Restrict Course Enrollment by Major

About major restriction

You may wish to restrict certain courses to only students in specific majors. For example, perhaps only nursing students can take upper-level nursing courses.


Required permissions









Create and edit major restrictions for courses

To respect major restrictions, the student or person registering the student must belong to a group with permissions that don’t allow overriding this restriction.

To force users in a permission group to respect a major restriction, adjust their permission groups accordingly.

  • Permission 347 under the My Info permission module. Set to NA to prevent students adding classes that are restricted to a major other than the student's.

  • Permission 532 under the My Info permission module. Do not set to NA to prevent students adding classes that are restricted to a major other than the student's.

  • Permission 346 under the Student permission module. Set to NA to prevent administrative staff adding classes that are restricted to a major other than the student's.

  • Permission 569 under the Student permission module. Set to NA to prevent administrative staff adding classes that are restricted to a major other than the student's. 

  • Permission 568 under the Student permission module. Do not set to NA to prevent administrative staff adding classes that are restricted to a major other than the student's.

Restrict course to specific major(s)

Cross listing does not impact major restriction.

  1. Go to Registrar > Major Restriction.

  2. Click New Major Restriction.

  3. In Course Number enter the complete course code comprising subject and number (e.g. NUR300).

  4. Enter the Major Code allowed to take the course. Students in other majors will be prevented from enrolling in the course.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Repeat the above steps for each major allowed to enroll in the course.