

About users

Access to information and functions in Campus Cafe is controlled by the user logged in and the user’s associated permissions. Campus Cafe supports local authentication or can authenticate users against their Microsoft Azure or G Workspace credentials. You configure within Campus Cafe which Campus Cafe screens users can access. Campus Cafe recommends assignment of and changes to permission groups be made by an individual with a strong grasp of the institution’s business processes.  


  • Configuration of your institution’s single-sign on (SSO) if using.

  • Configuration of Campus Cafe permissions.

  • List of individuals requiring access and understanding of functional access desired.

Required permissions









Add a faculty or staff person record



Add a donor or organization record



Add sponsor record

System Admin


Access the permissions screen

System Admin


Create users in batch

System Admin

127, 2015

Merge users

System Admin


Change multiple users' permission groups using a spreadsheet

Configuring authentication and username format

If Campus Cafe is generating your usernames and passwords, you can set how the username is generated password requirements using custom controls.

Institutions utilizing single sign on should refer to Microsoft Azure or G Workspace documentation.

By default, Campus Cafe expects all usernames to be lowercase and mixed case usernames won’t work. You can change this setting through custom control WEBUSRNAME, Sequence #1, Parameter Value 3.

The following custom controls manage how users are created.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter the ProgramId from the chart below.

  3. Next to the ProgramID to update, click the pencil.

  4. Update the Parameter Value and click Save.


Sequence #

Parameter #



Sequence #

Parameter #





Format of an auto-created username. For example, last name plus first character (smithj for Joe Smith) of first name or first name underscore last name (joe_smith).




Additional configuration of auto-created username. Includes limiting the length of username.




Whether usernames are lowercase, uppercase or mixed case. (SmithJ or smithj or SMITHJ)




Controls whether username is masked on the login screen.




Controls how Campus Cafe searches for usernames coming from an outside identity provider (e.g. SSO or LDAP). Set to Y to allow mixed case. For example, Joe.Smith will be treated the same as joe.smith. N will make the search case sensitive.




Control password complexity requirements. This control isn’t used if utilizing single sign on or other outside identity management provider.



1-3, 8

Controls default initial password:

  • blank: uses ID number

  • S: uses Last 4 of SSN and Date of Birth (CCYYMMDD format)

  • DOB: uses Date of Birth (CCYYMMDD) format

Parameter 1 is for students, Parameter 2 is for Faculty/Staff, Parameter 3 is for Parents. Parameter 8 is for SSO provisioning to reset password in case it has been changed to something that would not meet complexity rules of Azure/Google Workspace.



5, 9

Optional password prefix string to meet complexity rules, appended to the beginning of the password, in conjunction with Parameters 1, 2, and 3. A value of StR! and a parameter 1 value would produce an initial password of StR!#### where # is the newly created user’s ID number. Parameter 5 is for new users; parameter 9 is for SSO provisioning and works in conjunction with Parameter 8.




A value of Y will blank out a user’s passwords for access via the non-SSO login process once a user is successfully provisioned. This will prevent them from using the non-SSO login, as all passwords, and blank passwords, will fail.




A value of Y activates Parameters 8 and 9 for SSO provisioning purposes.




Controls whether a new user must change their password (Y). Does not apply if using single sign on.

Person records and users

An individual must have a person record in Campus Cafe prior to reeving a username and password. Faculty, staff and administrator accounts are created via one method. For student applicants and students, Campus Cafe generally assumes students and their user accounts are created through the admissions application process, which is important for establishing foundational information about the student’s academic program.

Create faculty/staff record

Do not use this process to create new accounts for applicants or students. Applicants and students should be entered into the system initially through an admissions application.

  1. Go to All Users > Add Non-Student/Org.

  2. Select Faculty/Staff or Constituent (constituents are donors, relatives of students, alumni not in the system or others you wish to track).

  3. Enter the biographical and contact information about the person. Although only first and last name are required, not completing birthday or SSN could lead to duplicate records. Not completing an email will limit the ability of the system to leverage workflows. The Home Phone field will switch to the international input format when a non-US country is selected form the drop-down. The Mobile Phone field will switch to the international input format when the International checkbox is checked.

