
About prerequisites

Pre- or corequisites force a student to take courses in a specified order. Campus Cafe won’t not permit a student to register for a course unless the requisite is met. For example, you may require students to take introduction to algebra prior to taking advanced calculus.

To vacillate exceptions, you can also permit staff to bypass these requisites when registering students.


Required permissions









Course finder to create and edit course



Create and edit course prerequisites

Prerequisites behavior

Prerequisites saved to courses in the catalog semester will automatically copy to other semesters. If your prerequisites remain the same across semesters and sections, we recommend you set them at the catalog level to save you time. For example, if you require students to take introduction to algebra prior to taking advanced calculus and set this up at the catalog level, that rule will apply to the six distinct sections you create in the fall semester.

Before creating prerequisites consider

  • When creating a course in a new semester, prerequisites will be visible once the Save button is clicked on the course page.

  • Adjusting prerequisites for a course in one semester will not impact prerequisites already established in other semesters.

  • Prerequisites are shared among all sections of the same course in the same semester. Adjusting a prerequisite for one section of the course will cause that prerequisites to replicate to all other sections of the course in that semester.

Create prerequisites

Prerequisites may be any combination of courses, scores and activity tracking templates.

The course must be saved before prerequisites can be built.

Require course

Requiring a course is common when courses must be taken in sequence. For example, students must take algebra prior to taking advanced calculus. You can also decide whether to allow the student to take the requirement at the same time (concurrently).

  1. Go to the course and, if you just created the course, click Save.

  2. Click the Prerequisites tab.

  3. Select Type C: Course.

  4. In Grouping enter 1.

  5. In Prerequisite enter the course code (e.g. MTH269) for the required course.

  6. In Sub Grouping enter 1.

  7. To allow the student to take the required course at the same time as the course that requires it, select Allow Concurrently.

  8. Click Save Pre Req.


This course requires a student to take MTH269 to register. Because Allow Concurrently is selected, the student can take MTH269 in the same semester as this course.

Require multiple courses

Requiring courses is common when courses must be taken in sequence. For example, students must take algebra and advanced calculus prior to taking differential equations. You can also decide whether to allow the student to take the requirements at the same time (concurrently).

Require all courses (take all of these)

Using the below, students will be required to take all of the specified courses.

  1. Go to the course and, if you just created the course, click Save.

  2. Click the Prerequisites tab.

  3. Select Type C: Course.

  4. In Grouping enter 1.

  5. In Prerequisite enter the course code (e.g. MTH269) for the required course.

  6. In Sub Grouping enter 1.

  7. To allow the student to take the required course at the same time as the course that requires it, select Allow Concurrently.

  8. Click Save Pre Req.

  9. Without leaving the screen, repeat steps 3-8 for each additional course. Continue to use Grouping number 1 and Sub Grouping number 1.

Require at least one course of a list (take this or that)

As an alternative to a list of all required courses, you may allow students to select from a list of courses. For example, prior to taking trigonometry a student could take algebra or geometry.

  1. Go to the course and, if you just created the course, click Save.

  2. Click the Prerequisites tab.

  3. Select Type C: Course.

  4. In Grouping enter 1.

  5. In Prerequisite enter the course code (e.g. MTH269) for the required course.

  6. In Sub Grouping enter 1.

  7. Select Sub Group Or.

  8. To allow the student to take the required course at the same time as the course that requires it, select Allow Concurrently.

  9. Click Save Pre Req.

  10. Without leaving the screen, repeat steps 3-9 for each additional course. Continue to use Grouping number 1 and Sub Grouping number 1.

Required course plus pick from a list (take class A, and Class B or Class C)

You may have courses that require students take some specific courses and one course from a list of two possible courses. To configure such a requirement, use different group numbers and sub group numbers.

Assume the course AH221 requires students to take HU101 and HU102 and AH105. Students must also take AH104 or AH110. To configure this, we add three pre-reqs under Group 1, Subgroup 1. We then add two pre-reqs under Group 2, but each course has different sub group number. This allows students to fulfill the requirement using either course.

prereq example.png

Require a score

Requiring a score means the student must have the specified score or score range to register for a class. For example, you may require students to have a TOEFL score of at least 100 to take an English class.

  1. Go to the course and, if you just created the course, click Save.

  2. Click the Prerequisites tab.

  3. Select Type S: Scores.

  4. In Grouping enter 1.

  5. In Prerequisite select the score (e.g. TOEFL).

  6. If the score in numeric, uncheck the Use Alpha Value box.

  7. In Value From enter the minimum score required.

  8. In Value To enter the maximum score.

  9. In Sub Grouping enter 1.

  10. Click Save Pre Req.

Require an activity tracking template

Requiring an activity tracking template will check if the student attempting to register has an activity tracking template assigned. The presence of the activity will allow the student to register. The activity must be associated with a workflow marked as Prereq Usage under Options.

Such a prerequisite is useful when you are requiring something specific to your institution. For example, you may require students taking an advanced chemistry class to hold a lab safety certificate, which you track by adding an activity to their record.

  1. Go to the course and, if you just created the course, click Save.

  2. Click the Prerequisites tab.

  3. Select Type D: Tracking.

  4. In Prerequisite enter the activity tracking template name.

  5. In Grouping enter 1.

  6. In Sub Grouping enter 1.

  7. Optionally, select Ignore Tracking Completed Date. Selecting this will allow the student to register even if the activity is not marked as completed.

  8. Optionally set Days Till Expired. This indicates how many days after the activity's completion date the activity will fulfill the pre-req. To ignore the date or no expiration enter 0. For example, if the student must have completed the safety lab certificate within the last six months, you’d enter 180 here.

  9. In Tracking Member, select the tracking member associated with the specific tracking item. For example, if your safety lab certificate is under Registrar, select Registrar.

  10. Click Save Pre Req.

  11. Click Save.

Establish corequisites 

Corequisites are classes that the student must take simultaneously as the course in which they are attempting to enroll. Campus Cafe supports up to five courses that a student must enroll in during the same semester.

  1. Go to the course.

  2. Click the Corequisites tab.

  3. In Course select the course(s).

  4. Click Save.