

About dashboards

Dashboards allow quick access to high-level data and common tasks.


  • Person who needs to see dashboard has a permission group with a default dashboard specified.

  • Person serving as an admissions counselor set as one.

  • Workflow categories set using STPARM AFREAD. This correspond to tiles shown on dashboards.

Required permissions

In each module, remove the N/A to show the dashboard as an option.


Permission Module



Permission Module








Faculty (Rosters)



Financial Aid

Student Financials





Student Financials

Student Financials


Student Services


1231, 1234

If no default dashboard is set for a permission group, the Entry Page text set in Web Adjustable Text is used.

Default dashboard

This is the dashboard someone sees upon entering Campus Cafe. A default dashboard is required for the permission group to view any dashboard. For students, we recommend no default dashboard so the Entry Page text set in Web Adjustable Text is used.

  1. Go to Admin > Permissions.

  2. In the left-hand column, click the permission group.

  3. Click Edit Group.

  4. In Default Dashboard, select the dashboard.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Dashboard design and behavior


Show based on workflow categories

Some dashboards contain tiles, individual squares that dynamically show how many of certain tasks are assigned to you. Administrators can adjust the tiles shown to align with your institution’s business practices based on workflow category.

A workflow’s category is found on the workflow definition.

  1. Go to All Users > Workflow Definitions.

  2. Next to the workflow click the pencil.

  3. Review the Category.

    This workflow has a category of X, academic alert.

For example, you may want to show admissions counselors the emails they’re expected to send (category E), but hide missing applicant documents (category M) because your counselors aren’t responsible for following up about missing application materials.

To control the categories shown on the dashboard:

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter Dashboard.

  3. Next to Dashboard, Seq 1, Parm 1, click the pencil.

  4. Locate the parameter value associated with the dashboard.


Parameter Value


Parameter Value



Student Services




Student Financials


Financial Aid




  1. In parameter value, list, separated by commas, the workflow activity categories associated with the tiles you wish to display. A maximum of five categories may be entered.

    As delivered, Campus Cafe includes the following workflow categories; you may adjust these or add new ones to suit your business needs.


Workflow Activity Category Description


Workflow Activity Category Description










Missing Documents





In this example, the admissions dashboard is configured to show five titles corresponding with five workflow categories A, D, E, M and S.
  1. Click Save.

  2. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Limit tasks based on workflow type

In addition to a category, workflows have a type. You can further refine which tasks show within a tile by limiting them to those with certain workflow types. The workflow type appears on the workflow definition. Go to Admin > Workflow Definitions and next to the workflow click the pencil and review Type.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter Dashboard.

  3. Next to Dashboard, Seq 3, Parm 1, click the pencil.

  4. Locate the parameter value associated with the dashboard.

  5. In parameter value, list, separated by commas, the workflow types you wish the tiles to include.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Activities shown on a tile

Each tile shows the number of activities within the tile. Assigning an activity itself to the logged in user does not make the activity appear on a dashboard tile; the applicant or student must be mapped to the logged in user as an admissions counselor or advisor or you must have permission to view activities assigned to admissions other counselors.

By default, tiles on the admissions and financial aid dashboards show activities where the completed date is blank. To hide activities once they are submitted by the applicant or student:

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter APPSTATCAT.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 2 enter the workflow category values separated by commas that won’t appear once submitted. See above chart of delivered categories.

  5. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache

Which dashboard shows your students

Which dashboard shows your students depends on your advisor type. Campus Cafe supports four advisor types. A student’s advisor is mapped to them by going to the student > Person Selected > Student Codes. Your institution may label each advisor type but you’ll always see the student’s advisors listed in order.

By default:

  • Advisor 1 advisees appear on the Student Services Dashboard

  • Advisor 2 advisees appear on the Financial Aid Dashboard

  • Advisor 3 advisees appear on the Student Finances Dashboard

  • Advisor 4 advisees appear on the Placement Dashboard

Change which advisor type maps to which dashboard

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter DASHADVISE.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter the advisor numbers that should show on the Student Services dashboard. For example, look at the image below. If you wanted people assigned as Student Affairs Counselors and Career Advisors to see their advisees on the Student Services dashboard, you’d enter 1,4 because these are advisors in the one and four positions.

  5. In Parameter Value 2 enter the advisor numbers that should show on the Financial Aid dashboard. For example, look at the image above. If you wanted people assigned as Financial Aid Counselors to see their advisees on the Financial Aid dashboard, you’d enter 2 because these are advisors in the two position.