  4. Click Add. If Campus Cafe believes the person already exists in the platform, it will display a list of possible duplicate records. You can choose whether the combine the record by clicking Select or proceed with creating a new person by clicking Add New Person/Org.

  5. Review the information and, if correct, click Submit.

  6. For the user to be able to access Campus Cafe, assign them a username and, if not using SSO, password. See section in this article titled Create User Account & Assign/Change Permission Group.

Choose when to create a user account for applicants for admission

Student user accounts are generally created through the application process. Upon submission of an application Campus Cafe automatically generates a username and password for the individual and assigns him or her a permission group.

The following custom controls manage how applicant users are created.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter the ProgramId from the chart below.

  3. Next to the ProgramID to update, click the pencil.

  4. Update the Parameter Value and click Save.


Sequence #

Parameter #



Sequence #

Parameter #





Set to Y for an applicant to be provisioned a username and password.




Determines at which application stage a user record is created. Typically, records are generated upon submission of an application, which is status Y. This will allow applicants to check the status of their application.




If SYUSAPPINC, Sequence 1, Parameter 1 applies to all applicants at all your sites, leave blank. Otherwise, you may configure to create accounts at different applicant stages depending on the applicant’s site. For example, applicants applying to site 1 may receive a username upon application but those applying to site 2 are only provided a username when admitted.




Allow applicants submitting applications tied to different sites to be assigned to different permission groups. For example, you may have one group for undergraduate applicants and another for graduate applicants. Include one site per parameter. For example, in parameter 1, entering 01-APPLICANT will assign anyone who applies to site 01 the group named applicant. In Parameter Value 2, entering 02-GRADAPPLICANT will assign anyone who applies to site 02 the group named gradapplicant.

Assign applicants/students permissions upon application, admission or deposit

Applicants may have different permissions than students. For example, applicants would not be able to register for classes while students could. Campus Cafe can be configured to instantly change an applicant's permission group upon acceptance, deposit or other admissions progress code.

By default, applicants are issued credentials and placed in the "applicant" permission group. The delivered student permission group is "webdefault".

Set when an applicant changes to new permission group

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter the SYUSCHGGRP.

  3. Next to the SYUSCHGGRP, Seq Num 2, Parm 1, click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 set how and when an applicant receives a new permission group.

    The rule is a combination of the applicant's two-digit admissions site number [colon] new admissions [colon] progress code [colon] current permission group [dash] new permission group.

    For example, to have site 1 applicants in the applicant permission group automatically change to the
    webdefault (student) permission group upon acceptance, enter in Parameter Value 1 01:A:APPLICANT-WEBDEFAULT. Alternatively, to have them change to the student permission group upon enrollment deposit, enter in Parameter Value 1 01:P:APPLICANT-WEBDEFAULT

  5. Optionally, repeat step 4 for other admissions progress changes using Parameter Values 2-10. If you need additional rules, use SYUSCHGGRP, Seq Num 3, Parameter Values 1-10 and SYUSCHGGRP, Seq Num 4, Parameter Values 1-10.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Turn non-faculty person into faculty/staff

If a user exists in the system as a non-faculty member like a student and the user now needs faculty/staff permissions, follow the below steps.

  1. Go to All Users > Add Non-Student/Org.

  2. Select Faculty/Staff.

  3. Enter the person's first name, last name and email exactly as it appears on their existing Campus Cafe record.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Campus Cafe indicates duplicate records have been located. Click Select next to the individual.

  6. Click Submit.

Create users in batch

You can launch a process to assign everyone in Campus Cafe a user account. This assigns user accounts to applicants, students, faculty, staff and others. Their usernames will follow the naming convention you’ve specified and passwords, the password rules you’ve configured.

  1. Go to Admin > Mass User Creation.

  2. Click Submit.

Create one user account and assign permission group

Once an individual exists in Campus Cafe, they may optionally be assigned a username and password and a permission group. Typically, this step is only needed for faculty and staff.

Users may only be assigned to one permission group. Individuals without a group can’t access Campus Cafe.

If you’ve configured Campus Cafe to automatically assign permission groups to applicants, there is no need to complete this step for your applicants and students.

  1. Go to Admin > Permissions.

  2. In Lookup Person, enter the ID number of the individual to assign. Alternatively, click Lookup Person to launch a search to find a user based on name or other criteria.

