Academic Departments
About departments
Departments allow institutions a way to organize degrees, classes, faculty and staff into smaller units. They can also be used to govern access to class rosters.
To designate someone as a chairperson, they must exist in Campus Cafe as a faculty member.
Required permissions
Module | Number | Description |
System Admin | 113 | Add and edit departments |
Faculty | 63 | Set individual as chairperson |
Registration | 448 | Allow chairperson to access multiple departments |
Add a Department
Go to Admin > STParm.
In Parameter Code enter XXACDP.
In Parameter Value enter a brief name for the department. For example, 01.
Click Add.
In Description enter a brief department name. For example, Music.
In Long Description, enter the full department name. For example, the Department of Music.
Click Save.
Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.
Individuals can optionally be set as chairpersons. Individuals set as chairpersons can only access the department(s) associated with them. There is no permission option that overrides this function.
Go to the individual’s profile.
Go to Person Selected > Faculty Info.
Set Chairperson as C – Chairperson.
In Department, select the department.
Click Save.
Multiple Department Maintenance
To associate an individual with multiple departments (and allow roster access to them), use multiple department maintenance.
Go to Registrar > Multiple Departments.
Click New Record.
In Id Number, select the chairperson to associate with multiple departments.
In Department 1-20, select the departments to grant access.
Click Create.