Mail Merge
About Mail Merge
Mail merge allows the merging of data into a pre-formatted letter designed in Microsoft Word. The letter may reference values such as a student’s name, address, major or tracking item.
Available Merge Fields
Navigate to Admin > Mail Merge Data
The Existing Merge Field drop down contains a list of all mergeable fields reproduced below
Table | Field Name | Word Merge Field Name | Export Spreadsheet Field Name |
STBIOS | SALUTATION | Salutation | Salutation |
STBIOS | LAST_NAME | Last_Name | Last Name |
STBIOS | FIRST_NAME | First_Name | First Name |
STBIOS | MIDDLE_NAME | Middle_Name | Middle Name |
STBIOS | ID_NUMBER | Id_Number | Id Number |
STBIOS | SUFFIX | Suffix | Suffix |
STBIOS | BIRTH_DATE | Birth_Date | Birth Date |
STBIOS | NICK_NAME | Nick_Name | Nick Name |
STBIOS | SEX | Gender | Gender |
STBIOS | CONTINUING_ED_CODE | Continuing_Ed_Code | Continuing Ed Code |
Based on address type drop down selection | Address_Line_1 | NONE | |
Based on address type drop down selection | Address_Line_2 | NONE | |
Based on address type drop down selection | Address_Line_3 | NONE | |
Based on address type drop down selection | Address_Line_4 | NONE | |
Based on address type drop down selection | Address_Line_5 | NONE | |
STBIOS | HOME_ADDRESS_ONE | Home_Street1 | Home Street1 |
STBIOS | HOME_ADDRESS_TWO | Home_Street2 | Home Street2 |
STBIOS | HOME_ADDRESS_THREE | Home_Street3 | Home Street3 |
STBIOS | HOME_CITY | Home_City | Home City |
STBIOS | HOME_STATE | Home_State | Home State |
STBIOS | HOME_ZIP | Home_Zip | Home Zip |
STBIOS | HOME_ZIP_EXTENSION | Home_Zip_Ext | Home Zip Ext |
STBIOS | HOME_PROVINCE | Home_Province | Home Province |
STBIOS | HOME_COUNTRY | Home_Country | Home Country |
GENERIC! | Home Phone Number | Home_Phone | Home Phone |
STBIOS | HOME_PHONE_AREA | Home_Phone_Area | Home Phone Area |
STBIOS | HOME_PHONE_EXCHANGE | Home_Phone_Exchange | Home Phone Exchange |
STBIOS | HOME_PHONE_NUMBER | Home_Phone_Num | Home Phone Num |
STBIOS | BILLING_ADDRESS_ONE | Bill_Street1 | Bill Street1 |
STBIOS | BILLING_ADDRESS_TWO | Bill_Street2 | Bill Street2 |
STBIOS | BILLING_ADDRESS_THREE | Bill_Street3 | Bill Street3 |
STBIOS | BILLING_CITY | Bill_City | Bill City |
STBIOS | BILLING_STATE | Bill_State | Bill State |
STBIOS | BILLING_ZIP | Bill_Zip | Bill Zip |
STBIOS | BILLING_ZIP_EXTENSION | Bill_Zip_Ext | Bill Zip Ext |
STBIOS | BILLING_PROVINCE | Bill_Province | Bill Province |
STBIOS | BILLING_COUNTRY | Bill_Country | Bill Country |
GENERIC! | Billing Phone Number | Bill_Phone | Bill Phone |
STBIOS | BILLING_PHONE_AREA | Bill_Phone_Area | Bill Phone Area |
STBIOS | BILLING_PHN_EXCHANGE | Bill_Phone_Exchange | Bill Phone Exchange |
STBIOS | BILLING_PHN_NUMBER | Bill_Phone_Num | Bill Phone Num |
STBIOS | MAIL_ADDRESS_ONE | Mail_Street1 | Mail Street1 |
STBIOS | MAIL_ADDRESS_TWO | Mail_Street2 | Mail Street2 |
STBIOS | MAIL_ADDRESS_THREE | Mail_Street3 | Mail Street3 |
STBIOS | MAIL_CITY | Mail_City | Mail City |
STBIOS | MAIL_STATE | Mail_State | Mail State |
STBIOS | MAIL_ZIP | Mail_Zip | Mail Zip |
STBIOS | MAIL_ZIP_CODE_EXT | Mail_Zip_Ext | Mail Zip Ext |
