About monthly release notes
Campus Cafe continually deploys new versions of its platform with enhancements and fixes with upcoming changes noted below.
For notes prior to this calendar year, visit Archived Monthly Release Notes.
Release schedule
Campus Cafe typically deploys new versions each month. No action on behalf of the customer is required. The platform will be unavailable for roughly 15 minutes during the upgrade.
Version updates
Version: January (Expected Release Date: 2/3/25-2/7/25)
Module | Category | Case | Description | Documentation |
Academic | Enhancements | DEV-2424 | Added Custom Control LABEL_CREDITS 1-1 to re-term academic units, such as Credit Hours to Clock Hours, throughout the system. Added Custom Control LABEL_CREDITS 1-2 to re-term abbreviated academic units, such as the Credit Hour abbreviation of Crd to Clk, throughout the system. | |
Academic | Enhancements | DEV-2538 | Updated the Plan of Study page UI and Color scheme to increase readability. | |
Academic | Enhancement | DEV-2526 | Added two new Custom Controls (WEBPAYMENT 2-9 and WEBPAYMENT 2-10) that will define a specific billing code used in a Credit Card or ACH transaction based on the student’s site. If values exist in these controls, it will override the default billing code values in WEBPAYMENT 2-1 and/or the credit card code directly on the bill code. | |
Academic | Bug | DEV-2581 | Fixed an issue when copying a Session Data record to a new semester, when the source term had a blank major, it was not properly copying the major code into the new session record. | |
Academic | Bug | DEV-2517 | Added new custom controls TRANS_IMOF, TRANS_IMUN, TRANS_IMOF_LAND, TRANS_IMUN_LAND for the Post-Secondary Two Column transcript format to control the transcript background image positioning (X,Y). | |
Academic | Bug | Fixed an issue where invalid degree level values were causing the GPA Processor to not calculate students' GPA’s properly. | ||
Academic | Bug | DEV-2567 | Added the permission 2023 for the issue where an administrator with permission to see a students' degree audit or enrollment history page could not see the links on a students profile if a student had a hold restricting it. | |
Accounting/General Ledger | Change | DEV-2557 | G/L Control to open and close periods will always show when a user has permission to do so. The open/close functionality will no longer be dependent based on a specific year input. | |
Admissions | Enhancement | DEV-2497 | Added a new checkbox for Sign-Up-Now (one stop shop) on Admissions Form configuration page to Skip the payment page and direct the user to their permission groups default dashboard portal page. | |
Advancement/ | Enhancement | DEV-2560 | When a gift is received for a constituent; if a reciprocal relationship exists for the donor a soft credit will be added to the reciprocal account. (e.g. If a Wife has a reciprocal relationship created with a husband WIF:HUS or WIF:HUS; if a gift is created on the wife’s account a soft credit will be added to the husband’s account.) | |
Activity Tracking/CRM | Enhancement | DEV-2525 | When adding a new activity to a group of students through the finders, a user can now add/override a “Due Date” to the newly added activity for all students. If left blank, it will default to the original due date logic. | |
Activity Tracking/CRM | Bug | DEV-2575 | Fixed an error message relating to the new Multi-Application Admissions support feature when adding a new activity template to an inquiry when no application existed for the inquiry. | |
Financial Aid | Enhancement | DEV-2481 | Redesigned Disbursement Term Rules to be rule based with creation of disbursements all on one page, rather than record-by-record to increase ease of creating and editing new rules. New filtering options have also been added to the Term Rules page to more easily find rules to edit. Quick editing of individual fields in the data gird has been added to all fields for a specific term rule and all disbursements for that rule. Updated year-to-year copy function that copies rules more quickly. | |
Financial Aid | Enhancement | DEV-2284 | Links to Cost of Attendance and F/A Transaction Listing pages have been added to the F/A Packaging data grid to more quickly navigate through a student’s packaging pages to increase efficiency of workflow. When a student is U-Unpackaged it will show a link to Launch Person. When a student has been P-Packaged it will show a link to the Aid Listing page directly. A link from the F/A Listing page to the FinAid Packaging page has been adjusted to be more visible to link back to the packaging page for a student. COA link has been added to the data grid to quick view and manually adjust a calculated COA budget for a student. | |
Financial Aid | Enhancement | DEV-2546 | When adding an award manually, the academic year start/end dates for disbursement #1 of the new award will now copy to the Award Dates field to prevent missing award/loan period dates that cause errors when originating/disbursing. | |
Financial Aid | Enhancement | DEV-2583 | Increased the Award Code Description to allow for 30 characters; up from 20 character limit. | |
System/UI | Change | DEV-2549 | Updated Person Header Quick Search to prevent it from searching for text previously searched while typing new text to increase efficiency. | |
System/UI | Change | DEV-2542 | Updated G/L Lookup page UI to system standard format. | |
Third-Party Integrations | Enhancement | DEV-2576 | Added SSO login support for dual Microsoft email Active Directory Tenants running in tandem. Cost is associated with this customized setup. | |
Third-Party Integrations | Bug | DEV-2572 | Adjusted Authorize.net auto-payment processing to more accurately handle invalid commands that Authorize.net sends periodically to Campus Cafe causing transactions to not be processed.
