Gather Existing Data

Gathering existing data overview

If your institution plans to move existing data about students, faculty, staff, donors or others to Campus Cafe, this data must be gathered and provided to Campus Cafe. The specific data imported is unique to each institution's contract.

It is the customer's responsibility to gather data. 

This article provides a general guideline for approaching the data gathering process along with key data required. The key data is not an exhaustive list but provided to assist with planning purposes. Institutions should consider where this data lives and who has the ability to extract the data when developing a timeline for sending data to Campus Cafe. Institutions may wish to consider bringing in outside consultants who are experts in the existing system to assist them in gathering and formatting the data.

Data formats

Data can be stored in any number of software systems ranging from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to enterprise student information systems. Sometimes data is stored in multiple systems or places. When gathering data, it is important to consider all the places the data may reside and identify who on the institution's team can extract data from each place. For example, academic data (classes, grades, etc.) may reside in a student information system but financial aid data (disbursement details, loan IDs, etc.) reside with a third-party financial aid servicer.

Below are common ways that institutions may submit data:

  • Spreadsheets produced from Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or from an extract of a current system. 

  • SQL database backup (.bak file) is a file produced from a system that stores data ins a SQL database. Many systems have a method to download or extract the .bak file typically through a backup process. The software vendor alternatively may provide this as a service or by request. Institutions should consult their current system's documentation and/or support to evaluate whether a database backup is possible. It is important the database backup contain all the information to be imported into Campus Cafe.

  • Zip files are a collection of other files compressed to save space. The files may be spreadsheets or other file formats. Some systems will backup as a zip file. Institutions should consult their current system's documentation and/or support to evaluate whether a zip export is possible. It is important the zip file contains all the information to be imported into Campus Cafe.

  • Salesforce permits the creation of backup zip file. Refer to Salesforce documentation. It is important the zip file contains all the information to be imported into Campus Cafe.

  • Microsoft Access produces a database backup file. Refer to Microsoft documentation. It is important the backup contain all the information to be imported into Campus Cafe.

Module-specific information

Each Campus Cafe module contains a unique set of of data. Institutions may choose to convert some or all modules.

Biographical Data

For institutions importing only biographical information (names, address, emails, etc.) of individuals, Campus Cafe provides a template spreadsheet. The institution should place its data in the spreadsheet following the template guidelines and return the sheet to Campus Cafe.

For institutions converting other modules, the biographical data may be provided in spreadsheet form or, more often, as part of the database provided.

Biographical data does not include any notes associated with the individuals.

Key data 

  • ID Number

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Birthday

  • Phone Number(s)

  • Email

  • Race

  • Gender

Admissions data

Admissions data contains information about the inquiries and applicants. Campus Cafe does convert actual applications.

Admissions data does not include any notes associated with the inquiries or applicants.

Key data 

  • Inquiry Data

  • Application Date

  • Application Status/Decision (inquired, applied, accepted, denied, etc.)

  • Lead/Application Source (open house, college fair, Google, etc.)

  • Admissions Counselor

Transcript data

Transcript data contains a student's academic record as it appears on the transcript.

Transcript data does not include any notes (advising, academic, etc.) associated with the individuals.

Key data

  • Semesters (start date, end date)

  • Courses (titles, credits, catalog description)

  • Classes (semester scheduled, instructor, credits)

  • Student Enrollments (class, semester, grade)

  • Student Transfer Credit

  • Statuses (Dean's List, academic probation, etc.)

Attendance data

Attendance is a history of when students attended class or were absent.

Key data

  • Dates Courses Met

  • Hours/minutes Student Attended Per Each Class

  • Attendance Note (excused absence, tardy, etc.)

Alumni data

Alumni data encompasses two components: donor information and student/graduate job placement data 

Alumni data does not include any notes (advising, gift, etc.) associated with the individuals.

Key data for donor information

  • Donor First Name

  • Donor Last Name

  • Donor Phone

  • Donor Address

  • Donor Email

  • Donation (Gift) Amount

  • Donation (Gift) Date

  • Donation (Gift) Type

  • Donation (Gift) Fund

Key data For placement information

  • Student Employer

  • Employer Name

  • Employer Address

  • Employment Related to Field

  • Verification Source of Employment

Student ledger data

Student ledgers contain information found on a student's billing statement. It does not include the underlying financial aid award data such as individual disbursement information.

Ledger data does not include any notes associated with the individuals.

Key data

  • Date of transaction

  • Transaction code (tuition charge, payment, Pell grant, etc.)

  • Transaction amount

Financial aid data

If importing financial aid, institutions must also import student ledgers. Financial aid includes more detailed information about the financial aid transactions. For example, the individual disbursement gross and net amounts and the individual disbursement numbers and COD details.

Key data

  • Award (Pell, Direct Loan, etc.)

  • Award Year

  • Award Payment Period

  • Award Scheduled Date

  • Award Disbursement Date

  • Award COD Disbursement Number

  • Award COD Release Status

Activities (Notes)

Activities is a module in Campus Cafe that stores items associated with an individual. Campus Cafe stores notes about an individual in this module. Activities will only be imported for individuals who are otherwise being imported into the system. For example, if donors are not being imported in the system, no donor notes will be implemented.

Key data

  • Date of Note

  • Note Title

  • Note Content

Housing data

The housing module in Campus Cafe stores the student's residence hall (dorm) and room as well as other information such as a dorm phone number.

Housing data does not include any notes associated with residents.

Key data

  • Housing Assignment (dorm and dorm room)

  • Semester of Housing Assignment