STBIOS | MAIL_PROVINCE | Mail_Province | Mail Province |
STBIOS | MAIL_COUNTRY | Mail_Country | Mail Country |
GENERIC! | Mail Phone Number | Mail_Phone | Mail Phone |
STBIOS | MAIL_PHONE_AREA | Mail_Phone_Area | Mail Phone Area |
STBIOS | MAIL_PHN_EXCHANGE | Mail_Phone_Exchange | Mail Phone Exchange |
STBIOS | MAIL_PHONE_NUMBER | Mail_Phone_Num | Mail Phone Num |
GENERIC! | ALL MAJORS | Inq_Majors | Inq Majors |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_INQ_MAJOR | Adm_Inq_Major | Adm Inq Major |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_INQ_MAJOR decoded | Adm_Inq_Major_Decoded | Adm Inq Major Decoded |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_INQ_MAJ_02 | Adm_Inq_Major2 | Adm Inq Major 2 |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_INQ_MAJ_02 decoded | Adm_Inq_Major2_Decoded | Adm Inq Major 2 Decoded |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_INQ_MAJ_03 | Adm_Inq_Major3 | Adm Inq Major 3 |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_INQ_MAJ_03 decoded | Adm_Inq_Major3_Decoded | Adm Inq Major 3 Decoded |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_INQ_MINOR | Adm_Inq_Minor | Adm Inq Minor |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_INQ_MINOR decoded | Adm_Inq_Minor_Decoded | Adm Inq Minor Decoded |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_ENT_SEM | Adm_Ent_Sem | Adm Ent Sem |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_ENT_SEM | Adm_Ent_Sem_Decoded | Adm Ent Sem Decoded |
STBIOS | ADM_PROGRESS_CODE | Prog_Code | Prog Code |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_SITE | Admissions_Site | Admissions Site |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_SITE decoded | Admissions_Site_Decoded | Not in Export STPARM SBPRCC |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_RES_CODE | Resident_Code | Resident Code |
STBIOS | TRANSFER_CODE | Transfer_Code | Transfer Code |
STBIOS | HIGH_SCHOOL_CODE | High_School | High School |
STBIOS | HIGH_SCHOOL_CODE decoded | High_School_Decoded | High School Decoded |
STBIOS | PREV_ATTED_COLLEGE | Last_College | Last College |
STBIOS | PREV_ATTED_COLLEGE Â Â decoded | Last_College_Decoded | Last College Decoded |
STBIOS | ETHNIC_CODE | Ethnic_Code | Ethnic Code |
STBIOS | ETHNIC_CODE decoded | Ethnic_Code_Decoded | Ethnic Code Decoded |
STBIOS | FIN_AID_CODE | Financial_Aid_Code | Financial Aid Code |
STBIOS | FIN_AID_CODE decoded | Financial_Aid_Code_Decoded | Financial Aid Code Decoded |
STBIOS | ADMISSIONS_PT_CODE decoded | Part_Time_Code_Decoded | Part Time Code Decoded |
STBIOS | VETERAN_CODE | Veteran_Code | Veteran Code |
STBIOS | VETERAN_CODE decoded | Veteran_Code_Decoded | Veteran Code Decoded |
STBIOS | PRIVACY_CODE | Privacy_Code | Privacy Code |
STBIOS | PRIVACY_CODE decoded | Privacy_Code_Decoded | Privacy Code Decoded |
STBIOS | SITE_NUMBER | Site_Code | Site Code |
STBIOS | SITE_NUMBER decoded | Site_Code_Decoded | Site Code Decoded |
STBIOS | PREFERRED_ADDRESS_CD | Preferred_Address_Code | Preferred Address Code |
STBIOS | PREFERRED_ADDRESS_CD decoded | Preferred_Address_Code_Decoded | Preferred Address Code Decoded |