  3. Click Add/Edit.

  4. In Permission Group, select the desired group.

  5. Enter a username and password.

  6. To force the individual to change his or her password at next login, select Require Password change. Don’t select this if your institution uses single sign on like Google Workspace or Microsoft Azure.

  7. Click Save

Example: Create account for a new faculty member

Thomas Anderson has joined your institution as a professor of zoology. He’s never attended your institution as a student and never worked at it, meaning you need to create him from scratch.

  1. Go to All Users > Add Non-Student/Org.

  2. Select Faculty/Staff.

  3. Enter the Thomas' first name, last name and email. Entering additional information isn’t required but the more information you enter will let you use more parts of Campus Cafe and prevent duplicate records.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Now you want to assign Thomas to a permission group that gives him access to his class roster and to submit grades. Go to Admin > Permissions.

  6. Click Lookup Person to open a new window. Find Thomas and select him. Watch out for multiple people with the same name.

  7. Assign Thomas to a Permission Group, which controls what he can see and do in Campus Cafe. Also give him a username he’ll use when he logs in. If you use single sign on, his username should match that in your single sign on system. If you don’t use single sign on, you’ll also need to give Thomas a password.

  8. If you don’t use single sign on, we recommend that you select Require Password Change so Thomas will need to change his password when he first logs in.

  9. Click Save.

Change one user’s permission group

If an individual with a Campus Cafe user account needs a different set of permissions - perhaps they have changed jobs - you can change their permission group.

You don’t need to do this for applicants who become students if you’ve configured Campus Cafe to automatically change applicants' permission upon acceptance or enrollment deposit.

  1. Go to Admin > Permissions.

  2. In Lookup Person, enter the ID number of the individual to assign. Alternatively, click Lookup Person to launch a search to find a user based on name or other criteria.

  3. Click Add/Edit.

  4. In Permission Group, select the desired group.

  5. Click Save.

Example: Change faculty to faculty advisor permission group

Your professor Thomas Anderson has shown himself an outstanding faculty advisor. As such, you want to provide him more access to student records so he can advise students. This requires changing his permission group.

  1. Go to Admin > Permissions.

  2. Click Lookup Person to open a new window. Find Thomas and select him. Watch out for multiple people with the same name.

  3. Click Add/Edit.

  4. In Permission Group select your faculty advising role. In our example, it’s called Fac Advisor.

  5. Click Save.

Change many users’ permission group using a spreadsheet (batch process)

For individuals with usernames, Campus Cafe provides a function to upload a spreadsheet of Campus Cafe ID numbers and assign a desired permission group.

  1. Using Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or other spreadsheet software, prepare a spreadsheet with ID numbers listed in the first column, one ID number per cell.

  2. Save the file as .xls (Excel), .xlxs (Excel), or .csv (comma separated values).

  3. In Campus Cafe, go to Admin > Assign Permission Groups.

  4. Click Browse.

  5. Select your spreadsheet.

  6. In Permission Group select the permission group to assign to users. Leaving the permission group blank will remove the permission group from users and render them unable to access Campus Cafe.

  7. Click Submit. Don’t leave the screen until the process completes

  8. Any users Campus Cafe were unable to change will show.

Change password

Change own password

Users with the appropriate permission may change their own password. (If using single sign on, changing passwords is typically controlled by that platform, not Campus Cafe.)

  1. Go to All Users > Change Password.

  2. In Current Password enter your current password.

  3. In New Password enter the new password.

  4. In Confirm Password enter the new password again.

  5. Click Save.

Change someone else's password

Users with the appropriate permission may change passwords for others. (If using single sign on, changing passwords is typically controlled by that platform, not Campus Cafe.)

  1. Go to Admin > Users.

  2. Enter the user's Last Name and/or First Name.

  3. Click Submit.

  4. Under the View Details column click the magnifying glass.

  5. In Password enter a new password for the user.

  6. Click Save.

Disable user account

Disabling a user account will prevent the individual from accessing Campus Cafe but will not delete the individual’s record. Disable, versus delete, an account to keep the individual in the Campus Cafe along with their records and record of their actions.

If using single sign on, you’ll also likely want to disable the account in that platform.

