Google Workspace SAML Authentication (SSO)
About Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) SAML Authentication
Google Workspace users may be granted access to Campus Cafe using their Google Workspace credentials by configuring a Google Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) connection.
The authentication works by checking if the logged in Google Workspace user has an account in Campus Cafe where the Campus Cafe username is the user's primary Google Workspace email. The Google Workspace user must also belong to a Google Workspace organizational unit that allows access to the Campus Cafe SAML app.
Configure Google Workspace SAML
Log in to Google Admin
Click the Apps tile
Click the Web and mobile apps tile
Click Add App > Add custom SAML app
For the App name enter the name of the App as you want it shown to G Workspace users in the App drawer. For these instructions, we have named it Campus Cafe.
Click Continue; Do not leave the screen
Click Download Metadata
Retain the file and send the file to Campus Cafe Support
Click Continue
Enter Service provider details as follows:
ACS URL: https://*** where *** is your school code
Entity ID: https://*** where *** is your school code
Start URL: https://*** where *** is your school code
Signed response: Check this boxEnter the Name ID details as follows:
Name ID format: EMAIL
Name ID: Basic Information>Primary emailClick Continue
Click Finish
Turn on User Access
Google Workspace allows users to be segregated into organizational units, which control access to various Google functions and apps. Campus Cafe must be turned on for the organization(s) permitted to access Campus Cafe.
Log in to Google Admin
Click the Apps tile
Click the Web and mobile apps tile
Click the app you just created
In the upper right of the User access tile click the down arrow
On the left click the organizational unit to provide access
Click ON
Click Override. Changes may take 24 hours to propagate to all users.
Configure Campus Cafe Users
The Google Workspace user must have a corresponding account in Campus Cafe. There are two ways to configure usernames in Campus Cafe.
The Campus Cafe username must be the Google Workspace user's primary email including the domain. (For example, Leave the domain box empty.
ORThe Campus Cafe username must be the Google Workspace user's primary email address excluding the domain. (For example, would be simply taylor.swift). In the Domain box enter the domain without the @ symbol. (For example,
Campus Cafe recommends the Campus Cafe Password field be left empty.
In Campus Cafe on the user screen the Account Disabled checkbox will not be respected. Instead, disable the user's access in Google Workspace.
In Campus Cafe on the user screen the Require Password Change checkbox will not be respected. Instead, require a password change on the user's Google Workspace record.
The functional access granted in Campus Cafe depends on the Campus Cafe permission group to which the user belongs.
Configure Error Message for User Note in Campus Cafe
If a user belongs to a Google organization that has access to Campus Cafe, the user will see a link to Campus Cafe in his or her Google App Launcher (the nine dots in the upper right). If the Google user does not have an account in Campus Cafe, an error will be displayed.
To customize the error message:
Navigate to Admin > Adjustable Text
Click the pencil next to LOGINSSO_ERROR
In the Value box (the large box) enter the error message to display to a user (e.g. You do not have access to Campus Cafe. Contact IT Support at 555-5555 for assistance.)
Click Save
Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache
Configure Campus Cafe Logout Button Behavior
By default, clicking the logout button in Campus Café does not end the SSO session. With the SSO session still active, a user will be able to access Campus Café without logging in.
Configure Campus Café logout button to end SSO session
Navigate to Admin > Web App
Locate parameter LOGOUT_SSO_URL
In the Value box enter https://*** replacing *** with your school code
Click Save
Time Out Behavior
By default, Campus Café signs out a user after 30 minutes of inactivity. (This may be extended by contacting Campus Café support.) However, the user’s SSO session will remain active for as long as configured through the SSO. If the SSO session is still active, the user can access Campus Café without logging in. Essentially, the SSO time out setting takes precedence over the Campus Café time out.
Accessing Campus Cafe
Once SSO and users are configured, users can access Campus Cafe by through the Google App Launcher (nine dots) by clicking Campus Cafe.