STBIOS | INTL_STUDENT_CODE | International_Student_Code | International Student Code |
STBIOS | INTL_STUDENT_CODE decoded | International_Student_Code_Decoded | International Student Code Decoded |
STBIOS | US_CITIZENSHIP | US_Citizenship | US Citizenship |
STBIOS | US_CITIZENSHIP decoded | US_Citizenship_Decoded | US Citizenship Decoded |
STBIOS | HIGH_SCHOOL_GRAD_YR | HS_Grad_Year | HS Grad Year |
STBIOS | Â | Advisor_1 | Â |
STBIOS | Â | Advisor_1_Name | Â |
STBIOS | Â | Advisor_2 | Â |
STBIOS | Â | Advisor_2_Name | Â |
STBIOS | EMPLOYER_NAME | Employer_Name | Â |
STBIOS | EMPLOYER_ADDRESS_ONE | Employer_Address1 | Employer Address1 |
STBIOS | EMPLOYER_ADDRESS_TWO | Employer_Address2 | Employer Address2 |
STBIOS | EMPLOYER_CITY | Employer_City | Employer City |
STBIOS | EMPLOYER_STATE | Employer_State | Employer State |
STBIOS | EMPLOYER_ZIP | Employer_Zip | Employer Zip |
STBIOS | EMPLOYER_COUNTRY | Employer_Country | Employer Country |
STBIOS | EMPLOYER_SORT_FIELD | Employer_Sort_Field | Employer Sort Field |
STPARM | SBCLOR (STPARM CODE) | Counselor_Name | Counselor Name |
STPARM | SBCLOXÂ (STPARM CODE) | Counselor_Title | Counselor Title |
STPARM | SBCLOYÂ (STPARM CODE) | Counselor_Email | Counselor Email |
STPARM | SBCLOZÂ (STPARM CODE) | Counselor_Phone_Number | Counselor Phone Number |
STPARM | SBCLOGÂ (STPARM CODE) | Counselor_Gender | Counselor Gender |
ADMAST | APPLIC_DATE | App_Date | App Date |
NONE | App date decoded (does not exist?) | None | None |
ADMAST | APPLIED_FOR_MAJOR | Applied_For_Major | Applied For Major |
ADMAST | APPLIED_FOR_MAJOR decoded | Applied_For_Major_Decoded | Applied For Major Decoded |
ADMAST | ACCEPT_MAJOR | Accept_Major | Accept Major |
ADMAST | ACCEPT_MAJOR decoded | Accept_Major_Decoded | Accept Major Decoded |
ADMAST | DECISION_DATE | Decision_Date | Decision Date |
ADMAST | DECISION_DATE decoded | Decision_Date_Decoded | Decision Date Decoded |
ADMAST | SCHOOL_DECISION | School_Decision | None |
ADMASTÂ | SCHOOL_DECISION decoded | School_Decision_Decoded | None (STPARM ACDECD) |
ADMAST | COMMITMENT_DATE | Commitment_Date | Commitment Date |
ADMAST | COMMITMENT_DATE decoded | Commitment_Date_Decoded | Commitment Date Decoded |
ADMAST | DEPOSIT_DATE | Deposit_Date | Decision Date |
ADMAST | DEPOSIT_DATE decoded | Deposit_Date_Decoded | Deposit Date Decoded |
ADMAST | DATE_ACCEPTED | Date_Accepted | Date Accepted |
ADMAST | DATE_ACCEPTED decoded | Date_Accepted_Decoded | Date Accepted Decoded |
ADMAST | DATE_REPLIED | Date_Replied | Date Replied |
ADMAST | DATE_REPLIED decoded | Date_Replied_Decoded | Date Replied Decoded |
ADMAST | APP_AMOUNT | App_Amount | App Amount |
ADMAST | TUITION_DEP_AMT | Tuition_Dep_Amount | Tuition Dep Amount |
ADMAST | HOUSING_DEP_AMT | Housing_Dep_Amount | Housing Dep Amount |
ADMAST | APP_COMPLETED | App_Completed | App Completed |
ADMAST | SCHOOL_DIV_APP | School_Div_APP | School Div APP |
ADMAST | SCHOOL_DIV_ACC | School_Div_ACC | School Div ACC |
ADMAST | ACTION_TYPE | Action_Type | Action Type |
ADMAST | ACTION_TYPE decoded | Action_Type_Decoded | Action Type Decoded |
ADMAST | COND_ACC Â decoded | Cond_ACC_Decoded | Cond ACC Decoded |