  1. Go to Admin > Permissions.

  2. In Lookup Person, enter the ID number of the individual to assign. Alternatively, click Lookup Person to launch a search to find a user based on name or other criteria.

  3. Click Add/Edit.

  4. Select Account Disabled.

  5. Click Save.

Delete and merge user accounts

Campus Cafe doesn’t permit the deletion of a user account. If a user no longer needs access to the system, disable the user’s account.

Campus Cafe provides a mechanism to merge two user accounts. A merge is typically performed when an individual inadvertently receives two separate user accounts creating a duplicate record.

If your institution uses single sign on, you’ll want to ensure the merge is also completed there.

Merging an ISIR inquiry with an application will override the applicant's admission status and set the individual back to inquiry status. Instead, delete this duplicate record in the holding table, update the applicant's record to match the ISIR and then reload the ISIR.

Merge precedence

Generally, institutions merge the account with less information (source ID) into the account with more information (target ID) but each case is unique and should be evaluated accordingly.

  • The target ID salutation, name, nick name, marital status, birth date, death date, deceased code, Social Security Number and race take precedence over the source ID name.

  • A target ID address takes precedence over a source ID address. If the source ID contains an address associated with an address type that does not exist in the target ID, that address will be added to the target ID’s record.

  • A target ID email takes precedence over a source ID email. If the source ID contains an email that does not exist in the target ID, that address will be added to the target ID’s record.

  • Enrollments and degrees from the source ID are added to enrollments and degrees in the target ID.

  • Student account transactions from the source ID are added to transactions in the target ID.

  • If the source ID represents the instructor of any course sections, the instructor for those course sections will change to the target ID.

  • The faculty info (faculty detail) from the source ID will take precedence over the target ID.

  • The target ID’s permission group, username and password take precedence.

  • Previous actions made by the source ID number will remain unchanged.

  • Audit logs remain unchanged. Any prior actions made by the source ID will show the source ID number as the user who made the change. Future actions by the user will show the target ID number.

  • Admissions counselor assignments remain unchanged. Prospects are assigned to STParms, not directly to users. Refer to admissions counselor documentation

Merge two accounts

  1. Go to Admin > Merge Person or Organization.

  2. Select the Single Merge tab.

  3. In Source ID#, enter the ID number of the Campus Cafe user to merge into the Target ID user. This user typically has less information or fewer attachments. In the event of conflicting information, this user’s information is subservient to that of the target ID and this ID will be removed from the system.

  4. In Target ID# enter the ID number of the Campus Cafe user to merge the source ID into. In the event of conflicting information, this user’s information takes precedence over that of the source ID and will be the ID that is kept.

    In this example, the record for Tommy Teststudent (10003180) will be merged into the record for Thomas Teststudent (660089186) to create one record under the ID number 660089186 (Target ID).

  5. Click Confirm.

  6. Review the information and click Merge.

Merge multiple accounts (batch process)

Campus Cafe can generate a list of suspected duplicate accounts through a two-step process. First generate SSRS report to find the suspected duplicates, then upload a file of confirmed duplicates.

Identify potential duplicates and prepare the file

  1. Go to Faculty > Base Reports.

  2. Go to System and open the report Potential Duplicates.

  3. Enter your Database Code, and select your parameters for matching (Email, Address, Mobile Phone, and Birth Date). The report is set to search for duplicate names automatically. These parameters apply extra filters.

  4. In Format For Export to Excel select Yes.

  5. Click the disk icon > Excel to save the file to your computer.

  6. Open the Potential Duplicates file in Excel and review the potential duplicates. Delete any rows for individuals you don’t want to merge. Delete both rows. For example, if Taylor A. Swift appears on row 8 and Taylor R. Swift appears on row 9, and these are different people, delete both rows.

  7. For individuals to merge, keep both rows and ensure that the account that you want to remain has a T in the Target column (column E). For example, if Taylor A. Swift appears on row 8 and Taylor R. Swift appears on row 9, and these are the same person, ensure the T is next to the record to keep. Information in this record will generally take precedence in the event of conflicting information.

  8. Save your file.

Upload the file to merge duplicates

  1. Go to Admin > Merge Person or Organization.

  2. Select the Batch Merge tab.

  3. Click Browse and select your spreadsheet.

  4. Click Submit. The results appear.

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