
- 3 Required permissions
- 4 View/change student session data
- 5 View session row data by major for many students
- 6 Understanding student session data fields
- 6.1 Housing fields
- 6.2 Business fields
- 7 Create student session data for individual student
- 8 Copy student session data for individual student
- 9 Copy student session data for multiple students
- 10 Delete student session data for individual student
- 11 Delete student session data for a group of students
- 12 Student session data report
About student session data
The status of students can change from semester to semester. For example, a student may live on campus one semester and then off campus the next. Or a student may qualify for your in-state tuition rate one semester but then move and now pay out-of-state tuition. Semester session data tracks such information by academic period, allowing you to adjust the information as the student’s situation changes.
This information is used by the Campus Cafe billing module to bill students and can be reported on.
Campus Cafe automatically creates student session data when a student is admitted. It’s also automatically created when a student is registered for a term.
You can always adjust the data to account for unique student situations. You can also create the data manually to facilitate certain processes such as billing that might occur prior to registration.
Set up in STParm using Parameter Code HOSTRS to define state residency codes. These can be individual states (e.g. MA, RI, CT, etc.) or categories (e.g. in-state, regional, tuition, etc.) depending on your business practices.
Set up in STParm using Parameter Code HOMPNO to define meal plans.
Set up in STParm using Parameter Code HSINSU to define health insurance carriers your students use if you track such information. (e.g. Anthem, Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare)
Set up in STParm using Parameter Code HOPPCD to define payment plans (e.g. 6-month, 8-month, 12-months). These are informational only and don’t impact billing. See payment plans for setting up payment plan billing.
Set up in STParm using Parameter Code SBCOUN to define counties (e.g. Washington County, Providence County, Kent County, etc.) Counties can be useful if you need to report enrollment data to a government agency or other organization by where students live.
Set up in STParm using Parameter Code HOADST to define admit status. This is independent of the student’s admissions status and allows you to define different categories as your institution requires. For example, you may wish to broadly define new students as in-state, regional and out-of state-admits.
Set up in STParm using Parameter Code HOACGL to define academic goals, particularly those that may change from semester to semester. For example, you may have a students in a program divided into modules and each semester they complete a different module.
Create billing sites. Billing sites may be different physical locations or other ways to group students broadly for billing. For example, site 1 may be your day programs and site 2 your evening programs, each with a different tuition rate.
Create dorms and dorm rooms.
Class levels established.
Required permissions
Module | Number | Description |
Global | 304 | View or change session data |
Global | 760 | View or change business session data |
Global | 761 | View or change housing session data |
Global | 1032 | View Session Tab data grid |
Miscellaneous | 336 | Copy or delete session data for a group of students |
View/change student session data
Go to the student’s profile.
Go to Person Selected > Session Data.
Next to the semester to edit click the pencil or the magnifying glass if you have read only access to view. (see Understanding Student Session Data Fields in documentation below for descriptions of fields)
View session row data by major for many students
You can use the student finder to view all students with a session row that includes a major(s).
Go to Filters > Students.
Click Add Fields and select the filter Session Row Major Code and click Apply.
The Session Row Major Code now shows as a filter. You can select a search operator and then, using the menu, select one or more majors. Campus Cafe then returns any student with a session row with the selected major(s). To narrow results, use Session Row Major Code in conjunction with the Session Row filter to show only students for specific semesters. For example, you could narrow the results to students with a political science session row major in Fall 2024 and exclude students who were previously political science majors but not in Fall 2024.
Understanding student session data fields
Housing fields
Resident Code: Used by the billing rules to indicate if housing charges should apply to the student. Resident students are defined as those with ‘R’ or ‘M’. Commuters are defined as students with a ‘C’.
State Residency Code: Informational area to record a student's official state residence. Selection has no impact on billing. Options set using STParm HOSTRS.
Box#: The student's mailbox number.
Box Suffix: The student's mailbox suffix.
Voicemail: The student's institution-issued voicemail extension.
Locker #: The student's locker number.
Dorm Bed #: The specific bed number occupied by the student.
Room: Displays current room assignment.
Change Dorm & Room: Assign dorm and room.
Meal Plan #: Used in group billing to match up with a meal plan of the same name. Options set using STParm HOMPNO. Custom control BI050B 2-2 controls whether to bill meal plans. DFM is the default meal plan in the billing rules if this is turned on.
Start Date: The first date the student occupied the dorm room.
End Date: The last date the student occupied the dorm room.
Business fields
Billing Site: The billing site for the semester. The billing site may drive billing rules.
