Batch Enrollment Registration and Grade Import

About batch enrollment registration and grade import

Campus Cafe provides two ways to enroll a group of students into a class(es).

One method is to use the Student Finder to capture a population of students based on criteria or an uploaded list of student ID numbers.

The second method is to upload a spreadsheet of enrollments. You can also use this method to upload grades associated with enrollments. This is especially useful if you collect grades in a system or method not connected to Campus Cafe.

You can also use the spreadsheet to upload transfer credit, which may save you time if you lots of transfer credit to students.


  • The courses for which students are going to be enrolled must be scheduled.

  • The semester in which the courses are scheduled must be active in registration control.

  • If uploading enrollments using a spreadsheet, students must have session rows for the semester you are registering them for.

  • If uploading enrollments or transfer courses using a spreadsheet, the grades in the spreadsheet must exist in the Campus Cafe grading scheme and grades associated with transfer courses must be marked as transfer grades.

  • If uploading transfer credit using a spreadsheet, the institution where the credit was originally earned must exist in Campus Cafe’s schools.

Required permissions









Register using Student Finder



Register using Student Finder



Register using a spreadsheet

Batch enrollment using Student Finder

A population of students in the Student Finder may be registered for a single class or group of classes. For a group of classes, all classes must be in the same semester and have the same section number. For example, you can register a population of freshmen for MTH 101 Section 1, COM 100 Section 1 and ART 108 Section 1. However, you couldn’t register the freshmen for MTH 101 Section 1, COM 100 Section 4 and ART 108 Section 7 all at once because each course has a difference section number. You could, however, register the freshmen for MTH 101 then COM 100 and then ART 108 in three separate transactions.

The batch enrollment process will always respect seat limits regardless of the user’s permission.

  1. Go to Filters > Students.

  2. Use the filters to select your population. The Add IDs to filter feature allows an upload of a .csv file containing ID numbers in the first column. The IDs will then populate the Finder. This can be helpful if the list of students to enroll does not follow a defined pattern, but the list is available in a document.

  3. Select the checkbox next to all students to enroll.

  4. Click + Enroll > For All.

  5. A pop up appears, select the Course Semester corresponding to the course(s) for which to register the students.

  6. In Course Section enter the section number of the course(s). For example, 01. All courses you’re enrolling the students in must have the same section number.

  7. In Degree Level optionally choose what degree level to associate the enrollment. If not selected, Campus Cafe associates the degree level with the student’s active degree level.

  8. In Course 1 enter the course code exactly as it appears on the schedule of classes. For example, MTH101.

  9. Add additional classes in the Course 2-10. For more courses beyond 10, click the + button.

  10. Click Submit.

  11. Confirm you wish to enroll, wait for the process to complete and review any error messages

Batch enrollment and final grade update from spreadsheet

You can enroll a group of students using a spreadsheet.

You can also use the spreadsheet to assign grades to a group of students. This may be helpful if you collect grades in another system that doesn’t connect with Campus Cafe.

The spreadsheet also supports uploading transfer credit.

This process will not create student session rows, which is required for students to register. Prior to uploading enrollments via a spreadsheet, ensure all students have session rows. See documentation on how to create them individually by student or in batch.

This process overwrites any existing final course grades.

  1. Use Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or another spreadsheet software, create a a spreadsheet that must contain the following columns in order: ID_NUMBER, COURSE_NUMBER, COURSE_SECTION, CURRENT_SEMESTER, ENROLLMENT_DATE, BILLING_SITE, ENR_SPONSOR_ID, DEGREE_LEVEL, FINAL_GRADE, WITHDRAWAL_DATE, IS_TRANSFER, ORIG_COURSE_NUM, ORIG_CREDITS_FOR_COURSE, ORIG_FINAL_GRADE,ORIG_COLLEGE_NUMBER,COMMENT. Save the file in .xlsx or .xls format. A pre-filled template can be found here:








The student's Campus Cafe ID number.



The complete subject code and catalog number exactly as it appears in Campus Cafe. (e.g. MTH101) for which to register the student.



The section of the course for which to register the student. For example, 01.



The Campus Cafe numerical code identifying the semester of the course (e.g. 202410).



The Start Date Override for the enrollment. Must be in CCCCMMDD format. (e.g. 20240525 for May 25, 2024).



The Campus Cafe numerical code associated with the class billing site. (e.g. 2).



The Campus Cafe ID number of the class sponsor.



The numerical code for the degree (study) level associated with the enrollment. (e.g. 2). If left blank, system will use degree level corresponding with the student's current degree row.



The final course grade. The grade must exist in quality points. For transfer courses, the grade must be selected as a transfer grade.



The date the student withdrew from the course. Must be in CCCCMMDD format. (e.g. 20240525 for May 25, 2021).



Leave blank if not a transfer course. Any text in this column indicates the course is transfer credit.



Course number from original institution. (The institution the student earned the credit.)

Optional (required if IS_TRANSFER is not blank)


Credits earned for course at original institution.

Optional (required if IS_TRANSFER is not blank)


Grade earned for course at original institution.

Optional (required if IS_TRANSFER is not blank)


College number of the original institution. (Use School Finder to see college number.)

Optional (required if IS_TRANSFER is not blank)


Additional notes on the enrollment


  1. Go to Registrar > Enrollment and Final Grade Update.

  2. Click Browse and select the file containing the enrollments or grades.

  3. Click Submit.