Academic Degrees
About academic degrees
Degrees represent that a student successfully completed an academic program (major). There are multiple components of a degree. Academic Programs (Majors) are associated with a degree.
Required permissions
Module | Number | Description |
System Admin | 113 | Create and change degree levels and degrees |
Degree level
The degree level represents your institution’s categorization of the degree (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, etc.). Student class enrollments can be divided by degree level. For example, Jose has his fall 2022 classes associated with the undergraduate degree level. His fall 2023 classes are associated with the graduate degree level. Jose's transcript will be divided into two parts: one for the undergraduate classes and the other for the graduate classes. Each section will have an independent cumulative GPA and credits.
Change degree level name
By default, Campus Cafe delivers common degree levels such as undergraduate and graduate. You can change these descriptions to accommodate your institution’s academic structure.
Changing a degree level name changes it for all students, including students formerly enrolled and graduated. Don’t change a degree level name if you don’t want it to change retroactively.
Degree level 4 is a special degree level reserved for class enrollments that don’t appear on the transcript. Don’t use level 4 for any other purpose.
Go to Admin > STParm.
In Search enter XXDGCD.
Next to the degree level to change, click the pencil.
In Description and Long Description enter the name of the level.
Click Save.
Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.
Add degree level
By default, Campus Cafe delivers common degree levels such as undergraduate and graduate. You add additional levels to accommodate your institution’s academic structure.
Degree level 4 is a special degree level reserved for class enrollments that don’t appear on the transcript. Don’t use level 4 for any other purpose.
Go to Admin > STParm.
In Search enter XXDGCD.
In the Parameter Value column review the existing numbers and note a number not already in use.
In Parameter code enter XXDGCD.
In Parameter Value enter a number not already in use.
Click Add.
In Description and Long Description enter the name of the level.
Click Save.
Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.
Degree awarded
The degree awarded represents the credential itself (e.g. bachelor, master, etc.). Your institution may have multiple academic programs that all lead to the same degree. For example, journalism and political science both lead to a bachelor’s of arts while biology leads to a bachelor of science.
Create degree
Campus Cafe creates degrees during your initial Campus Cafe implementation to align with your historical data. If your institution later offers a new degree, you’ll need to create one.
Go to Admin > STParm.
In Search enter SBUDGX.
In the Parameter Value column review the existing codes.
In Parameter code enter SBUDGX.
In Parameter Value enter a code not already in use.
Click Add.
In Description and Long Description enter the name of the level.
Click Save.
Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.
Credential level
The credential level (undergraduate certificate, bachelor’s master’s, etc. ) represents the federal government definition of the degree level and is used in financial aid and federal enrollment reporting. These options may not be adjusted. Refer to the U.S. Department of Education’s NSLDS Enrollment Guide and Federal Student Aid Handbook for guidance on using credential levels.