Batch Drop
About batch drop
The batch drop function allows you to remove from a class or classes a group of students. The function also allows the mass removal of all students in a cancelled class.
If dropping from cancelled courses, the courses must be marked as cancelled.
Required permissions
Module | Number | Description |
Registration | 680 | Batch drop |
Process a batch drop for cancelled classes
Refer to Cancel a Course documentation.
Process a batch drop based on an uploaded spreadsheet of students
Deleting enrollment records impacts billing because without an enrollment record a student's bill will not be adjusted. Campus Cafe recommends deleting records only if billing adjustments are not required.
This process removes students from a class or classes based on an uploaded spreadsheet. The spreadsheet must contain the following columns ID_NUMBER, COURSE_NUMBER and COURSE_SECTION and be in .xlsx, .xls or .csv format. A pre-filled template can be found here:
This process will only drop the enrollments for students who do not have a final grade assigned for the class.
Go to Registrar > Multiple Student Course Drop.
Select All enrollments in the uploaded spreadsheet in the semester chosen below.
Click Browse and upload your spreadsheet.
Drop Date: Represents the date recorded as the drop. This date may impact the student’s bill if you have tuition and refunds determined by drop date.
Delete Records: Select to delete the enrollment records. Campus Cafe recommends extreme caution in selecting this because drop records are critical for accurate billing and reporting.
Semester: Select the semester the courses on the spreadsheet are scheduled in.
Click Submit.
Audit log
Drops processed through this function will appear in a student's audit log with a comment of either AD or CC, depending on if this process was run for Auto-Drop (AD) or Cancelled Courses (CC).