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Third-Party Integrations | Bug | DEV-2591 | Fixed an issue with the GFAS where when a student was at a withdrawn degree status, in some instances it was populating the withdraw date on the GFAS export with the degree end date instead of the Degree Status Date | |
Database Changes | Fields Added/Changed: FA_SCHEDULE_PELL & FA_SCHEDULE_STAFFORD have been updated with 2026 packaging limit schedules FAWCOD – Expand description to 30 characters Added Table TRK_STRIPE_TXLOG Added Table TRK_STRIPE_EVENTLOG Custom Control Added/Changed: Added: TRANS_IMUN, Seq 1, Parms 5-8 TRANS_IMUN_LAND, Seq 1, Parms 5-8 TRANS_IMOF, Seq 1, Parms 5-8 TRANS_IMOF_LAND, Seq 1, Parms 5-8 WEBPAYMENT 2-9 = COMMA SEP LIST OF SITE-BILL CODE FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENT OF COURSES (E.X. 1-CC1,2-CC2),BLANK DEFAULTS TO WEBPAYMENT 2,1 WEBPAYMENT 2-10 COMMA SEP LIST OF SITE-BILL CODE FOR ACH PAYMENT OF COURSES (E.X. 1-ACH1,2-ACH2) IF NOT SET DEFAULTS TO WEBPAYMENT 2,1 Updated: WEBPAYMENT 4-2 description updated to 'PAYMENT API NAME OPTIONS - PAYPAL_FORM, PAYPAL_REST, HEARTLAND_ECSI_ASYNC_FORM, AUTHORIZE_NET_FORM, STRIPE_FORM' Web App Config: Added: 'STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY' - 'Publishable Key generated in Stripe web interface and used this key, when application ready to launch Stripe payment element' 'STRIPE_SECRET_KEY' - 'Secret Key used to generated in Stripe web and used this to authenticate requests on your server.' ‘STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SIGNING_KEY’ - 'Secret Key used to in Webhook to authenticate requests on your server.' Adjustable Text Maintenance Fields: Added: ‘STRIPE_PAYMENT_FORM' - 'STRIPE PAYMENT FORM LOOK AND FEEL CSS ’ 'STRIPE_RECEIPT' - 'STRIPE RECEIPT FORM LOOK AND FEEL CSS ' |
Version: December (Expected Release Date: 1/8/25-1/17/25)
Module | Category | Case | Description | Documentation |
Academic | Enhancements | DEV-2121 | Added functionality to automatically adjust a student’s current degree/major part-time code based on the number of credit hours in the current enrolled semester.
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Academic | Enhancements | DEV-2493 | Added Plan of Study Action from Prospects Finder. This now allows institutions to apply and process plan of studies for applied students to help advisors with enrollment. This also allows for those applied students can be taken into account for Anticipated Course Scheduling Reports. | |
Academic | Enhancement | DEV-1549 | Degree Status changes will now automatically trigger Degree Status Date update. e.g. when a student graduate, withdraws, or drops from their last course, the degree status date will update accordingly to the new status. | |
Academic | Enhancement | DEV-2242 | Added new Custom Controls TRANS_SHOW_LDA and TRANS_SHOW_REENTRYDATE to hide/show LDA and Re-Entry Dates on a student's transcript. | |
Academic | Enhancement | DEV-2504 | Added new Custom Control TRANS_PAGE 1-2 to allow alternative monospaced font types. Note: Only Monospaced font types are supported. Using a non-monospaced font type will result in the transcript to be unreadable. Currently tested fonts are: cour.ttf and consola.ttf. Font must be installed on the institution’s environment to be used or a blank transcript will be displayed. Campus Cafe suggests using consola.ttf for the custom control if a San Serif font type is desired. Added new Custom Control TRANS_PAGE 1-3 to adjust Transcript Font Size. Note: Adjusting the font too large or too small in conjunction with the selected monospaced font type could result in data being printed off the page. | |
Academic | Change | DEV-2416 | Updated the Semester Date Maintenance UI to the more modern format. | |
Academic | Change | DEV-2529 | Upload assignment grades through spreadsheet process adjusted to accept .csv file format and support ID numbers with leading zeros. | |
Academic | Bug | DEV-2494 | Fixed an issue where the bolding of headings on the 2-column transcript was incorrect. | |
Academic | Bug | DEV-2466 | Fixed an issue on the GPA History Listing page being sorted incorrectly. | |
Academic | Bug | DEV-2457 | Fixed an issue where certain mid-term/deficiency grades were not showing up in the grade selection. | |
Academic | Bug | DEV-2515 | Fixed an issue where certain faculty were unable to see their course schedules. | |
Academic | Bug | DEV-2534 | Input change to prevent errors and page timeouts when a course scheduled dates are created with the year 3000 or beyond. | |
Accounting/General Ledger | Bug | DEV-2325 | Fixed an issue that was not allowing a G/L period to be closed. | |
