Billing Rules Interface

About billing rules interface

Campus Cafe doesn’t recommend adopting the legacy Billing Rules Interface because Billing Charges offers more flexibility. Documentation is provided for reference only.

Billing rules allow a simple way to bill by major (concentration) or billing site and semester.


Create rules

  1. Go to Financials > Billing Rules.

  2. Click New Billing Charge.

Charge Group: This field contains the charge group.  If billing by major/concentration, enter the major here.  If billing by site, enter an M + the billing site.  

Charge Group Type:  This field can be left blank or set to TUITANDFEE, HOUSING, MEALPLAN to allow for sorting of the billing rules grid.

Charge Semester:   This field contains the semester for which the charge applies.

Billing Code: This field contains the billing code to which the charge will be applied. The corresponding transaction codes determines to which general ledger number the charge is applied. No two charges within one billing rules can have the same transaction code including transaction codes from the Course Fee Table or an error will occur. Mutually exclusive charges in the same billing rules can have the same transaction code, however, as only one charge will result from the billing rules processing. For example, a charge that has an overall max credit threshold of 11.99 and the other charge has a minimum credit threshold of 12 can have the same transaction code associated within the same billing rules.

Amount: This field contains the amount to bill the student.

Begin and End Start Dates: 

The begin and end start dates are used to allow for different fees based upon the start date of the student.  The default start date is the student’s degree start date.    If using the degree start date, the start date can be overridden in the degree by filling in an alternate date in the field Degree Billing Start Date.


A custom control (BILLDEPST, Sequence 1, Parameter 1) exists to allow users to specify if this parameter is Y, that the start date for billing is based upon the Admissions Deposit Date.   


This date is most commonly used to grandfather tuition rates based upon a student degree start date.    For example, if tuition for students starting prior to 6/30/2023 is 1000 and those starting after this date get a rate of 1500.   You can create a charge of 1000, with an end start date of 6/30/2023 and those students whose start date is 6/30/2023 and earlier will be charged 1000.    You would also create a charge with a begin start date of 7/1/2023 for 1500 and students whose start date is on or after 7/1/2023 will get the rate of 1500.   Because the start dates make the charges mutually exclusive, students would only receive one charge.

Min Credit for Fee: This field contains a minimum number of total credits that the student must be enrolled in to receive this charge.  If the student’s total credits are greater than or equal to this value, the student will be charged this amount. If this field is left at 0.00 or blank there is no minimum number of credits associated with the charge, therefore overall minimum credits will not be a factor in determining if the student is billed. Note: No charge will be applied if the student is not enrolled and the charge is not non-reversible. Not enrolled is defined as zero total credits and zero enrollments. This field is also used as the minimum/maximum threshold when processing an Up To or In Excess Of Charge (U or X in the XCred filter.)

Max Credit for Fee: This field contains a maximum number of total credits that the student can be enrolled in and still receive this charge. If the student’s total credits are less than or equal to this value, this threshold test resolves to true and the student will be charged this amount if all other tests are true. If this field is left at 0.00 or blank, there is no maximum number of credits associated with the charge, therefore maximum credits will not be a factor in determining if the student is billed.

Full Time/Part Time:  This field has not functionality and is for notation only

Res: What categories of residents are charged; leave blank for the charge to apply to all students. Resident students are defined as those with a Session Data of ‘R’ or ‘M’ for the semester. Commuters are defined as students with a ‘C’ on the Session Data table.

Rule Code:  If a rule code is assigned, it will only be charged to those students whose session data for the charge semester has the rule code specified. Rules are defined in the Admin module, STParm Maintenance with the parameter code BIRULE.

Blank Rule Code Testable:  If this box is checked and no rule is specified, this charge applies to only those students without a billing rule applied. If this is not checked and a student has a rule, but there is no fee specified with the rule, the student will be charged this blank rule default charge.

Course Count Min: This field contains the minimum number of courses that the student is enrolled in that semester to receive this charge. If the student’s total number of courses is greater than or equal to the course count, the student will be charged this amount. If this field is left at 0 or blank, there is no minimum number of courses associated with the charge, therefore course count will not be a factor in determining if the student is billed.

Course Count Max: This field contains the maximum number of courses that the student is enrolled in that semester to receive this charge. If the student’s total number of courses is less than or equal to the course count, the student will be charged this amount. If this field is left at 0 or blank, there is no maximum number of courses associated with the charge, therefore course count will not be a factor in determining if the student is billed.

X Cred:

Proc Type: This identifies special logic based upon Process Type.  

Proc Type T - TUITION

This type is used for tuition charges which originate within the course as course fees (Type C), OR a tuition amount from the billing matrix.  The tuition handler (Type T) is only used if a course has an associated course fee, that will be charged.   If the course does not have an associated course fee, the per credit/course tuition from the billing rule will be charged.  