SYUSER | USERNAME | Username | Username |
SYUSER | PASSWORD | Password | Password |
SYUSER | LOGIN_COUNT | Login_Count | Login Count |
SYUSER | LAST_LOGIN_DATE | Last_Login_Date | Last Login Date |
SYUSER | LAST_LOGIN_DATE decoded | Last_Login_Date_Decoded | Last Login Date Decoded |
SYUSER | MAINTENANCE_PWD | Maintenance_Password | None |
ADDTRK | PLEDGED_AMOUNT | Amount_Original | Amount_Original |
ADDTRK | AMOUNT_DUE | Amount_Due | Amount_Due |
ADDTRK | PAID_AMOUNT | Amount_Paid | Amount_Paid |
ADDTRK | FIRST_COMMENT | Comment_1 | Comment_1 |
ADDTRK | SECOND_COMMENT | Comment_2 | Comment_2 |
ADDTRK | THIRD_COMMENT | Comment_3 | Comment_3 |
ADDTRK | FOURTH_COMMENT | Comment_4 | Comment_4 |
ADDTRK | FIFTH_COMMENT | Comment_5 | Comment_5 |
ADDTRK | SIXTH_COMMENT | Comment_6 | Comment_6 |
ADDTRK | SEVENTH_COMMENT | Comment_7 | Comment_7 |
ADDTRK | EIGHT_COMMENT | Comment_8 | Comment_8 |
ADDTRK | FIRST_REQ_DATE | Request_Date | Â |
STSALU | FORMAL_CODE | Formal_Code | Formal_Code |
STSALU | FORMAL_SAL | Formal_Sal | Formal_Sal |
STSALU | FORMAL_DEAR | Formal_Dear | Formal_Dear |
STSALU | INFORMAL_CODE | Informal_Code | Informal_Code |
STSALU | INFORMAL_SAL | Informal_Sal | Informal_Sal |
STSALU | INFORMAL_DEAR | Informal_Dear | Informal_Dear |
STSALU | ALUMNI_CODE | Alumni_Code | Alumni_Code |
STSALU | ALUMNI_SAL_1 | Alumni_Sal_1 | Alumni_Sal_1 |
STSALU | ALUMNI_SAL_2 | Alumni_Sal_2 | Alumni_Sal_2 |
STSALU | ALUMNI_DEAR | Alumni_Dear | Alumni_Dear |
STSALU | VERY_INFORMAL_CODE | Very_Informal_Code | Very_Informal_Code |
STSALU | VERY_INFORMAL_SAL | Very_Informal_Sal | Very_Informal_Sal |
STSALU | VERY_INFORMAL_DEAR | Very_Informal_Dear | Very_Informal_Dear |
STSALU | CUSTOM_CODE | Custom_Code | Custom_Code |
STSALU | CUSTOM_SAL | Custom_Sal | Custom_Sal |
STSALU | CUSTOM_DEAR | Custom_Dear | Custom_Dear |
STSALU | CUSTOM_CODE_2 | Custom_Code_2 | Â |
STSALU | CUSTOM_SAL_2 | Custom_Sal_2 | Â |
STSALU | CUSTOM_DEAR_2 | Custom_Dear_2 | Â |
STSALU | RECOGNITION_SAL | Recognition_Sal | Â |
STSALU | Based on Salutation Selection | Formatted_Sal | NONE |
STSALU | Based on Salutation Selection | Formatted_Dear | NONE |
ALFUND | FUND_DESCRIPTION_1 | Fund_Description | NONE |
ALDONA | NON_DEDUCT_AMT | Non_Deductible_Amount | NONE |
ALDONA | COMMENT | Gift_Comment_1 | NONE |
ALDONA | COMMENT_TWO | Gift_Comment_2 | NONE |
ALDONA | APPEAL | Appeal_Code | Â |
 |  | Appeal_Code_Decoded |  |
ALDONA | CAMPAIGN | Campaign_Code | Â |
 |  | Campaign_Code_Decoded |  |
ALDONA | IN_MEMORIAM_CONS_NUM | In_Memoriam_Cons_Num | Â |
 |  | In_Memoriam_Name |  |
ALDONA | GIFT_PURPOSE | Gift_Purpose | Â |
ALDONA | MATCH_GIFT_CONS_NUM | MG_Constituent_Number | Â |
 |  | MG_Constituent_Name |  |
ALDONA | PRIMARY_CONS | Primary_Cons_Code | Â |
 |  | Primary_Cons_Code_Decoded |  |
ALDONA | REQUEST_DATE | Request_Date | Â |
TRK | CURRENT_SEMESTER | Course_Semester | Â |
TRK | REG_SYLLABUS_OID | Syllabus_Decoded | Â |
RGCRSE | PROF_ID_NUMBER (Name) | Instructor | Â |
RGCRSE | BEGIN_DATE | Course_Start_Date | Â |
RGCRSE | END_DATE | Course_End_Date | Â |
RGCRSE | COURSE_TITLE | Course_Title | Â |
RGENRL | ENROLLMENT_DATE | Enrollment_Start | NONE |