  6. In Parameter Value 3 enter the advisor numbers that should show on the Student Financials dashboard. For example, look at the image above. If you wanted people assigned as Financial Services Specialist to see their advisees on the Student Financials dashboard, you’d enter 3 because these are advisors in the third position.

  7. In Parameter Value 3 enter the advisor numbers that should show on the Placement dashboard. For example, look at the image above. If you wanted people assigned as Career Advisors to see their advisees on the Placement dashboard, you’d enter 4 because these are advisors in the fourth position.

  8. Click Save.

Which applicants shown

Based on admissions progress code

You may want to show on the admissions dashboard only those individuals who have reached a certain stage in the admissions process based on admissions progress code. For example, you may wish to hide on the dashboard those applicants who have withdrawn or been rejected.

Choose which progress codes to hide.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter ADMDASHPRG.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter, separated by commas, admissions progress codes to hide. Activities associated with individuals with these codes won’t appear on the dashboard. For example entering AW,CW,IW,LW,PW,YR,YW will hide inquiries and applicants who have withdrawn or been rejected.

Admissions Progress Code


Admissions Progress Code





Withdrawn, Accepted


Conditional Accept


Withdrawn, Conditional Accept






Withdrawn, Inquired




Withdrawn, Lead




Withdrawn, Deposited






Applied, Rejected


Withdrawn, Applied



  1. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Based on timeframe

You may wish to limit activities on the dashboard to only those individuals who inquired, applied, were accepted or deposited within a certain number of previous days.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter Dashboard.

  3. Next to Dashboard, Seq 1, Parm 1, click the pencil.

  4. Locate the Parameter Value 1 enter a number of days. Individuals who inquired, applied, were accepted or deposited more than this many days ago won’t show.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Based on entering semester

In addition to or instead of limiting the applicants shown by when they initiated their interest in your institution, you may wish to limit the dashboards to showing only individuals interested in certain semesters. For example, you may only want to show individuals interested in future semesters.

  1. Go to Admissions > Control.

  2. In Entering Semester select a semester. Inquiries and applicants with this semester or after will show on the admissions dashboard. To have this control not apply, select semester 999999.

  3. Click Save.

Which students/advisees shown

For students/advisees to show on a dashboard, the logged in user must be mapped as the student's advisor. In addition, the user logged in must belong to a permission group where permission #1234 is explicitly set to NA.

By default, students/advisees shown on non-admissions dashboards represent individuals whose degree status is blank, enrolled (E), active-not enrolled (A) or leave of absence (L).

Choose which degree statuses to show:

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter DASHDEGSTA.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter, separated by commas, degree progress codes to show.

Degree Progress Code

Short Description 

Long Description

Degree Progress Code

Short Description 

Long Description



The degree row has been auto created from admissions and the student has not been enrolled in any classes yet.


Active-Not Enrolled

The student is active but not currently enrolled in a class. An active student represents one whose academic degree remains open. The student is not enrolled and has not been explicitly withdrawn from the degree or graduated.



The student has completed the program, but has not yet officially graduated (been conferred).



The student is enrolled in at least one class without a final grade.



The student changes academic programs within the same degree level. The former row is marked inactive rather than withdrawn because the student did not technically withdraw from the institution.


Leave of Absence

The student is on an approved leave of absence.


No Start

The individual never began the degree, but a record is desired to be kept.



The student has withdrawn from the degree and the institution.


Degree Conferred

The student has officially graduated and been conferred the degree.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Placement dashboard students shown

For the Placement/Gainful Employment Dashboard two controls are available to customize what students are shown.

Choose which degree statuses to show:

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter DASHPLACEM.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 1 enter, separated by commas, degree progress codes to show. See above chart for codes.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Choose which students to show by program end date:

You may want to limit this dashboard to students with only program end dates from a certain date and forward. For example, setting the date far enough in the future would prevent freshmen from appearing on the dashboard.

  1. Go to Admin > Custom Control.

  2. In Search enter DASHPLACEM.

  3. Click the pencil.

  4. In Parameter Value 2 a date as YYYYMMDD. For example, 20241231 would show everyone expected to graduate December 31, 2024 and after. Leaving this value blank will show all students with a program end date six months prior to today and after.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

Default semester

The default semester is controlled by the permission group to which the user belongs. 

  1. Go to Admin > Permissions.

  2. In the left-hand column, click the permission group.

  3. Click Edit Group.

  4. In Default Semester, select the semester.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Go to Admin > Refresh Data Cache.

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