Linked Courses

About linked courses

Linked courses allow you to require that students enroll in two or more class sections as a unit. For example, a student may be required to take ENGR101 Section 1 and MATH108 Section 3 together.


Required permissions









Link courses

Established linked courses

  1. Go to Registrar > Course Finder.

  2. Click Linked Courses.

  3. Select the Semester where the course sections are scheduled and click Submit.

  4. Under Linked Course Headers click New Record.

    • Semester: The semester in which the courses will be linked (grouped).

    • Group ID: An code to identify the linked courses unit.

    • Description: Text to describe the unit.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Under Linked Courses, click New Record.

    • Semester: The semester in which the courses will be linked (grouped).

    • Group ID: The code entered in in Step 4.

    • Course #: The course code of the first course in the unit.

    • Course Section: The section associated with the course.

    • Lab Section: Optionally, the lab associated with the course.

  7. Click Create.

  8. Repeat steps 6-7 but input in Course # the next course affiliated with the group. Repeat as needed for all courses in the group.