NONE | Will output a ‘$’ without quotes | Dollar_Sign | NONE |
TRK | DUE_DATE | Due_Date | NONE |
TRK | SUBMITTED_DATE | Submitted_Date | NONE |
TRK | COMPLETED_DATE | Completed_Date | NONE |
TRK | DUE_TIME | Due_Time | NONE |
TRK | SUBMITTED_TIME | Submitted_Time | NONE |
RGDEGR | DEGREE_MAJOR Decoded | Degree_Major_Decoded | NONE |
When using the school finder sub-module – use the address_line_x solution when a formatted address is needed | |||
ADSCHL | SCHOOL_NAME | Name | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | ALPHA_SORT_FIELD | Sort_Name | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | SCHOOL_CODE | CEEB | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | SCHOOL_SUFFIX | Suffix | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | ADDRESS_ONE | Street1 (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | ADDRESS_TWO | Street2 (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | ADDRESS_THREE | Street3 (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | CITY | City (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | STATE | State (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | ZIP | Zip (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | ZIP_EXTENSION | Zip_Ext (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | COUNTRY | Country (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | PROVINCE | Province (use Address_Line_X) | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | AREA_CODE+EXCHANGE+PHONE | Phone | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | CONTACT_FIRST_NAME | First_Name* | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | CONTACT_MID_NAME | Middle_Name* | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | CONTACT_LAST_NAME | Last_Name* | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | CONTACT_TITLE | Title* | No Export on School Finder |
ADSCHL | EMAIL_ADDRESS | Email* | No Export on School Finder |
View AR_BALANCE_WITH_AID | AMOUNT_DUE | Amount_Due_AR_Bal | None |
View AR_BALANCE_WITH_AID | TOTAL_BALANCE | Actual_Cash_Balance | None |
*This data is associated with the contact information of the school. For example, a school counselor or administrator |
Address Fields
Address_Line_1:5 are special merge fields that will pull in and format correctly the address lines from the address type selected. Â This is the recommended best practice. Â Other address fields such as Home_Address, Mail_Address etc. should only be used in special cases where the letter must be hard coded to always use that specific address. Â An example of how the letter should look would be like this:
First_Name Last_Name
This method will properly space the address lines based on whether or not the address line exists. Â For example if the country is stored on the prospect or student record, the output would look like this:
Jane Smith
500 Generic Street
Any City, MA 02142
Unites States
 Address_Line_2 in this example would automatically collapse the space because there is not data (Address_Line_4 is typically the country code)
Insert Merge Fields into Word Template
Depending on your version of Word and your Word configuration, the directions may vary.