Proc Type C - COURSE FEE

The course handler (Type C) is used in order to charge tuition and a course fee (Type C in the course file).     This allows for a course fee from the course and a separate tuition amount to both be charged on a per course basis.   


Lab fees are entered in the course file with a type L and contain the transaction code, billing amount, and site.   You can override the transaction code in the course file, by entering a billing code within the billing rule.    Lab fees need to have the by enrollment checked.  You can also use filters such as min/max overall credits to determine students who are charged. 

Proc Type A - AUDIT

The Audit Type is used to bill courses taken as an Audit.   An audit course is a course that has a final grade which is flagged as an audit grade in the quality point maintenance in the registration module.   The bill code associated with the audit must not be the same as the one associated with flat rate/per course/by enrollment tuition.   Audits will not count towards billing of other fees outlined in the matrix.   Billing of audits can be turned off by setting custom control BI050B-2-3 to ‘N’.   If this parameter is set to ‘N’, courses with an audit grade will be billed the same as other enrollments.



The insurance type must be used in order to automatically reverse insurance charges for students who waived insurance and retain charges for students who have requested insurance.   The Health Insurance Code in the students session data record for the charge semester is used to record the waiving and requesting of insurance.   In addition Custom Control (MSPARM) BI050A, Sequence 3, parms 2,3,4 have to be filled out for the matrix to identify bill codes used for domestic/international insurance charges and the health insurance code which indicates a waiver.   Parameters 6 activates and parameter 7 identifies requested health insurance code for students who have indicated they would like to receive health insurance.



The tuition insurance type is used in order to automatically reverse tuition insurance charges for students who waive insurance and retain charges for students who have requested insurance.   If The Tuition Insurance Code in the session data record for the billing semester is ‘W’ (waived), tuition insurance will either not be billed or automatically be reversed the next time the matrix is run.   If The Tuition Insurance Code is ‘Y’ (requested), the charge will be charged and not reversed regardless of the charge filters (unless student is not registered for the semester).   To bill students who have requested insurance and are not enrolled, set Custom Control MSPARM TUIT_INSUR, sequence 1,parameter 1 to ‘Y’, 


Frequency: How often the charge occurs.

Blank (semester): the charge is assessed every semester

Annual: the charge is assessed once per year; a year is established by looking at the first four digits of the semester code, all semesters with the same four digits are treated as one year. . For example, if an orientation fee existed with an annual frequency and the student was billed in 201201, and the charge existed in the student's 201202 billing rules, the student would not be charged again.

Once Per Lifetime: the charge is assessed once during the student's career; once a student has been billed an amount using the associated transaction code, the student would not be charged in any subsequent semesters.

Sub Semester: 

Per Credit or Course:  This field determines how the charge is applied.    If this field is blank, it is a flat fee.    If this field is 1:Per Course, the fee is applied to each course.   If this field is 2:Per Credit, the amount is charged times the number of credits for the course.

Per Credit Over:

By Enr: Checking this box is used to identify charges that are billed based upon each individual enrollment. The per-enrollment flag can only be selected for charges that are processed per credit or per course (PROC = 1 or 2) or for the Lab Fee or Course Fee Handlers. For example, if a student was enrolled in AC101 for 3 credits but had a total of 12 credits, a tuition charge existed that was by enrollment, the corresponding per credit charge was a 2, the charge would be calculated based upon 3 credits (per individual enrollment) as opposed to 12 credits (overall credits per semester). There would be a separate per credit charge for each individual enrollment



Type: Type of billing procedure. See section on billing types.

CE: Set to Y for the charge to apply only to students whose continuing ed code is set to Y on their Applicant Detail screen.

NR: This setting is used to specify a charge as not refundable, or to specify where refund rates are to be obtained.

Blank is refundable

Y indicates a non-refundable charge, if a student drops all the courses and withdraws before stabilization, a charge with this flag set to Y, would not be automatically reversed. An example would be a registration fee that will not be reversed for a student who drops all courses.

C indicates refund percentages come from the course setup screen

S indicates refund percentages come from the semester maintenance screen

B indicates refund percentages are checked first in the course, then in the semester

Fresh: Checking this box specifies the charge should only be applied to students are freshmen. Freshmen are defined as students whose entering semester matches the semester billing rules semester and whose admission progress code equals P (deposited).

Excl. Art.: Checking this box specifies the charge should not be applied to students who are billed based upon artificial credits. Artificial Credits are used when running the billing rules and billing unenrolled freshmen.

Min Clock Hours:

Max Clock Hours:

Bill Site: Students tied to this bill site will be assessed this charge. The site is set on the student's session data screen.

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