Multiple Applications and Admission History
About Multiple Applications
Campus Cafe supports one active application at a time. Prior applications are archived.
Restrict or Permit Additional Applications
By default Campus Cafe permits an individual to submit only one application of the same application type. Institutions may configure Campus Cafe to permit the submission of multiple applications of the same application type. If so, an individual who applies using an application with the same application type will immediately have his or her previous application archived as read only and the latest application set as current.
Configure Application Type
Navigate to Admissions > Portal Configuration
Next to the desired application click the pencil icon
In the Application Type box choose the application type (Options set using STParm ACAPTY)
Click Save
Permit Multiple Applications of the Same Type
Navigate to Admin > Custom Control
Locate the ProgramId ADMAPPTYPE
Next to ADMAPPTYPE click the pencil icon
In Parameter Value 1 box enter Y
Click Save
Refresh the cache by navigating to Admin > Refresh Data Cache > reload data
Allow Specific Applicant to Submit Multiple Applications with the Same Application Type
If your institution chooses to restrict applicants from submitting more than one application of the same application type, the applicant may never again submit an application with the same application type unless an exception is made.
Make an exception
Navigate to the applicant
Navigate to Person Selected > Applicant
In the Application Type box change the type to not match the application type of the application the applicant wishes to submit
Click Save
View Previous Applications
Previous applications are found in Admissions History, which can be reached multiple ways:
Person Selected Menu → Adm. History
Admissions Tab → Applicant Detail Page → View Other Historical Applications
Change Active Application
From the Adm. History Page, clicking the “Make Active” arrow for the application you wish to make active:
The activities, as well as the data listed on the Admissions History table will become the applicant’s active values, so, if an applicant had been accepted under one program, but chose to apply to another program, they would revert back to a Y progress code. Switching back to the first application would then switch the applicant’s progress code back to Accepted.
Reassociating activities from one application to another
Activities remain with the application for which they were originally attached, and are connected by the Token. Tokens beginning with a Q as the first character are connected to an application that is retrievable by the system. Tokens beginning with a B as the first character are unconnected to an application, usually because they are legacy applications, brought over in conversion.
To associate an activity from one application to another, including any uploaded attachments or signed documents, go to the applicant’s activities tab, and edit the activity to be reassociated. In the “More” section, the Application Token options are populated in a drop down box. Selecting the new Application Token will allow it to populate on the Application Status Page for the application matching the activity’s new token.
Degree Behavior For New Applications
Students with an existing degree record who applies for a new program with a new application will have the new degree record automatically created when the progress code is changed on the application as defined under Custom Control AD100, Sequence 1, Parameter 3. The new record will not be marked as the current degree automatically to prevent students from accidentally getting off track if they apply for a new program while still completing their current program.
Please note that to properly change a student to the new program the administrator must update the current program status to the appropriate status, and then update the new degree record to current and an active status so the student then will be enrolled under the new program.