Open Microsoft Word.
Click Insert on the top ribbon.
Click Quick Parts.
Click Field.
In the Field names box, click MergeField.
In the Field name box enter the Campus Cafe merge field in proper case. For example, for the first name enter First_Name.
See list of fields aboveClick OK.
Repeat for each merge field. Do not copy and paste merge fields. You must insert them through the menu each time.
Available Merge Fields
Save the Word Template
Click File on the top ribbon.
Click Save As.
Give the document a name that must be all uppercase. This will be the name of the template in Campus Cafe.
Ensure the File Type is .docx.
Click Save.
 Upload the Word Template
Navigate to Admin > Appearance & Student Photos.
Scroll down to the Mail Merge Templates section.
Click on Choose Files and select your MS Word document from your machine.
Click the Upload templates button.
Create Activity Tracking Template
Navigate to All Users > Activity Tracking Templates.
In the Member box, select a member associated with the function of the template.
In the Template Name box, enter exactly the name of the Word template. This name needs to match the filename you saved (not including the .docx extension). In the picture above, we uploaded a file named BILLING_MM, therefore that will be the name of our template.
Click the Add button.
In the Description box, enter a description of the template.
Then, click Save.
Scroll down to the Added Workflows section and click the Workflow Edit icon next to the workflow. Â
In the Type drop-down, select Document.
In the Category drop-down, select Document.
Under Options, check the box next to Is Word Mergeable.
Then, click the Save button.
Initiate the Merge
Permissions #953 and #954 are required for this function. The user will also need access to the activity tracking member.
Navigate to Student > Student Finder.
Set your criteria to return the population to merge.
Click the + Add Activity button and select For All if you want to include all students in the results in the mail merge. If you select For Page, you will only include those students on the current page in the mail merge.
Select the Template using the magnifying glass icon.
Next, make sure to check the box for Proceed to Merge.
Then, click the Submit button.
You will be prompted to confirm you want to add tracking for these students. Click Yes.
A new screen will appear. You will see the mail merge template document you uploaded in the gray area.
In the Destination Type, make sure to select Send to New Document.
In the bottom right, then click Submit.
Your browser will prompt you to open or download the document. It will appear in your downloads directory unless you save it elsewhere. Each student will be displayed as a separate page and your merged fields will be populated with the data from Campus Cafe.
Conditional Output
You may optionally configure the system to output a defined value if a field holds a specific value. Â For example, if the first name equals Jim, you may wish to replace "Chris" with "My favorite first name."
Navigate to Admin > Mail Merge Data
In the Conditional Merge Field, enter a description of the conditional rule, for example, Name Change
In the Existing Merge Field drop down, choose the field desired, for example, First_Name
In the operator choose the logical value, for example, =
In the Value box enter the value to replace, for example, Chris
 In the To Display box enter the desired replacement text, for example, My favorite first name
Click Add
Set the Merge Folders Paths
The merge folders are where Campus Café will find the templates and output the results. This one-time step is required before using the mail merge feature.
Navigate to Admin > Custom Control
Locate the ProgramId MAILMERGE
Take note of parameter 1, which specifies the path to the Word Templates, change the specific folder if desired
Take note of parameter 2, which specifies the path to the outputted Word templates, change the specific folder if desired
Verify the Merge Folders Exist
This one-time step is required before using the mail merge feature and will only need to be repeated if the merge folders paths are changed.
Navigate to Faculty/Staff > Notepad++
Log in to the server
Click File
Click Open
Navigate to This PC > Scanware > Merge
If the folder to hold the templates does not exist, create the folder by right mouse clicking and clicking New Folder and name it the same name specified in custom control maintenance
If the folder to hold the outputted templates does not exist, create the folder by right mouse clicking and clicking New Folder and name it the same name specified in custom control maintenance