Ignore Billing By Major: Check to prevent the student from being billed by his or her major.
Class Level: A student’s class standing (e.g. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior). See Class Level.
Assumed Class Level: A student’s class standing assuming they complete in-progress classes. See Class Level.
Part Time Code: The class enrollment load of the student. This updates nightly if you’ve configured Custom Control GPA_PART_TIME to update the part time code automatically. You must also have configured enrollment load thresholds for the student’s primary major.
Major Code: When major code exists in session data record, that will dictate billing charges for session data term value. If Major Code is blank, Degree Row major code will dictate billing charges. When created via enrollment, billing, admissions entering semester, this is copied from Degree Row value. When copied from another Student Session term data, this will match source Student Session term data.
Billing Rule Code: The rule code to employ if using the Billing Charges interface to set rules. Optional.
Health Insurance Code: Option set here will determine whether student is billed for health insurance.
Insurance Id: The policy number of the student's health insurance.
Insurance Carrier: The student's health insurer. Options set using STParm HSINSU.
Insurance Subscriber: The name of the policy holder for the student's health insurance plan
Educational Partner: This field is used for Sponsor Billing. Sponsor's must be set up at the time of entry and also have an Alumni Other Codes which matches the Ed Partner defined code in Custom Control ED_PARTNER, Sequence 1, Parameter 1.
Tuition Insurance Code: Indicate if the student has purchased or waived tuition insurance for this semester, which can impact if they are charged for this.
Payment Plan Code: Informational area to record a student's payment plan. Selection has no impact on billing. Options set using STParm HOPPCD
Payment Plan Balance Flag: Indicates if student has an outstanding payment plan on record.
Contract Received Date: Not in use
Citizenship: The student's citizenship during the term. The selection is independent of the citizenship chosen on the student Bios screen
County: The student's county of resident during the term. The selection is independent of the student's address. Because students can move during and between semesters, you can use this field to maintain historical information about the student’s official county of residence for that semester. Options set using STParm SBCOUN.
State: The student's state of residence during the term. Because students can move during and between semesters, you can use this field to maintain historical information about the student’s official county of residence for that semester. The selection is independent of the student's address
Country: The student's country of residence during the term. The selection is independent of the student's address
Admit Status: The student's admission status for the term. The selection is independent of the student's application/admissions record. Options set using STParm HOADST.
Academic Goal: An outcome sought by the student for the term. Options set using STParm HOACGL
Create student session data for individual student
If a student hasn’t been registered yet for a semester and you need student session data in place, you can manually create the session data.
Go to the student’s profile.
Go to Person Selected > Session Data.
In Target Semester select the semester to which to create data.
Click Add.
Complete desired fields and click Save (see Understanding Student Session Data Fields in documentation below for descriptions of fields).
Copy student session data for individual student
This process will copy the student session data from one term to another.
Go to the student’s profile.
Go to Person Selected > Session Data.
In Target Semester select the semester to which to create data.
In Source Semester select the semester to copy from.
Click Copy.
Change any desired fields and click Save.
Copy student session data for multiple students
This process copies student session data from one term to another. If a student already has session data for the target semester, the student's session data will remain unchanged.
The student must have at least one enrollment in the source semester to have his or her session data created in the target term.
Go to Admin > Session Data Copy.
Under Copy session data from the source semester to create new session data records in target semester select which data elements to copy.
In Source Semester select the semester in which to copy session data from.
In Target Semester select the semester in which to copy session data to.
Click Submit.
The following data will never copy when using this process.
State Residency Code
Box #
Box Suffix
Start Date
End Date
Ignore Billing by Major
Contract Received Date
Admin Status
Academic Goal
Delete student session data for individual student
Student session data may be deleted for record-keeping purposes. Campus Cafe recommends keeping session data for any semester in which the student has a billing entry, financial aid or enrollment, even if dropped or withdrawn.
Go to the student’s profile.
Go to Person Selected > Session Data.
Next to the semester to edit click the X.
Delete student session data for a group of students
Student session data may be deleted for record-keeping purposes. This process will retain student session data for a student which has during the specified semester billing or enrollment data.
Go to Admin > Session Data Copy.
Under Delete Session Data for Selected Semester For Students with No Enrollments or Billing Records In Selected Semester select the semester in which to delete records.
Click Delete History.
Student session data report
Selected session information is searchable through the Student Finder.
A more comprehensive report with the billing related fields is available through Base Reports. The report in the Billing and Accounts Receivable folder is called Student Session Business Data.