Copy Courses

Copy Courses

About copy courses

You may offer similar classes each semester so Campus Cafe lets you duplicate your entire class schedule from one semester to another. Institutions may also duplicate all courses with the same section number to a different section number.

This process cannot be undone once initiated.


  • If copying from semester to semester, configure Semester Dates for the semester to which you are copying courses. 

  • If copying courses associated with a site, configure semester dates for each site that will be copied.

  • Establish a Registration Control record for the semester and all sub-semesters to which you are copying courses to.

  • To copy faculty based on whether they are full time or part time, they must be categorized as such on their faculty information screen.

Required permissions









Copy courses

Copy courses from semester to semester

This process copies course sections from one semester to another semester. Use when you are “rolling” courses from one semester to a future semester.

  1. Go to Registrar > Course Finder.

  2. Click Copy Courses.

  3. In Copy From Semester, select the semester to duplicate.

  4. You can either copy all course sections in the semester or just those in a sub-semester. To copy all course sections including those not affiliated with a sub-semester, select Copy All Sub-Semesters or, to copy only one sub-semester, select in Sub-semester the sub-semester to copy.

  5. In To New Semester, select the semester in which the duplicated course sections will be scheduled.

  6. In Copy Semester Dates Information For Site, select the site to duplicate. Only course sections affiliated with this site will duplicate. To copy all course sections, including those not affiliated with a site, select No site (site 0).

  7. Select whether to copy the day and time of course sections. Selecting this will also copy the Room entered on the course Location tab.

  8. Select whether to copy only courses within a particular Department - failure to select one department will copy all courses within any department associated with the selected semester. Selecting a department will copy only courses designated to that department within the selected semester.

  9. Select whether to copy full and/or part time faculty. Note for this feature to work, faculty must be classified as full or part time on the Faculty Info screen.

  10. Click Copy.
    Please note that if you do not select a site, you will receive an error that the process failed. However, the courses will have, indeed, copied.

Copy courses within a semester

This process duplicates all courses of the specified section number within a semester to a new section number. Use this process to save time if you offer many sections of courses where the basic data about all sections is the same. For example, if your entire schedule was MATH 101, Section 1, ENGL 102, Section 1 and GLASS 501, Section 1 and ENGR 308, Section 2 you could tell Campus Cafe to copy everything with section 1 and make new sections with section number 2, thereby duplicating all your sections except ENGR 308 in one swoop.

The process doesn’t overwrite or update an existing sections.

  1. Go to Registrar > Course Finder.

  2. Click Copy Courses.

  3. In Copy From Semester, select the semester.

  4. You can either copy all course sections in the semester or just those in a sub-semester. To copy all course sections including those not affiliated with a sub-semester, select Copy All Sub-Semesters or, to copy only one sub-semester, select in Sub-semester the sub-semester to copy.

  5. In To New Semester, select the same semester.

  6. In Copy From Section select the section number to duplicate. All courses in the selected term with this section number will duplicate.

  7. In To New Section box enter the section number the new course sections will have. All courses copied will be assigned this section number.

  8. In Copy Semester Dates Information For Site, select the site to duplicate. Only course sections affiliated with this site will duplicate. To copy all course sections, including those not affiliated with a site, select No site (site 0).

  9. Select whether to copy the day and time of course sections. Selecting this will also copy the Room entered on the course Location tab.

  10. Select whether to copy full and/or part time faculty. Note for this feature to work, faculty must be classified as full or part time on the Faculty Info screen.

  11. Click Copy.
    Please note that if you do not select a site, you will receive an error that the process failed. However, the courses will have, indeed, copied.

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