Delete Course or Course Section

About deleting a course or course section

Campus Cafe permits you to mark a course section as cancelled or closed if enrollment is no longer allowed. 

Alternatively, you may delete a course or course section from the platform entirely. It is important to consider the impact of deleting a course on other aspects of the Campus Cafe such as billing, transfer credit and attendance. 

Once a course is created in the course catalog and a corresponding section created in an individual semester, the course in the course catalog should never be deleted without first deleting the sections in the individual semesters.


  • The courses must be scheduled.

  • Courses with enrollment records cannot be deleted to preserve the audit and billing trail.

  • Courses with course exception records cannot be deleted. Delete course exception records first.

  • Courses with student attendance records cannot be deleted. Delete attendance records first.

Required permissions









Course finder

Delete a course

  1. Go to Registrar > Course Finder.

  2. Use the filters to locate the course.

  3. Next to the course click the magnifying class.

  4. Click Delete.