Accounting/General Ledger | Change | DEV-2509 | Added new Custom Control APCHECK 1-8 = Y to adjust the Check Printing font to Courier New to align with “Positive Pay” anti-fraud check format checking. | |
Admissions | Enhancement | DEV-2148 | Added the ability to manage multiple applications for a student at one time. Prior to this update a former application would be archived to “read-only”. Now admissions users have the ability to make a prior application active and usable. When making a former application active, the admissions activities associated with the active application will appear on the Application Status page accordingly. | |
Admissions | Enhancement | DEV-2502 | In relation to last months increase of custom question workflow length to 30 characters; the “inquirysource” Lead API field length has also been increased to 30 characters to accommodate longer source names. | |
Admissions | Change | DEV-2536 | Updated the Inquiry History Listing page to be more efficient. | |
Admissions | Bug | DEV-1760 | Fixed an issue where 2nd and 3rd Degree Major/Minors were not populating from a student’s application when a new degree record was created. | |
Advancement/ | Change | DEV-2399 | Updated Alumni module terminology to “Advancement” align with industry standard terminology. Updated “Alumni” term to “Constituents.” | |
Advancement/ | Bug | DEV-2513 | Fixed a permission that allowed a user to add a constituent from the gifts page even if they did not have permission to do so. | |
Financial Aid | Enhancement | DEV-1757 | Added the Monthly SAS “Reconciliation” comparative report tab to the F/A COD Documents page. After uploading a SAS reconciliation file (fixed length or comma-separated file), it will review the amounts that are listed in the file to the amounts disbursed in the financial aid module specifically and not to the A/R Ledger. Please note that this will look for a match based on student SSN, Award, Award Year, and Sequence number for comparing amounts. It’s possible that a user can make an adjustment or a pending adjustment to a disbursement, which will increment the sequence number to a non-matching sequence number; this will cause it to be reported as a sequence number mismatch to the reported SAS file. | |
Financial Aid | Enhancement | DEV-2451 | Added the ability to create a non-ISIR based manual packaging record for a batch of students from the student finder. A user can now pull a list of students from the student finder, use the “To a F/A Packaging” to then create a batch a non-ISIR packaging records to be able to package a student before an ISIR is received. | |
Financial Aid | Change | DEV-2469 | Constrained the SQL query functions on the advanced Scholarship/Other Packaging rules to prevent errors. | |
Financial Aid | Bug | DEV-2468 | Fixed a packaging page display error when an advanced Scholarship/Other Packaging rule runs into a conflict trying to award a duplicate award. | |
Financial Aid | Bug | DEV-2466 | Fixed an issue where Single-Term/Half Year Unsub loan packaging was being prorated incorrectly. | |
Financial Aid | Bug | Fixed an issue where acceptance of financial aid was not saving. | ||
Financial Aid | Bug | DEV-2520 | Fixed an issue with the F/A Upload by Spreadsheet process not allowing awards to be changed to zero dollar amounts. | |
Student Financials | Enhancement | DEV-2523 | Added new AR Override CC-GL-Fund field to Billing Transaction Code Maintenance page to specifically assign the transaction’s AR account that it should be associated with; this field will override the default G/L receivables account listed on the General Ledger Funds detail page for the associated fiscal year. This allows for alternative Receivable GL’s to be used for specific transactions. | |
System/UI | Enhancement | DEV-1841 | Updated the Email Authentication detail page to be more user friendly. | |
System/UI | Enhancement | DEV-2206 | Support for individualized Gmail Email address authentication has been added. | |
System/UI | Change | DEV-2535 | Updated the Audit Log page to process more efficiently. | |
System/UI | Bug | Fixed an issue where sometimes it would require a user to login twice. | ||
Third-Party Integrations | Bug | DEV-2522 | Fixed an issue where Brightspace integration was not properly creating a course when the adjusted begin date was crossing over into a different year. | |
Third-Party Integrations | Bug | DEV-2492 | Fixed an issue where the manual Time Attendance upload button for CourseKey was not showing. | |
Third-Party Integrations | Bug | Fixed a Blackboard password creation issue. | ||
Database Changes | Fields Added/Changed: Expanded ALRELA.SEQ_NUMBER field to allow for more characters Added the following fields to STMAJR:
Added the following fields to BILCOD